For those that eat 1800-2500 calories a day


How much do you workout??? Because if I ate that much I could not maintain let alone lose weight (i'm 5'4 and about 130-- 19% bodyfat.. working to 125 and 17ish% body fat)

Sorry if I'm being nosey but reading how much some eat, I'm wondering what I'm doing wrong. I eat clean 90-95% of the time and eat about 1200 calories.

i workout for an hour and do yoga or pilates for 30mins to an hour 5-6 days a week. i eat between 1800-2000. you might be eating to little calories believe it or not. sometimes when you eat to little calories that body goes into starvation mode hording anything to keep you alive, instead of burning it off. intensity of workouts also plays a role, so if you don't do strenuous exercise everyday i wouldn't eat over 2000 calories.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
I eat about 2000-2500 calories a day and I do cardio 5 days a week for about 40-45 minutes and Strength training 2-3 days a week about 30 minutes each session. I used to eat about 1200-1500 calories and I was hungry a lot of the time and so I upped my caloric intake and actually lost 5 lbs. Eveyone is different. I personally think that most people should have at least 1500-1600 calories per day. I am 5'7 and weigh 134lbs. I also do not ever eat after 6:30. Just my experience.

I'm 5'2, about 115 pounds 23% body fat. I eat about 1500-1800 calories per day. I think you should probably go up to about 1400 calories per day minimum. The lowest I went was about 1300. I have lost 27 pounds since February. I try to eat clean during the week but I do cheat on weekends and I workout about 60 minutes, 5-6 days a week.

Wow Susan! If I ate 1200 calories per day I would just plain disappear! Sounds like you're not eating enough to me. I haven't been working out this year, but I still need at least 1800 calories per day. When I am working out, I need even more than that. And I'm 5'3" and small-boned.

I use to track my calories, so my numbers are semi-accurate. I average 2100-2200 a day to maintain my weight. I am 5'9 and weight approximately 133-135 pounds. I workout 1.25-1.5 hours a day, 5 days a week, and have a desk job. I do move around a lot at home, though, and I don't snack very often. I eat 6 relatively small meals a day, and eat nothing after 6:00 at night, unless there is a special occasion. All of this combined seems to work for me.

An example of one of my workouts is what I did this morning: SJP Abs, P90X Back/Biceps (no warmup or cooldown), interval treadmill run for 30 minutes.

I would take the advice to eat more and workout harder.

Good luck,
I work out a total of 6 days per week for an hour per day (2 days per week I do two hours per day). I am 5'8", weigh 130-135, with a body fat% of 16.5. I have remained consistent with my weight and body fat stats for the past few years by eating around 1800-2500 calories per day. You are probably not eating enough...on 1200 calories per day, your body is likely in starvation mode. Have you tried bumping it up a bit?
I eat about 7 meals a day and my calories are in that range, but I work out anywhere from 2-5 hours a day. My bodyfat is in the high 12% range and I weigh 116 at the moment at 5' 7 1/2" . I am always hungry and I eat more in the morning hours and very little around dinner.

Thanks everyone!

Working out time is not the problem. Mind you I don't work out as much as Charlotte (I bow to the master on that one!! You go girl!)but I do work out an average of 400-500 minutes a week. I'd say about 150-175 of that is RT with Cathe (all RT is with Cathe-- right now Gym Styles and Muscle Max-- about halfway through the 10ish weeks-- and I've already seen a 10% increase in upper body strength). Cardio is either Cathe, Season or the Treadmill.. never less then 45 minutes and often pushing 70 minutes.

Maybe my metabolism is slow LOL! :)
Please don't compare minute for minute, pound for pound, and calorie for calorie. I've seen pix of Charlotte, and she looks great; I, too, am her exact height and when I weighed 112, just a mere 4 lbs under her current weight, I was unvoluntarily admitted to an eating disorder clinic. For me, hovering around 116 was far too low. (I'm currently far, far above 116 lbs - oh well). Also, some folks can workout for an hour a few times a week and see great results, whereas other folks have to do much more. I am taller than Cathe. Even when I was anorexic, I had 'hips.' It is so fruitless for me to wish for her body as even if I ate clean (which would be a miracle in itself!) and worked as hard as she did, I simply would not look like her. Everyone's different, so try not to compare your body and its needs to others too much.
>I eat about 7 meals a day and my calories are in that range,
>but I work out anywhere from 2-5 hours a day.

Okay, please don't take this the wrong way but what do you do for 5 hours a day? Are you doing different workout DVDs, lifting weights and/or doing cardio on your own, household chores like mowing lawn, gardening, cleaning windows, etc.? (Which can sometimes be considered almost cardio IMO if you get your HR up. ;-))

I'm not trying to put you on the defensive. It's just that I've read you say this a couple of times now and you've piqued my curiosity. Sorry if you've answered this before.

