Book Club members!

RE: As to the Faulkner idea....

Yes, I am definitely going to participate in The Kite Runner discussion. I may join the Faulkner discussion at some point, since I have taught these novels a few times, and I am always interested to see how people handle the challenge of reading him. This is assuredly NOT light summer fare.
Renee, that's IT! The "Muscles & Brains" Book Club! I picked up the Flaukner series last night and I have a feeling I am going to need some brains to understand it. Am I right Clare & Garance? BTW, I got the Flaukner Series for 14.99 at Sam's Club!!! That is a 50% savings off the normal price of $29.99. Yeeeah! I'm thinking maybe I will start reading the first novel of this and hold off on "Kite Runner" for awhile. Happy reading everyone and thanks for clarifying the decision.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
> I got the Flaukner Series for 14.99 at Sam's
>Club!!! That is a 50% savings off the normal price of $29.99.

Thanks Debbie for the heads up. I have my list for Sam's so I'll just add that to it. I think Oprah is supposed to have help on her web site with the Faulkner books. I'm sure I'll be checking that out.

Hey, I like the name for the club!:)


Yes, I went to her site last nite and there is tons of info about the series. They even have a bookmark :7 and a schedule to keep on track for reading the books that I copied off. There are some high quality videos of a professor talking about the books and it was very enlightening. (Very clear to hear.) I went to bed last night so excited and also a bit nervous about taking on this challenge since everyone keeps saying that they are not easy reads, including her site, but that they are so worth the read. Sooo, we'll see how I do! Good Luck! Can't wait to hear everyone's impression.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I wonder if Costco will have the same deal. I don't have a memebership to Sam's club, but if Costco doesn't have the set than I will find someone who does shop there.

I LOVE the "Muscles and Brains Book Club"!! If we take a vote that name has mine!
RE: Dallas!

Debbie, that is part of what intrigued me so much. A whole section of her website that is dedicated to getting us through this series. I have never done anything quite like this before, but I love the idea of listening to what they say, doing my own reading and thinking, and checking in to see what everyone else thinks as well.

Life as a homeschooling mom is so much about what your kids are learning and helping them in that journey. I am always thrilled when I get to learn something and challenge myself a bit. I picked up knitting this winter, and have attempted the guitar as well. I am not great or fancy with either, but reading I can do:)
Dani~You are too cute! You crack me up. I bet you are the best mom!! Hey, if you don't find them, let me know & I can pick them up for you and send them off right away. Do you have a BJ's? They are usually comparable to Sam's. Just let me know. YES, I was thrilled to find all the info on Oprah's site. I thoroughly was sooo engrossed in it that I was up til almost 1:00 AM reading! Otherwise, I don't think I would have attempted this challenge. Hmmm, maybe that was Oprah's intention??? I don't consider myself stupid, but I have loved reading in the past but don't think I have ever considered myself a "SERIOUS" reader. Hope this makes me one! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks so much for the offer Debbie!! What a nice thought. I bit the bullet and ordered from Amazon. It is a couple of dollars more but they have free shipping and it delivers to my front door. That is worth it. I bought the boxed set and "The Kite Runner" as well as "The Mermaid Chair". The lady who wrote that book did "The Secret Life of Bees" which I loved so I thought I would give the new one a try.

I imagine a lot of time in the hammock, if only our weather would get back to the spring/summer conditions I had been enjoying. Rain and snow for the last week is killing me! Blech!!
Great Dani! Keep me posted once they come! We are having unbelievable humid and HOT weather in the 90's all week in Ohio. I am NOT complaining because of the awful winters we get. It sure makes jogging hard though. Whew! Can't wait to start my first book. Maybe tonight!!! Sooo, are we officially "The Muscles & Brains" Book Club? Should we post a thread?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!

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