How many cups of coffee do you drink per day??


I drink about 4 cups per day:p !! Everyone (besides my DH) thinks I drink to much. I have read that it's alright as long as I don't exceed more than 4 cups daily. I drink a lot of water, so I don't think I am dehydrated or anything like that. What do you all think and how many cups do you all drink??


p.s I will NEVER give up coffee no matter what}(
I drink about 4 cups per day:p !! Everyone (besides my DH) thinks I drink to much. I have read that it's alright as long as I don't exceed more than 4 cups daily. I drink a lot of water, so I don't think I am dehydrated or anything like that. What do you all think and how many cups do you all drink??


p.s I will NEVER give up coffee no matter what}(
I don't drink coffee. In fact, I don't drink caffeine, anymore. I went caffeine-free about 4 years ago. I had tried to go caffeine-free one time before that, and suffered such horrendous withdrawal (death would have been a welcome relief, as a matter of fact) that I decided that anything that makes me feel that awful when I don't have it is not good for, I weened myself for about a month, and that was much better!

I have had caffeine a couple of times since going caffeine-free: The first time, I got so sick I had to go home from work; the second time I got a low-grade migraine and felt sick to my stomach and had to cancel going to the movies with my nephew. That pretty-much put an end to my attempts to try a little caffeine once in a while.
I don't drink coffee. In fact, I don't drink caffeine, anymore. I went caffeine-free about 4 years ago. I had tried to go caffeine-free one time before that, and suffered such horrendous withdrawal (death would have been a welcome relief, as a matter of fact) that I decided that anything that makes me feel that awful when I don't have it is not good for, I weened myself for about a month, and that was much better!

I have had caffeine a couple of times since going caffeine-free: The first time, I got so sick I had to go home from work; the second time I got a low-grade migraine and felt sick to my stomach and had to cancel going to the movies with my nephew. That pretty-much put an end to my attempts to try a little caffeine once in a while.
A better way to put it is how many POTS of coffee I drink every day!

I have a friend who says that she drinks one cup of coffee for every hour she is awake.

It is my only vice ;)
A better way to put it is how many POTS of coffee I drink every day!

I have a friend who says that she drinks one cup of coffee for every hour she is awake.

It is my only vice ;)
Three mugs in the morning. When I entertain I usually have two cups of decaf in the evening w dessert.

Love my COFFEE
Three mugs in the morning. When I entertain I usually have two cups of decaf in the evening w dessert.

Love my COFFEE
Oy vey. Don't ask.

I didn't feel so bad about drinking coffee (after all, I drink it black without sugar or artifical sweeteners) until my doctor said that someday she thinks they will discover how really bad it is for you. She's a recent med school graduate and very knowledgable so I've been thinking about what she said about the connection between coffee and cortisol levels. So I looked it up and read this:

My doctor, amazingly, said that even decaf coffee is shown to raise cortisol levels! I'm trying extra hard not to think about that at all, since I thought I was doing myself a favor by adding decaf to my caf in the morning to reduce the caffeine.

No matter what they say, though, I don't think I can give up my coffee. :-(
Hi Aila!

I am a coffee addict! :)

Right now I have myself down to 1 to 2 cups per day as I am pregnant, but normally I would drink 4 cups per day if not more! I would drink it morning, noon and night! lol

Define a cup!

Is a cup of coffee 8 oz? If so, I drink about 6 cups a day.

I usually have a 12 oz mug with my oatmeal in the morning. I then drink a 20 oz 7-11 cup on the way to work. I also drink another 12 oz cup on the way home from work (Starbucks or made at work), if I'm feeling tired or need to stay up late.

>A better way to put it is how many POTS of coffee I drink
>every day!
Same here. I tried to quit but I love the taste of a good cup of coffee. I only put skim milk in my coffee though, I don't like the sweetened, flavored kind. I drink the first pot of coffee first thing in the morning which is only about three large mugs.
Coffee: It's my addiction and I love it!

2 cups at home before leaving for work.

1 Starbucks grande extra-hot latte about 9 a.m.

Maybe another cup later, or I might switch to diet cherry coke - usually have 2 of those per day.

The coffee has Splenda added, and very little milk, so I feel virtuous.
I don't drink coffee, and never have. It sometimes seems strange to me that so many people do. That it's so engrained in our culture to have coffee in the morning, after dessert, etc. Since when did it become a "basic food group?"LOL.

The only caffeine I get is in green, white, red or black tea, and that's enough for me. I don't like the taste of too much caffeine, and that's one reason why I never got into coffee.

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