What magazines do you all read?


I get shape and runner's world. The best fitness related magazine I've ever seen was Sports Illustrated for Women. But, it didn't have a long run I think they canceled it after 6 months or something. Did anyone ever come by that one? I wish they'd reinstate it. They had this one article I loved. They took a picture of some really fit female athlete, and asked some other trainer or something what the athlete's sport was. And, the person would guess the sport and explain why they made that assumption. It was really cool.
I subscribe to Runner's World, Eating Well, Veggie Life, National Review, Reason, Fitness RX and Oxygen. I barely find enough time to read all of them but I love them all.:)
i am not real picky b/c most of the time somebody else gets them as a gift for me but i used to subscribed to prevention,fitness, and shape. i also like muscle and fitness hers. there is a tread saying its on the news stands but i haven't seen i went to like 4 stores trying to find it. i really like m&f over them all except for all the supplement ads, but at least the fitness models are not super skinny but really buff.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Oooh, I LOVED Sports Illustrated for Women! I subscribed and looked forward to that every issue - I think it was a quarterly magazine, if I remember. I do miss that one.

I don't even get any fitness mags. What I subscribe to:

National Geographic
Readers Digest
Light and Tasty (love the recipes!)
At this time Runner's World and Trail Runner. I have found as I age trails are a bit easier on the bod compared to pavement runs...:)...Carole
I subscribe to so many. I'm a librarian, so naturally, I want all the magazines that come my way;-) . Here's my favorites:

Nutrion Action Health Letter
Envrionmental Nutrition
Consumer Reports on Health
Food & Fitness Advisor
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter
Better Health, for Better Living

Just to name a few:),

i don't get any in the mail, but sometimes when i'm in the at the nail salon getting a pedicure, i will grab a magazine to par-ooze through a copy of SHAPE or GLAMOUR. mostly, i fall asleep;-)

In order by favorite:

Womens Health
Fitness Rx

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Quick Cooking
Taste of Home
Good Housekeeping
Readers Digest (gift from MIL)

OMG that's ridiculous, isn't it???? :eek:
Fitness RX
M&F Hers (if I find it..so far..nadda)

OnFitness is by far the best fitness magazine I've ever read.
I get most of my fitness information online. I've bought issues of Shape, Self, Prevention, and a few other health/fitness realted mags but I don't like them very much. I didn't feel that I learned anything from them that I didn't already know.

I subscribe to:

Early American Life
Antiques and Fine Art
American Heritage
Cook's Illustrated
Gourmet (a gift from my inlaws)
The Robb Report Homes (my sil is the art director)
The Weekly Standard

I used to subscribe to Colonial Homes but it's out of print now. :-(
I was able to find all of the back issues I didn't have on ebay--a great source for old mags.:) ;)

Fitness RX, Shape, Fitness, Self, Fit, Muscle and Fitness Hers, Lucky,
Allure, Shop ETC, People, Metropolitan Home, Elle Decor, Travel+Leisure, Robb Report,Conde Nast Traveler, House and Garden, Consumer Reports
Oh, I've got a ton...

Readers Digest (gift from Grandpa!)
Best Body (my FAVORITE!!)
Natural Health
Country Woman
Outdoor Living


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