"Liver" spots


Yuk! Yuk! Yuk!

I have my first one........on the back of my hand. DH says its so small you need a magnafying glass to see it, but TO ME its HUGE.

Any one out there have "liver" spots happening?

I know theres alot of infomation on line - but I would rather hear it from the "horses mouth" so to speak of why it happens, what to do now, and can you prevent more accuring?

Am I just going to wake up one morning and find them all over my hands and face? Is this the "start" of "no end"?

Someone recommended "bleaching" the spots..........Hmmmmm........

Sun damage

I think that they are not "liver" spots, but more likely freckles from sun damage. You'll never see one on skin that has never seen the sun! How old are you? Do you spend a lot of time in the sun?

I'm 45, and have them on my chest and upper thighs, from sitting in the sun every summer. I tell myself that I'm going to stop every year, but then can't stand to be white. I have to stop!

You can visit a dermatologist and get some prescription cream, such as Retin-A, and that will fade them over a long time. Maybe if you start now before you get any more, you'll beat them!

I've been using it on my chest for a couple of months, and I think they are fading....

RE: Sun damage

There are also fading creams available at drugstores (with "old lady" names like "Porcelana"). Joan Rivers hawks one on QVC.

You might check out Arbonne's awesome anti-aging RE9 line (www.arbonne.com) - I have heard great things about its effectiveness on repairing sun-damanged skin. Some say it has wiped out their sun spots entirely.

I really like Arbonne - botanically based, safe, pure - animal cruelty and animal by-product free - plus I'm a consultant ;) let me know if you are interested in learning more (email). Or just check out the website.

I'm certain there are other good products out there that can help too. just be careful what you put on your skin - read up on your ingredients. ;)

RE: Sun damage

>I think that they are not "liver" spots, but more likely
>freckles from sun damage.

They are actually called liver spots (or used to be) "Liver spots" have nothing to do with the liver, but are liver colored, so somehow got that name. Maybe some old wives tale or something links them with the liver, but I think it's just the color thing.

Doesn't the term "liver spots" sound like an old lady thing,though? Much nicer to think of them as "sun spots"!

Thanks everyone

Your right - I too prefer the term "sun spots" as opposed to "liver spots"

I do have a few freckles, always have done, but these spots are bigger than a freckle so it is "recent" or effects of "long term" skin damage now showing up.

Australia is atrocious for the sun

Will definatly check out the anti aging RE9 cream and other suggestions - and more than likely will NOW avoid the sun as much as possible if this is how they are caused. Hopefully, I can repair some of the damage to my skin.


Check out Paula Begoun's website too...


She wrote the book, Don't go to the cosmetics counter without me. Very good. She had thousands of reviews in that book rating almost every brand in the land. But she's not updating from the last version.

She now has her own line of products. Very reasonably priced.

But more important, she has an article that you might find interesting on this subject. The article will tell you which ingredients to look for in OTC products.

Search under "skin lightening" and read the article that comes up as a result of your search. It should be #2 on the search results.

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