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  1. L

    New Calendar is GREAT!!!

    Cathe, Received my new calendar today and it is awesome! Can hardly wait for January to start filling in my stats and using the stickers. I actually bought 3 calendars - one for my workout room, one for work, and one as a gift. Thanks again for all you do! Merry Christmas! Lisa
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    Project Runway Baby!

    I love the show!!! I would love to see Laura and Michael make it far enough to show a full design line.
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    I have arrived!!! funny

    Thanks for the laugh! That was so funny. Lisa
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    OK - who got snow?

    I live in the Chicago area and it started here about 3 this afternoon. I left work at 4:30 and it took me 3 HOURS to get home (it is normally 45 minutes). Lisa
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    Happy Thanksgiving!!! Poem inside. :)

    That was so cute. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!!!!! Lisa:)
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    Janet Jackson has ruined my wardrobe.

    Robin, I agree totally with you on how hard it is to find clothes that fit. I had a much easier time finding clothes when I was larger. Luckily I sew and can make my own clothes. But between work and family, I don't have much time. Lisa
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    Happy Veteran's Day!!! Want to see my Navy pics?

    Hi Dani! Happy Veteran's Day! I am a veteran also having served in the Army from 1984 to 1988 (seems like a lifetime ago). I have to ask my sister if she knows you. She was in the Navy around the same time and I believe she was at the same base in California. Lisa
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    Thank you so much for sharing this with everyone. Lisa
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    Illinois/Chicago GTG Pictures! (SNEAK PEAK)

    I had a great time today. It was great meeting everyone. Emily and Shelley - sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. I couldn't believe how fast the time went. Dani - thanks so much for setting it all up. Take care everyone! Lisa
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    RE: Everthing is now fixed Thank you very much for the update. Lisa
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    What magazines do you all read?

    I subscribe to Oxygen. I also read People every week. Monthly I purchase Fitness, Shape, and Essence. Lisa
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    Illinois Cathe fan GTG evites have been sent!

    RE: REMINDER!! Oct 22nd! Hi Dani! I will by there! Looking forward to it. See you all next week. Lisa
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    My car just got stolen

    I am so sorry that happened to you. It is true that God is good. I'm sure He will bless you with more than you had before. Thank God it was just the car they took and did not try to break in and hurt anyone. Take care and stay strong. Lisa
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    Illinois Get Together Dates?

    Hey Dani, great idea! I vote for October as I will be on vacation in September. :) Lisa
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    Your dolls are absolutely beautiful! My hobby is sewing, although I don't have much time to do it. Lisa
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    Any Illinois Cathe fans out there?

    I am from Illinois. I live in Romeoville, which is about 20 miles south of Chicago. It would be nice to get to know others in the area that work out to Cathe. I'm sure my husband would not mind if I discuss my admiration for Cathe with someone else besides him! Lisa
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    Are ya'll sick of us yet???

    I love seeing all the pictures and reading about what went on. It has motivated me beyond belief! Lisa
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    Christi's Roadtrip Pictures

    Thanks for sharing! Everyone looks great. Lisa
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    Hardcore DVD Presale Begins July 4th

    How long does the presale period normally last?