Abs after ARX, suggestions?



I recently finished a p90x rotation and had great results. ARX was extrememly effective and only 16 minutes. Any suggestions for something similar or really effective ab exercises? I'm not getting the same results with Core Max and combining other Cathe ab workouts. I'm working longer and loosing ground even when I try to really concentrate on engaging my core.



I guess I was just looking for some alternatives. I'm going to pull it back out though.


Hey Tracy...I thought about this in depth...I guess I have nothing else to do...my reply is on the Xer's checkin....See ya!


Bite off more than you can chew. Then chew it---Ella Williams
I have one more week of it and then I was just thinking about doing ab work from my Ab Diets book and back to Core 1, 2 and 3 like before. KPC as well for overall core work, etc. Just my thoughts.

Have you tried Tracy Staehle's Core Conditioning? It's a pretty good workout although it's quite a bit longer than AbX......I pulled it out the other day just for some variety & definitely had DOMS the next day, & the good kind......I mean, not just outer abs but transverse abs & obliques. I believe including warmup & stretch it runs about 45 minutes.

Also Billy Blanks's Ab Bootcamp could be a good alternative. It's about the same length as Horton's although not as intense. It is, however, creative & fun w/a lot of standing ab/oblique work.

Personally I try to mix all this stuff around......my ab routine varies weekly, unlike my weight routine which has been the same for almost 10 years. Cardio & core is where I get all my variety.
I love ARX. The two things I pull out most for substitutions are:

- I Want Those Abs Section 2 (Tamilee)
- P90Masters Upper/Middle/Lower (skip upper and lower!)

Adam Ford's Stability Ball Abs or Core (I think the updated version is called 'core.' It's available at Amazon. There are three levels, and the 'advanced' level really is! You can also make the first two levels tougher by doing the advanced moves he does on the second round, during the first round as well.

A bonus: Adam does the workout shirtless, in some cute boxer-over-brief shorts, and he's one fine-looking man....just from a 'being able to see the muscle at work' standpoint, of course, LOL!;-)

I agree that Tracey Staehle's core workout is excellent, but it's very long. I asked Tracey about how to shorten it, and she was going to post some ideas (but I haven't checked back for a while I actually felt some spinal erector and other stabilizing back muscles work that I *thought* were strong before. The most useful part may actually be the first segment, with a balance of ab and back exercises, so you can play around with it and shorten it). Her cuing and form pointers are excellent, and she goes for precision in movement rather than big moves for show.

"3-D" abs looks intriguing (it's also at Amazon), but I haven't seen or tried it, so I can't recommend for or against.

I think Cathe's ab work in BMax2 (the bonus stability ball work--is that the workout it's on? or is it Butts and Guts?) is very good.

I don't reach for Core Max much, and it has been on and off my 'get rid of" pile a couple of times. Too much ab, not enough 'core,' and some moves I frankly don't see the benefit of (the rocket shoots done that way use too much momentum...they must if Cathe feels it's necessary to stretch the triceps after doing them).
Hi all,

Thanks for the suggestions. I think that I will look into the "Ab Diet" book, Tracy S., and since I'll be looking for the book I'll check out Adam Ford's STA. I have to admit, after p90x, I enjoy watching fit men workout!

Kathryn, I think you targeted why Core Max isn't that effective for me. Too much abs and not enough core. Crunches aren't effective for me and I know that they never have been. I'm not benefitting from the rocket shoots either. I'm not sure what muscles I'm engaging to do those workouts, but it is not enough of my core to make a difference. IMO I think most of the CM moves are very easy to cheat on.

Thanks again,


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