so sore today from PUB


OMG I am so sore today from doing the PUB yesterday. I did one of Cathe's step program today and couldn't even lift my arms, I just kept them down. At least I know that it is working. If I tell my DH he will just keep poking at me, LOL.
My biceps were so sore after doing that workout for the first time that I could barely move my arms. It hurt to bend them! :) Now that I've done the workout several times, it's not as bad but wow! that first time killed me so I can sympathize with how you felt!

I was really sore after my first time with PUB! I found myself massaging and poking around at my biceps the next day, to try to fend off any additional soreness.

I may have found a way to reduce the soreness: yesterday, after PUB, I did Gin Miller's "Intense Moves" which is cardio focusing on legs, but which has enough arm movement to help keep things circulating. WHile I'm still a bit sore today, it's not as bad as before.

I'm planning to continue this "upper body weight/lower-body focused cardio" and "lower body weights/upper-body focused cardio" (ie: boxing) for a while and see how it works out.
OMG PUB kicks my @$$!! YOW! I love it, but man is it tough. By the time the biceps come around I am literally gnashing my teeth and growling to get the stupid little 12 lb weights up as my heavy weight, which I notice are the light weights for Cathe and her crew. How do they do it? One day maybe....

Anyway no wonder their arms look as awesome as they do!

Jill :7
It's funny how my heaviest weight doesn't even get up to Cathe's lightest! How does she do those flyes with 12's to begin with???:*

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