Any Opinions on Stretch Max?



I need to get a good stretch routine going and any
input from those that have used stretch max would
be appreciated. I like the idea of three 20 minute


I LOVE this one - and I have always avoided stretching! My favorite is the one where you use a band - it really helps get the stretch. I always like the first one where you don't use any equipment. I haven't done the one with the ball since I don't have a ball, but I'm sure it's good too. It's the first stretch routine I have ever had that I actually plan time to do and look forward to!
LOVE this DVD!! I've done the stretch with the band which is great, as the band allows you to get greater range of motion and deeper stretches. I did the section with the ball for the first time last night and again, loved it! There were some really unique stretches that made great use of the ball and felt wonderful. Some of them I didn't want to come out of. I HIGHLY recommend this DVD - particularly if you're stretch-averse. Stretching is so important and this one makes it really enjoyable.
Love this DVD! especially the band portion - its excellent! I too have avoided stretching but I'm finding that I love it so much that I do one segement every night before turning in:) Its a wonderful way to unwind(sp?) after a long day! its very relaxing and I recommend it.
I was very lukewarm about this workout when I first did it. For me, the stretches are not held long enough, and there are some that aren't that effective, IMO, and moves like leaning forward and stretching the arms out seem to put more stress on the lower back than necessary. I was going to keep it and give it another chance, but after doing Cool it Off (a longer stretch workout from Slim Series), I decided that I had much better stretch routines in my collection already, and I don't like the music or the outfits, so I Ebayed it.

I actually like the stretches at the end of Cathe's workouts better than SM.
I love stretch max. The stretchs have made me more flexible due to I have very tight hamstrings. I have dvds of yoga and I feel they make me actually sore the next day. Stretch max makes me feel stress free. And these days that is a plus. I do segments one and two, but don't care for the second.

Also I like the music in stretch max better than those yoga exercises.

I agree with Kim,
It's a great alternative to yoga. When you want just pure stretching it's wonderful. The moves are excellent and when you find a stretch that really feels good you can always pause if you want to hold it a little longer. The music is awesome. It is soo soothing. Not spooky sounding. I just can't say enough great things about that workout. It's definitely near the top of my list.
It's a continuing process.....
The only one I use is the first one of the three. The other two don't allow me to hold the stretches long enough because I have to fuss with the ball or band to get in position, and by the time I get there, Cathe has moved on without me! I like longer stretches, like those in Cool It Off and P90X Stretch.


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