Summer Fitness Challenge Feb 14-20

Good Morning Ladies,
Its only 7 in the morning,12hours ago I did the GS UB DVDs and my body is comming to life.OUCH! Normally it takes me a little bit longer to feel sore.I think I may have to invest in some 25 lbs dumbbells.Never thought I'd say that!
If I get time today I am going to right up the rotation I will be doing.I wish there was a dvd player at work b/c when I am bored I could take coremax and stretch max with me.I guess I can take a couple of my older workouts and stick them in the VCR, do some extra ab work.
FFD-Im glad you are going to join us.I know what you mean about looking at the workouts every couple of hours.I still do!
Today I am planning on doing GS LEGS,and I am leaning towards doing IMAX 3.We will see how much energy I have.I also may have trouble getting the barbell over my head to do squats.My arms are comming to life as I write this.
Lori- I am going to do GS Legs today also. I hope to tack on some cardio after it too. We will see how fried my legs are. I can't believe you did all those workouts yesterday??? What did you spend working out, about 4 hours???

FFD- I would not move from a warm climate to a cold climate. The older I am, the more I dislike the snow. I am 41. I am so ready for spring right now!!! By the way, I live in MI.

Have a great day everyone.
FFD, I am glad you are joining. I visited Middlebury, it is beautiful. Didn't they film a Jim Carrey movie there?

I haven't worked out today yet. I am planning on running today and probably nothing else. Maybe some more upper body. I am not too sore today, I usually am. My shoulders are a little achey but that's about it.

Lorihart, I can't believe all of those workouts you did. Wow. They would have to call an ambulance for me. :)

To all interested: Here are the specifics for the 12 week challenge. If we begin this Monday, February 21, our end date will be on Monday, May, 16. It does seem like a long way off, but it will fly by. We will really start to have some nice warm weather, a real Summer challenge. We can post more pics in the meantime if we feel like it, or not.

Eating so far so good. I will check in later.

Hi Ladies,

I am sooooo looking forward to this 12 week challenge. Need some motivation!!! This morning I did CTX upper body, my arms were sore just driving in to work today. Will hit the cardio machines at lunch or run if it's at least in the 50's today.

I took my measurements on Feb. 14th also. I am really struggling with my diet. The morning starts out great everyday, it's late afternoon where I have my problems. I try to eat every 2 to 3 hours.
Anyway, as far as diet is concerned, I will make a committment each morning and just go day by day. The weight watchers program really helps keep me from overeating, but the afternoon snacking has got to go.

Lorihart-you rock-doing all those workouts in one day.

Have a great day everyone,

Good Evening Everyone,
I am looking forward to this 12 week challenge as well:) I have 6 weeks left to work both jobs so I am hoping to get some good workouts in,despite my time factor.
I am going to wait until tomorrow night to come up with a rotation.I will have lots of time.I was also thinking about doing some sort of crafts on my night shifts.It should make time go by faster.
Today I did GS Legs:eek: and the Interval workout from the HC Extreme dvd.It was great workout.I am pretty sore today.My abs are really sore to.I think it is from all of those push ups I did yesterday.I am also thinking of going for a run tonight.
We will see!!!
Hi everyone!

I just want to make sure we have all the activities of the 12 week challenge down pat. We are cutting carbs after lunch, right? What else? (Am I being lazy, is this somewhere in the list of posts?)

I am ready to get started! Due to traveling and increased volume at the clinic, no time to workout. Tomorrow or Saturday will be my first day back and I really hope to get back to 6 days a week!

Are we coming up with a rotation everyone will try to follow, or is everyone coming up with their own? How many of us have HC? If we're not developing one for everyone, I'm going to build one similar to January and February, incorporating HC...
Hi everyone! far, I've made $60. Woohoo!! I've been working out every day, too. I got a heart rate monitor and it said I burned 470 calories today. Do you think that's right? It sure does seem like a lot. Based on that...I figure I'll lose close to an extra lb. of fat a week from exercising. I haven't been weighing and don't think I will for a couple of weeks. I did take my measurements and will probably do that every week instead. My dh is doing WW with me, so that is helping some. The hard part will be this weekend when my daughter and I go to Disney on Ice and I see all that junk food...but I feel really encouraged, so I think I'll make it. Besides, if I get close to eating something, dd will remind me I'm on a diet. ...gotta love kids. :7

I haven't tried any of the HC Series yet. I've been so pressed for time, that I didn't want to have to go back at certain places to try to learn the steps. Instead I did some of them I knew already.

