How many cups of coffee do you drink per day??

I drink what my coffee maker says is 4 cups in the am. I checked it out and the cups on the mister coffee maker are 5 oz.. The rest of the day it is decaf coffee or tea. I have really only been drinking coffee regularlay the last two years. I found the caffeine gets me going for my workout in the morning. I used to drink loads of tea.
Diane Sue
>I drink what my coffee maker says is 4 cups in the am. I
>checked it out and the cups on the mister coffee maker are 5

Sooo.. one pot as mentioned above first thing in the morning, and if it is really cold outside another pot later or a large cup from Starbucks or Dunkin' Donuts if I am out and about. If I am really cold in a hockey rink (several times per week with the boyz) I'll have a large cup of coffee OR TEA to get warm. It stops me from shivering....

AKA "Likes2bfit"
I only like it black and the first cup of the day is the yummiest thing in my day. It has to be very hot, very fresh and very black. My 4 yr old dd knows that if she gets up before me, she should go downstairs and turn the coffee on. We have a timer, but she likes to get up really early sometimes and she knows that it will fly if the coffee is ready.

When we camp or backpack I use a press and if I am sharing a stove with someone on a backpack, I make it very clear that the minute we get up, we have to start water for coffee. I have been on some trips where we shared a stove and people grabbed that first water for oatmeal. In the mountains or woods I just can't wait for it to boil again.

I have a travel mug that has a French press built right in so that you only have to bring one thing. On multi day trips I bring a little bag of coffee and a ziplock for the grounds.
I used to drink a pot a day. Now it's more like one cup on workdays, none on weekends. I never consciously cut back, I just kind of lost interest. Now a lot of times I will put a cup on my desk and have a couple sips and forget about it until it gets cold and I throw it out.
I can never remember being in my Mom's house when coffee wasn't brewing. All day, every day.
I absolutely LOVE flavoured kind, just really strong & fresh. If it sits for longer than 3 minutes after brewing, I don't want it. I can drink it black, but much prefer with half & half. Can't stand it with milk. The only good thing I've found about low carb dieting is that half & half has less carbs than milk & is recommended if you're going to put something in your coffee! LOL
I now drink only two cups (?) a day. First thing in the morning, & in the evening when I get home before we eat. I almost never drink the whole thing though...I usually drink about half or 2/3 before it starts to get cold & I forget about it.
DH drinks way too much but says he is cutting down. We're thinking about switching our evening coffee for tea. Wouldn't matter to me, as long as I have that morning coffee!

I drink black tea in the morning and sometimes into the afternoon. Three days a week, give or take, I have a cup of black wonderful coffee at around 2 pm. I love it, but I don't drink it every day.
I feel like Im in a confession booth

I drink up to 12 (can you beleive it) coffee cups aday...........and if there were more hours in my day, I just know I would drink more.

Not that Im addicted or anything

Hi, my name is Tammy and I am a coffee addict....

I have 2-3 mugfuls first thing in the morning, sometimes a cup midday. and then a large cup after dinner. I love my coffee....
Look what I started!! Well at least we are all pretty much in the same boat and I can now share my addiction with others..LOL!! I must confess..I am drinking a 20 ouncer as I type this post..LOL:p !!


edited for spelling:7
Aila -- don't feel bad. Another "coffeholic" here. Actually, I don't really get a buzz, or feel anything from the coffee, but it's like a comfort "food" for me. Nothing like a steaming cup of coffee first thing in the morning.

I have about 3 cups per day.

One in the morning
One in the afternoon during homeschool sessions with my kids.
One in the evening, when I'm "winding down"!

Sometimes I have more; occasionally, I'll have less -- but that's usually only because I'm either too busy to make myself a cup, or I'm out of the house!
I drink one cup before I work out to get my engine running and then a huge glass of water. I then have a cup with my breakfast and that's it! I then drink water the rest of the day.

Hey Aila! For me coffee is one of life's daily pleasures, I love my coffee strong and black with just a touch of brown sugar. I have one in the morning to get the juices flowing and one in the late afternoon. Enjoying a coffee alone is very nice indeed but I love visiting and catching up with friends over coffee. A lot of times I'm enjoying a coffee as I check in with the forums and see what everbody's been up to here. I don't drink a lot of flavoured coffee but once in a while I'll get some and make 1/2 and 1/2 flavoured and regular. These days I'm enjoying a festive Cinnamon/Ginger blend, quite lovely!

No coffee for me after 7:00 p.m.!!!

Take Care
I do not drink coffee and cannot honestly say I have never even tried it, gasp! I am afraid that once I start I may never stop and judging from some of these posts, I have good reason!:7
I don't consider myself an addict, but I do enjoy 2 to 3 cups in the morning, and sometimes one in the late afternoon. I always have it black with a smidge of skim milk. Don't think I will be giving it up anytime soon.

Happy Holidays.

I have been doing well this week. Went 3 days in a row without any coffee, just green tea. Then had 2 cups the other day, and 2 cups tonight. I love coffee too, but am trying to cut back. I usually have 2 cups a day, unless I pass a Starbucks I order a non-fat latte.

If you like sweetened/flavored coffee, try this: melt a small peppermint patty with a little milk in the microwave (about 30-40 secs) then add coffee and a little more milk (if desired).

:9 :9 :9

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