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  1. J

    The Lovely Bones - Jillybean

    I recently read that book too, I don't remember laughing either but I do remember crying and being sad just thinking about it. But I wanted to finish it because I felt, even though the character was ficticious, that I owed it to you, you know? It also made me think a lot about death and the...
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    ? for you Catheholics...

    ah! I have been wondering this very thing! Thanks! Jill
  3. J

    so sore today from PUB

    OMG PUB kicks my @$$!! YOW! I love it, but man is it tough. By the time the biceps come around I am literally gnashing my teeth and growling to get the stupid little 12 lb weights up as my heavy weight, which I notice are the light weights for Cathe and her crew. How do they do it? One day...
  4. J

    just started working ft.....

    Hi Faythe, I wanted to chime in even though so many other people did, because I'm like you -no way can I work out before work. SHUDDER. And I am usually tired when I get home but if you jsut force yourself to do it you will be surprised. I have had times where I thought, ok I'll just do 30...
  5. J

    Curves for Women

    Its funny you should mention this - my twin sister, who is the original Catheite in my circle has just started going there with a friend of hers who is very new to exercise. She had been scoffing at it because of her years with Cathe BUT over the last year she has completely fallen out of shape...
  6. J

    Trouble with Bodymax

    I've been doing Body Max a lot lately and have been thinking the same thing! Like I always feel like I need one more second to change direction or something, particularly in the part you are talking about the heel toe thingies, the A Steps are so fast I have to do sort of mini ones...I LOVE the...
  7. J

    Did Boot Camp! Loved it!

    Hi! I love it too, I'm still waiting for my DVDs but I caved many many weeks ago and ordered the VHS for Boot Camp. I've done it three times now, it is my sunday workout, and each time it is getting "easier" the first two times I'd have to add about a 30 second break after the cardio and then ab...
  8. J

    Back pain during crunches...

    Just piping in, I have scoliosis and I get back pain during crunches too and I know my form is ok as well, so I'll be interested to hear what anwsers you get! Jill
  9. J

    Diet 4 S&H Rotation ????

    I don't have a diet but I wanted to say that S&H gives me almost insta-results as well! Every time I do it I think, how can this be? My body just really likes it I guess. Anyway I do notice that I have to eat more while I'm doing it... Jill
  10. J

    Petite Sized Workout Clothing

    Don't even get me going on the fitness clothes industry. Who the heck is designing these things and why do they think everyone is really tall with long legs? Anyway, just to make you feel better, I'm not even petite - 5'6'' but I have short legs, and all workout pants are too long for me...
  11. J

    Which Intensity video??

    I did EXACTLY that, I broke down and got Boot Camp on VHS because it seemed like the most different from all her other workouts and I was right! It is great. VERY different, very fun and very satisfying! Jill
  12. J

    Circuit Max broken down?

    LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-03 AT 02:00PM (Est)[p] Oops someone answered first with a better breakdown. Never mind! Jill
  13. J

    Who can touch their toes?

    I am sooooooo inflexible, only with constant stretching and excerise can I touch the floor. Even when I was a kid I was inflexible I used to ditch the beginning of my (forced) ballet classes because I hated the burn of stretching (which was dumb because that is what I NEEDED to work on but what...
  14. J

    Boot Camp

    Ha ha I did the exact same thing, waiting for my DVDs but caved and bought Boot Camp on VHS. I did it this weekend, and I LOVED it! I was so afraid of it I took it easy the first time through, I'll kick it up a notch next time now that I know I can make it through! Jill
  15. J

    MIS/PH and hurtin' unit

    Hi Kathy - obviously not Cathe either, but I started PH as my first weight workout in a loooong time about a year ago. I just used 3lb-5lb weights and a 12lb body bar and was fine - sore, but fine. I would also kind of split up the workout too, until I got conditioned enough to do the whole...
  16. J

    Mega Step Blast Just Kicked My Butt!!!

    I have been doing Cathe Step tapes for almost a year, always on a 4 inch step and what FINALLY helped me push through to use a 6 inch step last month, was a month where I would do a Slow and Heavy workout first and THEN do a cardio tape (modified to 45 minutes) right after - only 3 days a week...
  17. J

    Oh, I can't stand it!

    Oh you think?? January 21st?? Oh I hope so!!!!!! :) Jill
  18. J


    Tell me about it! I caved and ordered Boot Camp on VHS because I couldn't stand to wait either and that one seems to be the most different from any of her current workouts. I got it yesterday and previewed it and OH MY GOD. Why is Cathe so out of breath?? That scares me!! What will happen when I...
  19. J

    Until my DVDs arrive...

    RE: Squat Thrusts Don't mean to butt in but yes, that is exactly what a burpee/squat thrust is, in fact the only reason I could jump right in to those pushup things in PH was because of the hundreds of burpees I have to do in TKD. I knew it wouldn't be long before Cathe put burpees in her...
  20. J

    new year new goals what are yours?

    Mine are: 1. To "soften and be merciful" - which translates into stop being so judgemental and quick to complain about people 2. Stop wasting money - I waste a lot of money on things because I don't want to spend the energy it takes to economize 3. Get stronger - Intensity Series here I...