Did Boot Camp! Loved it!


I did Boot Camp this morning and absolutely loved it! It did thoroughly whoop my booty! I am literally afraid to take it out again! How did those of you that have it manage to take it out and do it again? It is going to take some serious mind talkin'!

I sware I can feel every muscle was worked. It feels gggreeeeaaatttt!

I sure need some help with those planks and side planks though! I couldn't even do them. I sure wish I had some good modification ideas! I wonder why Cathe didn't provide any on the tape? Anyone have any ideas?

Anyway, just thought I would share how much I loved the video!

I also did C&W on Saturday and also PUB! I loved both of them!

-LuvCardio http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/sport/sport001.gif If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
I just got my videos today.I was so excited.As soon as I got home I laced up my sneaks and popped in Imax 2.It was awesome.I loved everything about it.And I made it all the way through without modifing or previewing it.I just jumped right in.
Boot Camp is on the agenda for tomorrow.I am suppose to be doing the Ps Rotation but I gotta try my new workouts.:7
Believe it or not I think BootCamp is my fave of the whole set. I love the whole set and think it is Cathe's best yet but Bootcamp is great. I do it every Saturday morning and actually look forward to it. I think it is because it is so different from any other workout that I have and it is challenging.

The side planks and planks are something I need to work on but they get better each time doing the tape. For the side planks there is a version where you can put your lower knee down with the calve bent behind so the knee is in a 90 degree angle. Denise Austin does this version before going to the harder version. I know I didn't explain it very well, maybe someone else can chime in and explain it better.

I loved the looks of Boot Camp, but I have yet to do it. This morning I did I-Max2. I did notice how the cardio portions of Boot Camp looked like the intervals of IMax :-wow Should I put a day in between IMax2 and Boot Camp? I was really wanting to do Boot Camp tomorrow. Now I don't know if that is such a good idea. By the way....I, too, loved IMax2!

Well, I just finished doing Boot Camp.It wasn't has hard as I had expected.I thought that I was in for it but I found it very do able.Maybe the next time I do it I may finder it harder b/c you spend alot more time learning things then actually putting your "ALL" into it.
Anyway, off to the shower.I just MAY do IMAX 2 again tonight.I think that one will be my favorite :)
I did Boot Camp yesterday for the 2nd time. I'm still not sure I like it. It moves quickly so I miss some reps. Once I know it better, I can keep up. Those side lying planks are tough. I've never done those before and not sure I'm doing them exactly right. Those squat thrust terminators, Yikes, I felt like I was back in high school gym class.
On a side note, Linda, I love the new Imax 2, too. I could do that one everyday.
I love it too. I'm planning on doing it again today. It's so much fun, except those planks which I'm very bad at.
Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to
I also really like Boot Camp - I got my tapes on Jan. 3 - I have been doing bootcamp on Tuesdays and Saturdays - and I must say each time you do the side planks it just becomes easier.

I absolutely love all of Cathe's new ab work in all the new videos. Have you done Cardio & Weights the ab work? This one no equipment is needed - but Cathe does these walking planks - well, the first time I did it I just laughed and said Yeah right!

But I have to say - they definitely get easier with pracice also. I do them quite well now! Even the abs on the stability ball in Upper Body Pyramid are getting easier. So keep on keeping on and you will feel like you have accomplished much when you begin to master all these moves!

Hi! I love it too, I'm still waiting for my DVDs but I caved many many weeks ago and ordered the VHS for Boot Camp. I've done it three times now, it is my sunday workout, and each time it is getting "easier" the first two times I'd have to add about a 30 second break after the cardio and then ab workouts becasue I'd feel a bit lightheaded but now I only had to do it once, after the squat thrust terminators. It is so much fun! And yes, those planks have me saying ok WHATEVER Cathe! I'm not even using a weight for those. Something to work up to! I'm dying to see what walking planks are!

I too love this and look forward to doing it every week. I always feel so worked out when I 'm done! The one thing I'm still trying to master is those Terminator Climbers. Man, that minute lasts FOREVER! :-wow
Glad you enjoyed yourself - Susan

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