The Lovely Bones - Jillybean


Hi Jillybean and others who have read this book,
Wow! I am having a very emotional time reading this book. I had to stop because I was crying. I don't know if I'll be able to finish. Does it get any easier? Where is the humor? Haven't gotten to any of that yet. I'm a wimp.
Hi Dawn:

in about 6 months time come back to Alice Sebold and read her "Lucky", autobiographical tale of her own rape and rebuilding of her life after the rape when a college student, then you get an idea where the novel came from and you marvel at the strength of this woman.

I bought both books and started with "Lucky" and I'll read "LB" in the Summer, have to put a little space between them. Intense stuff.

I read this book while on holidays in January - couldn't put it down! I was a little apprehensive about reading it at first but the lady in the bookstore convinced me after telling me it was the best book she had read in 10 years!

The book grabbed me instantly and I would recommend it highly. The story is very emotional but overall I found the book to be comforting.

Hope this helps!
Hi, I read LB a couple of months ago. Parts of it were hard to take I loved the book and sent it to my Sister in Maine but someone stole it all she received was an empty envelope. I read it in a day. I could not put it down. Stick with it and the story will also stick with you.

I bought this book over the summer and loved it! I have loaned it out to everyone I know to read and they too fall in love with it.It is such an intense read. I have literally a ton of books and this is by far one of my favorites! Susan
I'm in the mist of reading The Lovely Bones right now. I almost cried during the chapter on the funeral/memorial service. While it is a sad story, I tend to read a lot of true crime, horror, some science fiction, etc. (usually the gory-er the better), I look forward to the killer being caught. I can't help but always come back to the crime scene, clues, what the killer will do next and the officer working the case naturally.

A very touching story though! Makes me think of my loved ones who have passed on and what their heavens are like! :) It's different 'seeing' things develop from Susie's veiwpoint.

Now I can't wait to read Lucky. I won't necessarily plan a break between the books but I do have 5 other books sitting at home waiting to be read!
I also enjoyed this book very much!! It really is a "page-turner!"
She is a great writer.

For those of you interested in True Crime books (like PFIVE has mentioned and myself), Anne Rule writes the best True Crime!!! I just finished her book Every Breath You Take - which chronicles the true story of the murder of Sheila Bellush - the mother of 2 girls + a set of 23 month old quads (the murder took place in front of the babies). I remember seeing the news story on it and it seems like yesterday, but it took place in '97. Her ex-husband hired the killer(s).

Also, notable mention for Anne Rule - "Bitter Harvest"
Keep going! You will like it. I just started Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris. If you're not opposed to reading two books at once, pick that one up in between The Lovely Bones reads for a good laugh. I hope you like it! Sorry to hear you're crying a lot. I did too.
I recently read that book too, I don't remember laughing either but I do remember crying and being sad just thinking about it. But I wanted to finish it because I felt, even though the character was ficticious, that I owed it to you, you know? It also made me think a lot about death and the afterlife which is not something I think about normally. It was good food for thought, even though it is an uncomfortable subject. Finish the book it does get easier to take and it is worth it!

I finished it. I was crying all the way through. It was very thought provoking, and I liked it for that reason. The subject matter was very hard for me. The issues of motherhood and death are not exactly "fluff". The book created such a mood that I felt the effects of it all day, which is remarkable. I would recommend it, but it may be a little dark for some. I'm onto Farewell To France by Noel Barbour next, thanks to Anna(Bernard)!
I read The Lovely Bones while on vacation in October. I loved it. It was really sad and emotional for me,too. But I did kind of find the "heaven" part of it comforting and thinking that departed loved ones could actually be "here" sometimes. I could not put this book down and found myself just wanting to stay in the motel room and read instead of walking around Las Vegas!

Another really good book is "The Crush". Read it on vacation last week! It was great. The only time I get to read is when we go on vacation :-(

Running2bfit - I love Ann Rule also! Read each of those books you mentioned! A coworker and I pass books of this nature back and forth or we recommend titles to pick up at the library.

Linda - Who wrote The Crush? I may have to look for that this weekend at the library! :)

Hi Angie!

I used to read Ann Rule too but I found myself becoming SO fearful and paranoid that I couldn't do it anymore. Have you read her most recent release? I was really tempted to pick that one up.

I just got "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" at the "libes" yesterday. I must say it's the best read I've had in while. I'm anxious to finish it.

****If anyone can recommend an EXCELLENT spy novel I'd be extremely grateful***! I'm recovering from a 3rd degree sprained ankle, very bored, frustrated.

Julie, (bored-lame, need books x( )
That is so true. I was on vacation in Cancun, sitting on the most beautiful beach I had ever seen, reading a Tami Hoag book about murder and mayhem in the Minnesota deep freeze. I looked up from my book, in which the heroine was being pursued by the killer in the snow, nearly frozen to death, and said to my hubby "this is too weird." Interesting juxtaposition.

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