WoW!!! How do you find the time to workout 2-5 hours a day?!? Are you a fitness trainer? Even if I had that kind of time to just workout, I'm not sure if I could keep that up long term. Again, WoW!!! My hat definately goes off to you...

If you don't mind me asking, what is an average day's routine for you? What does your routine on a 5 hour day look like?

Maybe someday I could actually keep up:) :) :)

Good response jillybean.

Always nice to see it's NOT all about numbers view on things. This forum does get that way from time to time.

Personally I would never do 5 hrs - just other priorities in life - my family, work, reading, friends, quiet time. We all have different values and that is what makes the world go round.
Oh, trust me. I have no aspirations to workout 5 hours a day nor am I comparing myself to anyone else. In fact, I've been reading Dr. Nick's Framework book and if nothing else it's inspired me to listen to my aging body, cross-train, take more rest days and do more stretching.

What I'm curious about is how someone could fill 5 hours with cardio, weights, yoga, pilates, stretching, etc.? Is there a lot of stretching or resting between sets? Is cardio done at a lower intensity for longer time periods? I have no desire to workout on a regular basis for that length of time but I occasionally do longer workouts on the weekend when time allows. By "longer" I mean 2 hours max. maybe even splitting it up. The only way I could see myself doing 5 hours would be going on a long bike ride with my family (once I worked up to that distance) or spending 5 hours doing yardwork (although I'd be really sore the next day) and would probably take lots of breaks. True "functional fitness" types of workouts in other words.

But how can you do 5 hours of traditional types of workouts? I hope Toasty responds because like I said, I'm "curious". I'm not trying to put anyone in a defensive mode either so I hope my question is not misinterpreted.

>>I eat about 7 meals a day and my calories are in that
>>but I work out anywhere from 2-5 hours a day.
>Okay, please don't take this the wrong way but what do you do
>for 5 hours a day? Are you doing different workout DVDs,
>lifting weights and/or doing cardio on your own, household
>chores like mowing lawn, gardening, cleaning windows, etc.?
>(Which can sometimes be considered almost cardio IMO if you
>get your HR up. ;-))
>I'm not trying to put you on the defensive. It's just that
>I've read you say this a couple of times now and you've piqued
>my curiosity. Sorry if you've answered this before.


I clean once a week and I do laundry all the time. Mowing has been on the back burner there for awhile because the grass was just brown from being so dry so I got a break. I don't clean my windows ALL the time and I don't consider any *household* activity, other then pushmowing cardio. So basically, when I have the extra time to workout, I do and I enjoy every minute of it.

>Oh, trust me. I have no aspirations to workout 5 hours a day
>nor am I comparing myself to anyone else. In fact, I've been
>reading Dr. Nick's Framework book and if nothing else it's
>inspired me to listen to my aging body, cross-train, take more
>rest days and do more stretching.
>What I'm curious about is how someone could fill 5 hours with
>cardio, weights, yoga, pilates, stretching, etc.? Is there a
>lot of stretching or resting between sets? Is cardio done at
>a lower intensity for longer time periods? I have no desire
>to workout on a regular basis for that length of time but I
>occasionally do longer workouts on the weekend when time
>allows. By "longer" I mean 2 hours max. maybe even splitting
>it up. The only way I could see myself doing 5 hours would be
>going on a long bike ride with my family (once I worked up to
>that distance) or spending 5 hours doing yardwork (although
>I'd be really sore the next day) and would probably take lots
>of breaks. True "functional fitness" types of workouts in
>other words.
>But how can you do 5 hours of traditional types of workouts?
>I hope Toasty responds because like I said, I'm "curious".
>I'm not trying to put anyone in a defensive mode either so I
>hope my question is not misinterpreted.

O.k. I am smiling now. ;-) I also don't continuously workout for 5 hours. I take breaks to eat, rest, etc. Sometimes I do something in the morning, like ride my bike and then I will do ab workout a few hours later and maybe work my upperbody later in the evening so my day is broken up so I get other things done too and sometimes my son will ride his bike with me. I also take about 2 rest days a week.


Charlotte -
Thanks for responding. I see now how you could possibly accumulate 5 hours if you're doing stuff here and there. Bicycle riding is great exercise isn't it? Got a new bike this year and I love going on long bike rides with the kids. You must never sit down though! You're very active and it sounds like you work very hard. Honestly though, for the sake of your joints, I'm glad to hear you aren't doing 5 Imaxes in a row or anything crazy like that;-)
You could all join us over at the Hardcore Fitness Maniacs check-in where Charlotte gives daily rundowns of her workouts. That girl can LIFT!!! And I think she's like the energizer bunny. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
Suz -
Energizer Bunny is what I was picturing. :) Now you have me curious enough to take a peak at your checkin thread. Thanks for the heads up.

Love your quote by the way. Big animal lover here.

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