Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 14-20

Hi Everyone,
Its me again.I slept from 8-12.Which is not to bad I guess.I was STARVING when I got up.I wouldn't be a good one to starve myself on purpose.When I get really hungry I end up eating more in the end.Im hoping I can hold out until dinner time.
It looks as if I will get a workout in.I am thinking about doing Muscle Max and cardio.I may just do a run today.I won't have much to think about.Just hop on the threadmill and go.I am going to try and have another quick nap around 4.I have to be at work again at 6:30.I am really going to try and right up my rotation tonight.I may even make it into a little graph and post it into my workout room.Then I can check off if I did it or not.
The guy I worked with last night, I didn't see.After the plane we had at 9,left I didn't see him anymore until 7 in the morning.Which was great b/c I like my own space and so on.BUT the guy I am going to be working with likes to hang out and I am not looking forward to that! I don't want to sit around with some guy for 10 hours and feel like I have to talk to him.As soon as he came in to work today he came in where I was and started talking.I was in no mood to talk 7 in the morning...after having little sleep.I don't know how to go about this b/c I don't want to hurt anyones feelings but I don't want to be stuck with a motor mouth everyday that I work.I don't mind chatting with someone for a while but not for hours on end.I tried to give him as little responses as I could today,hoping he would get the hint, but I don't think he did,
Anyway...just my luck.Im always dealing with crap like this.
Hi Everyone,

I did L&G yesterday but didn't get in any cardio. My son took a couple pictures of me so I will try to have him load them up to share. Kids are so much better at that sort of thing, and I work in IT. Not sure what I will be doing this weekend. My youngest son is turning 9 on Monday. We are taking him and his friends to see a movie this afternoon after his basketball game. Tomorrow we are having family over to celebrate his birthday. Busy weekend. And to make matters worse, it is TOM and I have no energy.

Talk to all soon,

Afternoon ladies!

Lori, that sucks about your job> i'm the same way when I'm just not in the mood to talk and someone else is. Will you be working with him a lot?

Back in the game this morning with Lowmax and one of the stretch workouts. All I can say is Lowmax is nothing to laugh at. Yes, I don't know that my heart rate got up as high as an Imax, but I also did not expect it to. What I didn't anticipate was how much it could fry my legs! I might even consider it a leg workout - anyone else done it? The stretch workout was good, although i have never worked out with resistance bands and think they are going to take some getting used to. Tomorrow will be HSC which I previewed.

Today I will buy both a heart rate monitor (I recently read that people who were the most successful in weight loss payed attention to their HR during a workout, since sometimes you feel like you're up there but your're really not) and tape measure. Is it important to take measurements each day?

I also sat down and made a rotation for 8 weeks, based on some of Cathe's old ones. I based it not on specific videos, but types of workouts so I can mix and match. Each week looks fairly similar, in terms of incorporating one circuit workout, one kickbox, one step, one interval, an upper body, a lower body, and off day. Some weeks replace the circuit with a total body weight workout, and some replace legs and UB with 2 total body workouts. It will allow for the use of almost all my videos. After I'm done with these weeks, I think I'll do weeks alternating cardio with vids like GS and PS. Basically, its an even mix of cardio and weights, which will benefit me 'cause left to my own devices, I pick cardio (probably why I wasn't seeing fast enought results before)

Sorry for the long post - just want to see what others think and hold myself to something!
Hi Gals,
Soundslike everyone is having a good day.I am back to work again.I think I sort of like the night shift.This weekend anyway.I am here all by myself,watching t.v,reading what you fine folks have posted today.Did you see the thread skinny actress? Man,desertbriez is a walking time bomb.She gonna blow!
I slept for 4 hours,got up had some toast and anything else I could find to eat,had my coffee and started working out.I was surprised at how much energy I had.I did Muscle Max,love that one, and then I did an interval run for 50 min.I then got into the tub and relaxed.I think I fell off to sleep again around 4 but it was far from a good nap.I just ate a good Turkey dinner,with all the trimmings.Just like christmas.I will need to it to b/c around 1 0'clock I will be starving again.
FFD-I think all of the cardio like workouts are leg workouts.Man they all burn.Imax 3 really gets in there good as well.I don't see the point in taking your measurements everyday.I think once or twice a month would be enough.Somedays you may retaining more fluid then others and you may get discouraged.

Later on when I get all of my work done,I am going to sit down and write up my rotation.
I will check back later,

You're right! She always seems ticked when she's on the boards. Did she really say something bad about Cedie? I don't know how you could criticize anyone who performs so well in Cathe's videos - she kicks butt!!! Funny how desertbriez was preaching about criticism and she is the only one I've seen actually go so far to critisize in a post...
I tried to post, but it didn't show up.

Anyway, I didn't read the skinny celebrity thread until now. desert seems young and naive to me.

I ran 3 miles today. Tomorrow I am doing lowmax again. Hopefully I will get better at it.

FFD, it seems like you are really having fun with your workouts. HSC is easier than I thought it would be. It's a nice workout. I do have trouble with real pushups and tuckjumps.

Lorihart, did you find a craft for your job? It sounds funny, that you are allowed to do a craft on the job. :) That may send a signal to people that you are busy. Do you like to read? Maybe that would pass the time when things are very slow.

