Which Intensity video??


Hi everyone!! Okay - I keep reading all of these posts about the new Intensity series and I am still waiting for my DVD's, so I think that I might break down and buy one of the videos to tide me over. I was thinking about boot camp. Can you guys give me your thoughts on which one I should get??? I'm going crazy here!!! :-jumpy
Thanks - Sara :)
I did EXACTLY that, I broke down and got Boot Camp on VHS because it seemed like the most different from all her other workouts and I was right! It is great. VERY different, very fun and very satisfying!

Thanks Jill!! I just ordered the Boot Camp video!! I was thinking the same thing you were - it seemed the most unlike any of her other videos! I actually got 2nd day air because I just can't wait any longer!!! :-jumpy
Sara :)

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