My car just got stolen


I am freaking out. It is 4o'clock in the morning right now and my car was just stolen. Amazing. For some strange reason, I could not sleep. So, I decided to just get up and read a book. Anyway, I heard a gate open and I thought it must be my neighbours as their dog was barking.I pulled back my curtains (just barely)to see if it was them, but it wasn't. Then , I heard my gate open. I then pulled back my curtains in the living room (where I could see my gate unobserved) and saw someone opening the gate. Of course, I screamed out "Thief! Thief" to alert my husband who was sound asleep. I rushed into the bedroom and he came running out. But, it was too late. The thieves, who I believe targeted the car and the house were gone. Damn!! I can't believe it. THe car was a Honda Accord. There is a Honda car stealing ring around the area, but I never thought it would happen to us. Just goes to show that you can't be too careful. I called the police, and they are doing a patrol of the area. We have to wait until morning to file an official complaint with the department. That's like in the net two hours.

Anyway, God is a good God. We have another car to rely on.The only bad part about all of this is that the papers for the car were in the car and I dont have a photocopy of them to carry to the insurance company. Pray that I keep cool during tommorow when I go to the police. Thanks for listening. (I have a lot of nervous energy right now)
I am so sorry that happened to you.

It is true that God is good. I'm sure He will bless you with more than you had before. Thank God it was just the car they took and did not try to break in and hurt anyone.

Take care and stay strong.

OH MY GOD!!! Thank God you are ok and they were thieves! I'm sitting here with nervous energy for you! Stay calm and you'll do fine when you go to the police. The insurance co. will have copies of everything. I can't believe you actually saw them. Too bad you couldn't get out there and KICK THERE SORRY ASSES! I'm kidding. I'm just trying to make you feel better. :)
And remember this which I think you already know "If God leads you to it, He'll lead you through it" Words to live by if you can remember them.
Hang in there and let us know what's going on!

That is horrible, I am just thinking thank god he didn't come inside your home too. It's sad how bad things can happen to good people. We must always be on our guard. I have 2 lab dogs and that makes me feel a little at ease. They bark at the slightest pin drop.

I hope you get your car back.

So sorry for you. How scary for you to actually see it happen. . . .
My prayers are with you.
The Lord is faithful and will take care of you. Just continue to trust Him. I will definitely keep you in my prayers.
I am so sorry to hear that happened to you! As the others have said, it's a good thing they didn't come into your home!
I will keep you in my prayers, good luck today and show them your strength. :)
Thank You guys so much for the well wishes. I am going to go to the police station now. What I am really hoping right now is that the insurance company that we go through does not drag its foot and let me wait for months upon months without my car.
OMG Waterlily, I'm so sorry that happened to you!! It is such a feeling of violation, but like others have mentioned thank goodness they didn't try to break into the house and hurt you and your family. I also have an Accord and guess what? It was broken into last week...think they tried to take the radio, not sure but it's scary I live in a very suburban area and this just doesn't happen in our neighborhood. The damage has been repaired and thankfully no one was hurt.

Please let us know what happens with the police today. Sending Cyber (((HUGS)))) to you!
Waterlily I am so sorry. How horrible!! I hope everything works out with the police. keep us updated.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Waterlily, I am so sorry! God is good and you will be taken care of. You are so lucky that they didn't come into the house!

Wow, how horrible. I'm sorry you have to go through this and grateful they only wanted the car!

Good luck!
I am so sorry to hear this. Two of my cars were stolen and they were both Honda cars - one was an Acura Integra and the other was a Honda Accord. What is more upsetting is (and this may sound bad) when they actually find the car and it's not totaled. The reason why I say this is because my Accord was found and they did the repairs but my car had sooooo many problems after this. I had to put another $3,000 in it even after they did all the so-called repairs. The car was just never the same. I not only got that car stolen but all of my things in the car and my insurance didn't cover anything inside of the car but my stereo system. I pray that everything works out for you.
My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you. I hope things turn out as good as they can given the situation,
OMG. How awful. It's such a violation of your privacy. And of course, it's such an inconvenience.

I hope you don't have any problems with your insurance company. And, truthfully, I hope they don't find your car or that it's totalled. As someone else mentioned, it can be such a hassle to deal with a returned stolen car. This has happened to a few people I know, and they, too, say the car is never the same.

Good luck. And I'm glad that, most importantly, you and your family are safe.

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