Book Club members!


Sooo, did we decdie for sure on "The Kite Runner"? I am going out tonight and will be near stores to pick up my book. What do you all think? We can decide later when to discuss it. Anyone else know?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Okay, then "Kite Runner" it is! Thanks Becky!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Oh, I'm soo sorry! I will retreat back to Lunacat! (Although Becky is very pretty! :7)
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
So the book is settled, but has the discussion time frame been set to September? There was some back and forth on that one, perhaps discussing this one now and picking another for September? Did I miss that descision?

I have never read Faulkner, nor am I a huge Oprah person, but she recommended a summer book set of his that sounds great. I may do that one as well if anyone wants to go along for the ride with me! I stopped reading her recommendations (prior to this new incarnation of her book club) because they were too depressing. I don't always want to FEEL that kind of emotion. I admire that a writer can bring out that intensity, but more often I like the intensity of emotion to be more joyful....if that makes sense. She is choosing more classic books, and that is a nice change.
>I have never read Faulkner, nor am I a huge Oprah person, but
>she recommended a summer book set of his that sounds great. I
>may do that one as well if anyone wants to go along for the
>ride with me!

I was giving her Faulkner recommendation a serious thought, too. I don't know if I could get through 3 books + the forum's pick by the end of the summer. I love to read, but with little one's something has to give. I'll give it a try though.

Dani and others,
I think it may be September that we are discussing The Kite Runner, I have already ordered mine, it should be here in the next couple of days.

About the Faulkner-I will read the three selections. Dallas, they aren't that long from what I have seen. So Dani, I would be interested if you want to read those now, I will discuss them, and then we can read The Kite Runner (if you haven't already), and discuss witht the rest of the club.

You tell me the specifics, I am flexible. :)

A run to Borders is one of the last things on my list of things to do before we leave on Saturday. Everybody on Borders email list should check their email today. New promo coupon is for 50% a selection of new hardcover books...there is a couple of really good ones on there. I usually wait for paperback, but I have really been dying to read The Mermaid's Chair...I've heard it is quite good. I know, I know, no more suggestions......Take care all, Donna.
Donna, Thank you for the tip on Borders. I will have to check that website out.

Sabrina, Faulkner is William Faulkner, a southern writer. His work is considered to be brilliant, and a must read for all serious readers of literature.

Her is a link of his books that were chosen for Oprah's book club, their descriptions, and his biography. You can this set for less money at Target, etc.

Thanks. I thought it was William Faulkner but wanted to be sure. I hardly ever watch tv so I had not seen what books Oprah was talking about for her book club. Maybe I will join you if you don't mind. I like to read and will need something before the September book.:)
I just ordered the book. Mind if I join in?
AKA "Likes2bfit"
Judy! We'd love to have you join in! I got my "Kite Runner" last nite after going to FOUR different stores. Are they flying off the shelves or just not stocked??? I started to read mine last nite in the car waiting at the airpot for my hubby to come in but let's just eyes were closed MORE then they were open. Not because the book was boring but because my hubbie's plane came in late. 1:05 AM! I'm going to try to read some today. BTW, are we making the W. Falukner the next read? Sounds interesting. We could just play it by ear to discuss each book whenever everyone is ready and then, anyone who wants to join in can at any time with which ever book we are reading at that time. Did that makes sense??? I guess what I am saying is that we don't have to wait til September to discuss this book. Any thoughts???

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Yikes! I had better go get a copy if you are having problems finding them. I wont be able to get to a bookstore until tomorrow though. I have to drive about 45-50 minutes to get to one. I want to check on some other books while I am there too. The Faulkner ones and some others mentioned here.:) I am going to be busy reading!
I hope I'm understanding correctly. We are discussing The Kite Runner in September, right? If I read it now, I know I'll forget everything about it by then. I'm such a sieve head. I sometimes have a hard time remembering the name of the characters in whatever book I'm currently reading, much less try to remember and discuss it intelligently in 3 or 4 months.
Oh, I want in. I love to read and I can't find any open book clubs in my area.

Would the discussion be held on this forum?


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