OK - who got snow?


I live in the St Louis area and last night they kept saying that we'd wake up to at least 2 inches. NOTHING!! Then about 9am it started and it is 3pm now and is still snowing a little. I think we got about 4 inches. I didn't go out on lunch so my car was covered. This one guy I work with cleans our cars off every once in awhile but he uses a broom (the kind with the plastic covering) and even though I do appreciate it I wish he wouldn't do it because he could scratch the paint. I just got my car last year. Most of them drive company trucks and don't care but I do. How do I nicely say "Thanks but please don't." I was watching him and when he cleaned off the trunk he drags the broom across it to clean it off. UGH!!! Am I being too anal?

I'm in New York and it's supposed to start tonight...ugh!! I have a feeling this winter is going to be brutal. We never get snow this early and this will be the third snowfall of the season!!!

My car is two months old and I only cleaned the windows the last two snowfalls. I let the rest blow off as I drove. I was afraid of scratching the paint myself. I would be really upset if someone else used a broom on it!!! No, I don't think you're being anal.
Its snowing here in Ohio now. It started about an hour ago and already the roads are HORRIBLE ! It looks like a Christmas postcard though. Big fluffy flakes coming down hard! They are predicting 7" tonight. DD is already excited that there might not be school tomorrow! ;-)
Hey Kimbra, if it were me I wouldn't want them cleaning the snow off too. I would tell him nicely and tell him the reason. It is just common sense. I know my husband would be really upset the next time which is probally spring when it came time to wash the cars.
I'm in NY, too, and they're saying 3-6 inches tomorrow. I picked the wrong day to stay home sick from work.
Yup!! I live down the road from Becky and I can attest to the veracity of her statement!!

another NYer here. They're saying 4-8 for us. I'm NE of the city. So yeah, ask us tomorrow ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I'm in Indianapolis and it started snowing at about 2:30 this afternoon. We probably have about 3 to 4 inches now at 6:30 (are to get about 8 when it's all over). It took me over 2 and 1/2 hours to get my kids from school and then go back home!!! (school's like 15 minutes away!!!). I hope we have a snow day tomorrow because I don't want to see the inside of my car for at least 24 hours!!!

But it does look beautiful...I love it when it snows as long as I don't have to drive in it.

Hey Becky, I am right wher eyou are! I shoveled the driveway at five for DH when he gets home. three hours and he is still not here! :( Traffic is AWFUL, isn't it? I look out the window now and it looks like nobody has even touched the driveway. You are right, though, it is beautiful. I doubt the kids will have school tomorrow, don't you? That means that we get to sleep in! :)

Hi Missy,

I am watching all the school closings on tv and so far dd's school isn't canceled but I'll be shocked if they go tomorrow. The mall even closed early!
My dh finally called me and was stuck close to home behind a line full of cars who got stuck coming up the hill. They ended up having to sit there until a salt truck came by!
It hasn't started here yet, but we have a heavy snowfall advisory in effect. My area is expecting almost 10 inches starting around midnight tonight and going through the morning.
Hi Kimbra,

Isn't this a coincidence. I live in St. Louis too. Yeah, we did get 4 inches of snow. It hasn't snowed before X-mas here in about 2-3 years.

--Kimberly C
It's 9 pm now and it should start in about 3 hours. I don't care about getting to work tomorrow, but I DO care about getting to my hair salon on Saturday. But snow is so fun in NYC! I haven't even bought boots yet but I'm getting excited about the prospect of 4-6 inches in the city (if that's still the forecast?).
Oh, Bunbun, did you stay home today? Well the snow is a perfect excuse for a still-recovering-sickie to stay home another day. :D
I live in the Chicago area and it started here about 3 this afternoon. I left work at 4:30 and it took me 3 HOURS to get home (it is normally 45 minutes).

Hey Becky - I live just north of you in Brookville and we have about 4 inches on the ground. I'm with your DD, I work at a school and I hope we have a snow day too!!!!:) :)
Oh hey, Hi Neighbor!

My parents have a place in Liberty! Every eaten at the Liberty diner?
School was just canceled here!! Yay! I bet yours will be too, fingers crossed for you! :)

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