Incorporating the new series in with strength workouts


How would you / are you going to incorporate the new workouts (all or 1 or whatever you have) with Cathe's other strength workouts? Will you do one older strength workout and then do 2 circuit - style workouts or what? Another person was looking for suggestions from Cathe but Cathe has been obviously busy. Does anyone have an ideas or suggestions?

I suppose the question could be tweaked in this manner:
* What would you do for a rotation to maintain strength and muscle development by incorporating the new workouts?
* What would you do to add these to an existing strength regime (like a 2-day split routine) to help with fat loss?

Looking for suggestions from the educated crowd. Thanks in advance -

RE: Incorporating the new series in with strength worko...


Hi... I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are looking for, but I thought I'd share with you anyway. ;-)

I created this 6-week rotation to help me with overall total body strength. Feel free to modify to fit your needs. Let me know if you have any questions.

Here is the rotation:

Week 1:
Mon: Gym Style Chest and Triceps + Stretch Max
Tue: Step Blast + SJP abs
Wed: Rest
Thu: GS Legs + Stretch Max
Fri: GS Back Shoulders Biceps + Stretch Max
Sat: Yoga
Sun: Low Impact Circuit

Week 2:
Mon: Legs and Glutes + Total Body Stretching
Tue: Cardio and Weights
Wed: Rhythmic Step
Thu: Rest
Fri: Core Max + Stretch Max
Sat: Boot Camp
Sun: Yoga

Week 3:
Mon: Muscle Max
Tue: KPC
Wed: High Step Challenge
Thu: Rest (Thanksgiving)
Fri: Yoga
Sat: Yoga
Sun: Rest

Week 4:
Mon: Butts and Guts
Tue: Rhythmic Step
Wed: Rest
Thu: PUB + Stretch Max
Fri: Yoga
Sat: Body Max 2
Sun: PLB + Total Body Stretching

Week 5:
Mon: GS Chest and Triceps + Core Max
Tue: Low Max + Stretch Max
Wed: GS Legs (standing only) + Core Max
Thu: Rest
Fri: GS Legs (floor work only) + Total Body Stretching
Sat: Low Impact Circuit
Sun: Yoga

Week 6:
Mon: Muscle Endurance
Tue: Step Blast
Wed: Rest
Thu: High Step Training
Fri: Core Max + Stretch Max
Sat: Drill Max
Sun: Yoga

Now that I've rec'd Cathe's new workouts and the gift, I may sub the gift for some of the cardio. Still haven't decided one way or another.

I can see using these in at least two different ways:
1) incorporating them in a weekly routine, doing a two-day split of weight training (days 1 and 3) and one of the new wokrouts (day 5), with cardio in between.
2) using these as a mini-rotation or week off of heavier lifting, doing one of the new workouts each on days 1, 3 and 5, with cardio in between.

If you go light on weights in the lower body portions of BMax2 or Low Impact Circuit, you could also use these before or after a heavier leg day.

And, of course, the upper body/lower body or cardio-only premixes allow these to be incorporated in more ways.
I typically do exactly what Kathryn mentioned (we are apparently workout twins, Kathryn! I find myself typing that sentence often!). For the last month, I've been doing a 2 day UB split on days 1 and 3 (interval cardio with additional leg focus on day 2), and add in a circuit workout on day 5, so my week usually looks like:

M: UB split 1, abs
T: Imax of choice, followed by leg conditioning drills of some sort
W: UB split 2, abs
R: Yoga
F: Circuit
Sa: Steady state cardio
Su: rest

I'll also occasionally toss in a circuit only week, to give myself a break from heavy lifting, so I'll use a similar schedule as above, but days 1, 3 and 5 will be circuit workouts, and depending on the leg work in the day 1 circuit, might take it a bit easier on day 2.

This has worked REALLY, REALLY well for me this month. I think I've maintained my strength (we'll see for sure when I start another X round on 11/13), and I've definitely gotten some additional definition, presumably from losing the last little bits of stubborn fat. I'm starting to see a full six pack now, which I thought was impossible (I had nice "lines" defining my obliques, but no sight of the horizontal cuts to define the six pack - those are finally starting to show!).

In addition to all of that, eating has continued to be super clean, which I'm sure is a huge factor.

I'm looking forward to using the premixes on these as well, as add-ons for other days. I think they are going to be incredibly versatile.

>I typically do exactly what Kathryn mentioned (we are
>apparently workout twins, Kathryn! I find myself typing that
>sentence often!).

Perhaps we were separated at birth!;-)
Thanks for the suggestions! I am trying out all of the new workouts and hope to have a rotation similar to your suggestions above ironed out for next week... you guys always have such great suggestions! Thanks!:)
since I was already doing a Gym Style rotation, I just slipped these in with it. I have been doing a 3 day split using GS, upper, lower, upper. Sometimes a rest day, sometimes not after the heavy weight, sometimes just cardio. then day 5 will be circuit with lighter weights. Then rest. I am always siwmming, building up for a meet in January. so the heavy weights will be dropped about second week of December for more endurance based.
RE: Incorporating the new series in with strength worko...

Like Kathryn and mspina, I try to do one circuit workout a week, mixed in with heavier upper body splits and a lower body workout. I also try to do full circuit weeks once in a while.

This week, I've done the Gym Styles workouts for upper body, and I used Butts&Guts for the lower body workout:

M- GS C&T, 35 minute treadmill run, abs
T- GS BBS, 35 minutes kickboxing, long stretch
W - Butts&Guts, as written (I hate floorwork, and will never do THAT part again!)
Th (today) - Drill Max, as written
F- I'll do a long treadmill run and a long stretch

Next week, I'll do a mix of circuit workouts, and get all of her new workouts in except for the butts part of Butts&Guts. I plan to try her new bonus abs section on one of those days, for sure.


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