Until my DVDs arrive...


Can someone please answer a few things:

What is a "squat thrust"?
What is a "sumo squat"?
Is their enough time to change weights during ME, PUB, & PLB?
Does Cathe tell you what poundage she is using in BC, C&W, PUB, PLB, & ME?
Besides Interval 9, which other part of Imax II is tough?
Is Boot Camp Cathe's toughest workout to date?

Thank you once again for letting me live vicariously through all of you lucky VHSers!!!

1. assume push up position, but then jump your legs in right behind your hands, then jump them out agin back to push up position. That's a squat thrust. If you then stand up from them and jump into the air and then go back down to a squat thrust, that's what we call a burpee in the UK and Cathe calls them squat thrust terminators on Boot Camp. Fun not.

2. Sumo squat. A lateral movement, as Cathe says, don't waste your energy going vertical. It's quite quick: plie squat on one side, then zip to the other side and plie squat, but don't go down too deep, you are turning a muscle training move into a cardio move. Then add sumo arms to this to compliment the legs and the cardio burn is on. As Cathe says, arms provide 12% of the cardio burn in a ny workout, so she layers them on.

3. Yes, there is enough time and Cathe and crew are filmed real time changing their load up and down right along with you, so do not panic! It's not even an issue on ME because it's a mix of barbell and dumbells.

4. She is very clear at all times about what poundage she is using. Don't panic, you'll work it all out. As you preview them, sit with a paper and pencil and make not of what Cathe uses on each exercise and what poundage you think you will use. I did this and then when it came time to grab weights for each exercise, I was ready. I could also make notes as I went along about increasing and decreasing based on actual practice versus preview time expectations.

5. There are about three real toughies. But Jilly bean do not panic. They are interspersed and although there is a certain air of anxiety surrounding this tape (at least, I felt there was), there are enough cycles that are fun ones, to not make the toughies overburdensome. We can get through this!!!

6. Haven't done it yet, but the toughness comes from the fact that your body has to adapt to constant quick changes. It is easier to go flat out cardio for 45 minutes, where you can pace yourself, than to chop and change constantly between cardio/weigfhts/weights/core/cardio etc, as Cathe does on this tape. On the other hand, Caths schedules little breaks because she realises no-one can perform good form when winded, not even she. THis tape is going to make olympic athletes of us all!

THink of it not as "oh my god, toughest tape, have to do it today," but "it's time for a challenge, and I accept! Bring it on, do your worst Miss Cathe!!!"

RE: Squat Thrusts

Kind of like the push ups in PH except when you're done, you stand, jump in the air, then go back down to do another push up?
RE: Squat Thrusts

Don't mean to butt in but yes, that is exactly what a burpee/squat thrust is, in fact the only reason I could jump right in to those pushup things in PH was because of the hundreds of burpees I have to do in TKD. I knew it wouldn't be long before Cathe put burpees in her workouts SIGH... they are horrendous, probably the most challenging conditioning thing I've ever seen. They kind of make me dizzy too...I have to turn my brain off and just go on autopilot to get through them. And actually, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad to hear they ARE in there, this Boot Camp tape really sounds like it is going to be PIVOTAL in getting me in peak shape for my black belt training which I think starts in about 6-8 months...I ordered the DVDs but I just caved and ordered the VHS of Boot Camp because I can't wait!!


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