Have a great weekend, everyone!:7

Lee Anne
Good Morning Ladies,
I am going to start the challenge today.And I am super motivated! I haven't been this motivated in a long time. I am still going to wait until tonight to work on my rotation.I will have alot of free time on my hands and I can play around with it alot.
I went out and bought a measuring tape last night.Are we sharing our measurments? I will tell you mine, if you tell me yours:7 You go first!!!!! I took them and wrote them in my book.My plan is to weigh every week but only take measurements once a month or so.

FFD- I guess you have all of the info.I don't think you missed anything.I am going to try my best on the no carb thing but I know some days will be harder then others.I am comming up with my own rotation.I think I am going to change it every 3-4 weeks.

Lee Anne-If I had to depend on DH I wouldn't lose much weight.He would never remind me.He says he doesn't want me to get any smaller b/c my boobs will get smaller! What a pig!:) I agree with you on not having time to learn the workouts.I do the samething.I can manage to stick a Cathe workout in b/c she will always throw in something you are familiar with.But when I order workouts from other instructors
I need time to learn the steps.

I am not sure what todays workout will be.I would like to do a circuit workout but my arms are still sore from 2 days ago.And my legs are going to be comming to life soon from yesterday GS Legs.
I will post back later what I have done.
When should we start a new thread? When is everyone else starting? Are we going to stick to the same name or change it?
Just a few questions,
Ok, so we're doing the carb thing - I'd also like to recommend some water recommendations a la M&F hers. They recommend 500ml morning and lunch, then 250 ml with afternoon and dinner (there may be one more 500ml in there somewhere). I might buy Eating for Life to get more creative with recipes too.

And, everyone is coming up with some exercise plan for the next 12 weeks and we're doing some form of measurement - weighing, tape measure, both? Sounds good! I think I might share my measurements when I take them. I think it will help with accountability and also I think it can be good to heighten my awareness of where I want to be. Now, I may change my mind once I actually take my measurements...;-)

No workout today most likely - I have a party to go to this afternoon. Maybe tonight. But definitely tomorrow! Haven;t decided if I'll brave an unwatched HC or do one I know and preview a couple of those...
I had a horrible day yesterday. I didn't workout. I ate a bunch of oatmeal raisin cookies that my MIL baked for us. I was disgusted with myself so I threw the rest away after I scarfed down tons. I went to the grocery store later that day. I bought a loaf of sourdough bread that was fresh out of the oven, it was still warm. I ate just about the whole loaf, along with beef stew that I made.
I was feeling depressed about the whole thing so I ate a handful of semisweet chocolate chips. Isn't it pathetic?

The scale is up 2 pounds this morning. I have a lunch to go to today. It is seafood so I can choose wisely. I will order broiled fish.

I think we should still stick with the same name for the challenge. Just my opinion though, I am open.

Here are my measurements. Pretty embarrasing, but like FFD says, it's accountablility.

Height 5'10"
Bust 41"
Waist 33 1/2"
Hips 43 1/2"
Upper Arm left 13"
Upper Arm right 12 1/2"
Right thigh 23 3/4"
Left thigh 24"
Right calf 16 1/4"
Left calf 16 3/4"

I am keeping it very light today and getting in a run and upper body if it kills me. I will check in later.

Lori :)
You Guys!!!!!!!! Can I still be in the check in even if I am not doing your Challenge??? WW's is working so well for me, I don't want to mess up a good thing. My legs were fried yesterday after GS Legs, and then I did Imax 3, 1-5. I had a hard time, my legs would not go where I wanted them to go!!!! Today I am doing Low Max.
Hi Ladies,

I haven't worked out yet this morning but plan on doing L&G and trying Low Max for the 1st time. My MIL is have angioplasty so most of my day will be spent at the hospital with her.

It's OK Lori, we all have days like that. Mine will be next week during TOM.

Ate very well yesterday and did not snack in the afternoon. Now lets try that agagin for today.

Never posted my measurements before, but for accountability reasons I will share. No laughing at me please.

Height 5'4"
Bust 37 1/2"
Waist 30"
Hips 41"
Upper Arm left 11 1/2"
Right thigh 24"
Left thigh 24"
Right calf 15"

Have a great day.

