Search results

  1. P

    seeking advice re Slow & Heavy

    That's what I do. I go as heavy as I can for the first set, and if I can finish the set, I stay with the same weight for the next. If I can't finish the set, I lower the weight for the next. If I am able to finish all 3 sets, I make sure I increase the weights next time I do the workout. I...
  2. P

    Bootcamp Bi/Tri review

    I loved Bootcamp! I've done all 4 weight sections, both core sections, and all of the cardio except LIS. Bootcamp is my favorite cardio so far. I barely remember the music, because I was moving so fast. The drills were CRAZY, and I loved every minute of it. The workout was done before I...
  3. P

    4 Day Split Weights question

    Where can I find a list of the minutes for each individual weight and core segment on the new DVDs? I see the times for the cardio-only premixes, so would it work to just subtract the cardio-only premix times from the weights&cardio premix times? What about the core segments? I have...
  4. P

    4 Day Split premix question

    Wow. Thanks very much. It'll take days to decide which premix I like best! Thanks, PennyLaney
  5. P

    4 Day Split premix question

    I should be getting my DVDs in the next few days, but I am very curious about the premixes. Is there a premix for each workout that does weights first, and then the cardio? I'm hoping for premixes that include everything, but the only difference between them and the original workouts puts...
  6. P

    Not Usually a John Mayer fan but....

    I wish I'd seen that! My DH and I are going to see John Mayer in concert tomorrow night. I'm REALLY looking forward to it. I love music too, and appreciate all of it (except maybe bluegrass and hip-hop... sorry!) PennyLaney
  7. P

    Anybody from the MD/DC area???

    Charles County, here. Still the boonies, for the most part. PennyLaney
  8. P

    Abs after ARX, suggestions?

    I love ARX. The two things I pull out most for substitutions are: - I Want Those Abs Section 2 (Tamilee) - P90Masters Upper/Middle/Lower (skip upper and lower!) PennyLaney
  9. P

    Incorporating the new series in with strength workouts

    RE: Incorporating the new series in with strength worko... Like Kathryn and mspina, I try to do one circuit workout a week, mixed in with heavier upper body splits and a lower body workout. I also try to do full circuit weeks once in a while. This week, I've done the Gym Styles workouts...
  10. P

    Plank theory...

    I have lordosis, and have always had trouble with planks. I thought it was because I am tall (almost 5'10"), and have a lot more length between my feet and hands to stabilize, if that makes sense. AND, come to think of it, my upper back looks curved when I'm in plank. I can't straighten it...
  11. P

    Anyone here going through perimenopause?

    I am 47, and have been going through perimenopause for almost 7 years. Insomnia, night sweats, irritability, cyclical water retention, vaginal dryness, etc. At first, I tried BCP's, and the progesterone caused me to be slightly depressed and even more irritable, even though the night sweats...
  12. P

    For those that eat 1800-2500 calories a day

    Hi, I use to track my calories, so my numbers are semi-accurate. I average 2100-2200 a day to maintain my weight. I am 5'9 and weight approximately 133-135 pounds. I workout 1.25-1.5 hours a day, 5 days a week, and have a desk job. I do move around a lot at home, though, and I...
  13. P

    Core Max

    You don't need it. I haven't found anything about the Core Max workouts that you can't get from Cathe's other abs workouts. Put PUB abs and Bootcamp core premix together, and you have a Core Max workout! PennyLaney
  14. P

    Exercise Time

    I think it depends on you. I have been working out within 10 minutes of getting up at 430 a.m. for many years, with no problems. Some people need to eat first, but I have found that I only need to drink water until after I've worked out and showered. PennyLaney
  15. P

    Book Club members!

    Oh, I want in. I love to read and I can't find any open book clubs in my area. Would the discussion be held on this forum? PennyLaney
  16. P

    Explain the target heart rate please....

    Hi, I'm almost 46, and my max heart rate is calculated at 174 with the standard 220-age formula. I usually exercise at 160-167 bpm (and feel fine, thank you), so I don't think the formula is correct. There are many formulas out there, but I've read that the only way to determine actual max...
  17. P

    Any Opinions on Stretch Max?

    The only one I use is the first one of the three. The other two don't allow me to hold the stretches long enough because I have to fuss with the ball or band to get in position, and by the time I get there, Cathe has moved on without me! I like longer stretches, like those in Cool It Off and...
  18. P

    How many cups of coffee do you drink per day??

    Define a cup! Is a cup of coffee 8 oz? If so, I drink about 6 cups a day. I usually have a 12 oz mug with my oatmeal in the morning. I then drink a 20 oz 7-11 cup on the way to work. I also drink another 12 oz cup on the way home from work (Starbucks or made at work), if I'm feeling...
  19. P

    "Liver" spots

    Sun damage I think that they are not "liver" spots, but more likely freckles from sun damage. You'll never see one on skin that has never seen the sun! How old are you? Do you spend a lot of time in the sun? I'm 45, and have them on my chest and upper thighs, from sitting in the sun every...
  20. P

    What kind of diet is REALLY necessary?

    Claire, I know I shouldn't eat less, so I guess it's what I eat. Thanks for the advice, though! I have been working on my strength for a long time, to build muscle. I think the muscle is there, but it's covered up. Jen, I hear you about the protein. That sounds like a great idea. I will...