Is everbody still in agreement that May 16 is our ending date?

I will check in, in the morning.

FFD- I saw a thread and I actually posted on it.I didn't notice who had wrote it.I thought it was rude and by the sound of the other post desert must have posted it.I only notice certain names.The thread said something along the lines of "is it just me, or does cedie look like she as weight on?".Not called for.When I posted there was only one other post.It was on the video discussion board.I replied saying,I thought she looked great and that I envy Jai's body the most out of the crew.I went back a the next day to see if I could find the post b/c I thought it was going to go up in flames, and I couldn't find it.Something must have happened and it got removed.

Lori-I am doing a cross stitch.Its a great pass time but I don't know if I will ever frame it.If I read I will fall right to sleep but on my way to work tonight I did pick up the new Oxygen mag.

may 16th sounds good to me.It won't be long comming but it seems so far away.Imagine,the grass will be showing by then:)
Morning ladies!

I realized yesterday I posted a question wrong. I accidentally asked about taking measurements everyday (which would be really annoying, wouldn't it?). I meant, is it important to take them at the same time of day, like when you weigh?

Took my measurements (I think I did it correctly - taken around chest straight across breasts, where waist narrows, and across widest part of hips (a.k.a. the "saddlebags") - sound right? Also did around mid-arm and on thigh where the inner thigh muscle starts to bulge out (is that the right location?) Actually learned I've lost an inch around my waist since Thanksgiving! WW was working!

chest 34
waist 29
hips 39
right arm 12
left 12
right thigh 21 1/2
left 22
right calf 15
left 14 1/2

I don't know what goals I should have for arms - I know I'd like some inches to come off waist still (inch or 2) and hips. My thighs could probably lose a bit, maybe 1/2 to one inch. I'm actually not that unhappy with my measurements!

One more comment - my a&% is SORE TODAY!!! Lowmax is definitely a pretty significant leg workout! It feels great! Can I do HSC when sore???? That is the question...
Everybody's measurements look great!! Except mine :(. I am okay though. They will be much better by May.

FFD, I have doen HSC when sore, the only thing that bothers me was the leg presses, and maybe lunges. Maybe you could wait another day or so.

Today is lowmax for me. Have a great Sunday, I will check in later. :)

Good Morning Ladies,
Another long night at work punched.I was doing o.k until I heard the boss was comming in.Let me see is I can explain my job a bit better.I work at the airport.Its a refueling stop for private jets.Could be stars or it could be your average millionare:) Most of them come from the States or Europe.They stop,get off,get some fuel,a snack...etc...then they are on their way again.Sort of like if you were on a road trip and you had to stop to get gas.Except gas is cheaper!
In the night time only 2 of us work.One girl and one refueler.The refueler had a really big plane comming in last night and he needed two fuel trucks to refuel the plane so our boss had to come in and help, then he went home again.When I found out he was comming in, thats when I got sleepy.I was fine up until then.He left around 4:30 and I fell asleep at 4:30.:)
Thats how come I can get crafts done.Once you clean the place,do the little bit of work you have to do, and if you have no more jets,then there is nothing else for you to do until you get off at 8 in the morning.So I sit,watch t.v and cross stitch.

FFD-Our measurements are alot alike.How tall are you?

I still didn't get a rotation done.I think it is just going to be to complicated.I was trying to figure out what days I would have the most time and so on.Maybe I will try a gain tonight.
I am not sure what workout I will do today.It will just be abs and cardio.I may just run or do Imax 3.
I will check back later,
Hi ladies - glad we''l be starting a new thread tomorrow!

Did HSC today for the first time. I really like it! Those decline pushups were something! The resistance bands are pretty cool - you can really feel it with backwork! Unsure about triceps, need practice. Tomorrow will be an all cardio, probably step blast.

I also need to change my hip measurements to be one inch more - I think I'm taking them correctly. Do you put the tape measure around your butt or not? My saddlebags are lower than my butt, so I can't include both...Lori, I noticed our measurements are similar. Makes me wonder what I'm doing wrong! Where on the arms and legs do you measure? I measured what looked like the thickest part of my calf so that seems ok. I'm 5'6" and typically wear size 8. My body is wierd. I have a nice small waist and don't have big hips, but I don't have a small rear - not fat necessarily, but I definitely gain muscle there easily. I like my butt overall (could be firmer) but they do not make clothes for someone with my waist hip ratio!
Hi everyone,

Excuse my typing mistakes, because my arms are still shaking an hour after finishing Muscle Max. That's a pretty tough workout. I had to make myself workout today, but I feel so much better now. I'm going to post my measurements tomorrow, since the others are from a week ago and I'm hoping to have lost an inch or two. I'm also going to get dh to take a couple of pics, but sorry...I'm not posting them. :p Maybe when I get to my goal weight I'll show ya'll, but it's too embarrassing right now.:p

Is everyone off work tomorrow. I'm not, since I'm a SAHM. The kids and dh will be home, so I think we'll go catch a movie in the afternoon. BTW, I'm $120 richer, since I've made it 6 days on the diet. Do ya'll ever just want to eat everything in the house? That was me today. I didn't, but was a complete grump because I wanted to eat. ...that is until I worked out. :7


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