Of course you can still stay! A challenge is a challenge,no matter what one we have decided to do right? It wouldn't be the same with only 2 Lori's here!:)
I just did High Step Challenge.I am not huffing and puffing.Nor am I that sweaty.I thought it was going to be a lot harder.Its still not easy but....ah,you know what Im saying.I plan on going for a run after lunch.
Here are my measurements:
Upper Arm-11

I would like to see an ATLEAST an inch off of my waist,hips,thighs and upper arms.My chest is o.k and my calves have always been big.i don't expect that to change,
I will check back later,
ROFL, Lori. My problem will be that once I get all this weight off, they'll be hanging down to my waist. Ewwww...maybe he'll be so proud of me that he'll pay for a boob job. That was mentioned one time during one of my quests to lose weight. My dh is diabetic and didn't get a good report from his doctor yesterday. ...soooo, he will be dieting with me. :) Here's a funny. He started walking yesterday for exercise. I had gotten him a pedometer a few days ago. It tells how many calories he burns when he walks and he came in yesterday and was soooo excited. He said that he had burned over a thousand calories on his two mile walk. I hated to burst his bubble, but I said, "Honey, I believe it was probably 100 since I burn around 400 doing a Cathe workout." He told me I was wrong, because I weighed less than him, so I would burn less than him. "OK, honey, whatever you say..." LOL

I just did Step Max for the first of the classics and thought it was fun. I had watched it before so knew there weren't any tricky moves in it.

Is the new challenge low carb, or can I still join in even though I'm doing WW? If I can be in, I'll use the measurements I took Tuesday. It wasn't a pretty site.

DH does the same to me.He never exercises but he thinks he knows everything about it.I just leave him alone.Why bother arguing with them?
I think you are doing a good thing and you have your own plan down pat so why bother to change it? Why ruin a good thing, right?
I just went for my run.I did 5 miles.I was feeling nappish before I ran but I thought it would be a good idea to stay up and maybe catch a nap later.
LoriSax and Lee Anne, of course you are still in the challenge! I think we're all doing slightly different things anyway. I know I was drifting a bit once Christmas is over, so this is just to get on a more formal plan. I'm taking my measurements tomorrow and will post. Have to go buy a tape measure. I might also get a body fat monitor to add to the mix. Maybe it will help keep me sane when the scale doesn't budge!

I also bought Jack Canfield's boon on success principles. I'm hoping it will give me an extra push - I can only read fitness and nutrition stuff so long til it starts sounding redundant, and reading it obviously isn't enough to make me commit! When I come across motivational material, I'll contribute it to all us Summer Fitness Challengers!
I had to post - I just stumbled on a pro-anorexia website, and it was horrifying! I know people with these disorders feel isolated and unsupported, but to go to a website and have people reinforcing you for throwing up, to see "trigger pictures" designed to increase motivation to be thin, to get "bulimia tips" on what to binge on if you want to make vomiting easier - I'm just speechless...
Good Morning Everyone,
Well, I am still at work! I have 2 hours to go.This was my first night shift ever and I have two more to go yet.Forgive me if I spell any words wrong.
It wasn't to bad.I had a nap from 1:30-3:30.And I am thinking about having another little one.I am wondering how easy it will be to fall asleep when I get home.Will I be over tired? I certainly hope not.I need my sleep if I have to do this again tomorrow night.
I have been hungry alnight.I guess its the same as being up all day long.I didn't think it was right to be eating all day and then eating at work all night long.Besides the only things here are cookies and ice cream.My HC pictures won't look very good if I have to eat cookies and ice cream in the wee hours of the morning.
I am hoping to get a workout in today.I didn't come up with a rotation yet.I sort of know what I have in mind.If I can get some form of cardio in today I will be happy.If I have to take a couple days off,no biggie.
I will check back later today,
FFD, the website you mentioned is horrifying. So sad.

Well I drove into Orlando yesterday to visit with a friend of mine and have lunch. My sister came too, we went to the mall afterwards. I walked forever on a hunt for cute clothes. Nothing appealed (It's also very difficult to shop with 2 boys, even though they are little prince's). Either too cheap looking, or too much money. The dilema. :) Anyway, I had a healthy lunch, stayed in Orlando way too long. Stopped at McDonalds on the way home and got a grilled california cobb salad for dinner.

I got home aroung 5:30 and did PUB. Today the boys and I are going for a picnic and feed the ducks at this beautiful park we have. I am going to try to walk 2 miles. When my dh gets home I am running.

Hi Ladies....Today is HSC. If I am feeling energetic, I might tag on the blast from KM. Tomorrow is my rest day.

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