

O.k., I tried. I tried to be patient regarding the release date of the DVDs, but it is just driving me crazy; seeing all the awesome reviews of the workouts and not hearing anything about the DVDs....throw a dog a bone?!:)

RE: Patience, LukeDeeDee, Patience

The Force is with us DVD'ers. With the new Imperial software with which Cathe is producing the DVD's, we will be getting about 237% of what we bargained for, with increased mix-n-match options, better chaptering, a whole nother set of workouts not available on VHS (can you spell T-E-R-M-I-N-A-T-O-R?), and easier storage.

Ah, LukeDeeDee, keep your eyes on the horizon. Read the descriptions from the VHS'ers so that you can begin to visualize yourself doing Bootcamp and . . . and . . .

* * * * *

oh hell i cant wait either

I am with you on that thought. I am finding it hard to wait though it is a good thing in my case because I have to mend an injury first. I went with DVD's because they last longer than VHS tapes and the TERMINATOR!
We should know shortly about the release date?
RE: Patience, LukeDeeDee, Patience


You are too funny...thanks for the laugh.:) It makes waiting a little bit easier.:)

Tell me about it! I caved and ordered Boot Camp on VHS because I couldn't stand to wait either and that one seems to be the most different from any of her current workouts. I got it yesterday and previewed it and OH MY GOD. Why is Cathe so out of breath?? That scares me!! What will happen when I try to do it?? I'm going to do it tonight. Anyway I figure that will hold me down until the DVDs arrive.


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