Diet 4 S&H Rotation ????


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jan-10-03 AT 01:27AM (Est)[/font][p]HI everyone! Just wondering if ya' all have any recommendations for the best diet to consume when doing a S&H series? I just started a rotation mid-last week of S&H. It is the WEIRDEST thing because I can already see and feel the difference! I am even PMSing this week but can feel the fat coming off and the muscle building. I had good results with the last S&H rotation I did as well. I have been eating really good so that might be the reason too??? (I didn't even have a piece of afternoon chocolate hershey's kiss this afternoon!!!!!!!!!! :) I usually have one a day around 3:00 p.m.

I just want to make sure I am eating all the right stuff to get the absolute most out of the rotation and eating enough to provide the energy and enough protein to build the muscles. Anyone know of any percentages or particular foods that work best?

I am doing approx. 4 days a week of cardio and 5-6 days total workout per week.

Also - we are going to be out of town for the weekend skiing :-jumpy !! So... if I don't respond that is why. I'll be back on Monday!

-Pammer If Only I Can Be 1/2 the Woman my Dog Thinks I am!
You won't need a diet - you won't be able to make it into the kitchen, you'll be hurtin' so bad from S&H!

Ok, maybe I'm being a little dramatic. I didn't have anything to contribute to your question other than drama. :)

If a hershey's kiss is your biggest transgression, I can't imagine that your diet needs much improvement. :)
I don't have a diet but I wanted to say that S&H gives me almost insta-results as well! Every time I do it I think, how can this be? My body just really likes it I guess. Anyway I do notice that I have to eat more while I'm doing it...

I would suggest adding one serving of a high protein food to your regular diet every day you do an S&H segment. For example, a roast beef sandwich (I make mine on whole grain bread, with olive oil and salt and pepper) or a protein shake or a cup of cottage cheese. Nuts are OK too if you monitor the total fat- like- not a whole can of nuts. :)

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