How many cups of coffee do you drink per day??

Zero. Coffee (caffeine) gives me an irregular heart beat and makes me tired (strange I know!) Alcohol does the same. I drink something called Nocaf which is a coffee substitute - it's actually really good when you get used to it.
Just in the am and then NO caffeine the rest of the day. This was my best change in 2004 :) At a stress reduction class the dr said coffee is like being in high anxiety all the time - that really is true and got me to cut WAY back :)
I generally have one to two cups in the morning, and then again around 3 p.m., my afternoon slump. The rest of the day is water!
I always hated coffee, but started drinking Starbuck latte's about 2 years ago. I've now quit. I was at the doctor recently and I'd been noticing some lumps in the breasts. She mentioned that caffeine can cause a lot of fibrous tissue to appear. Nothing to worry about, but I don't need that. It also speeds up my heart rate and makes me feel like crap.
I admit to having a serious fondness for coffee. I started sneaking sips of my mother's when I was in 8th grade and had a pretty good habit when I graduated high school.
Working the night shift so many years as a nurse, I shudder to think how much coffee I guzzled to stay awake. Now, it's 2 cups in the AM and another in the afternoon and another w/ dinner if I'm not working. If I am at work, it's coffee all day long :9
When I'm grocery shopping, I'm so overwhelmed by the smell of the fresh ground coffee in the coffee aisle, I HAVE to get a cup STAT!
Valerie :)
I used to drink a 12-cup pot in the morning, 'cause I'm not a morning person & then another 12-cup pot for lunch. But I then developed terrible mid-epigastric pain so I cut down alot. I love Gevalia coffee though & I like it strong and sweet. Since I'm used to Gevalia I don't drink any at work anymore. The generic grounds we brew there tastes so bitter to me. I'm not a big fan of Starbucks though.

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