Book Club members!


That is exactly what I was thinking. I know some are vacationing and I think that is the reason some wanted to wait til September. Should we take a poll to see if should discuss this as soon as those that are reading it now are done, rather then wait til Sept.? I am just like you. I will say..WHO??? Then, come time when others have time to join in, they can read the book we have set up at that point. BTW, the selection for reading NOW is Kite Runner unless I missed something. That is what I am reading! :p I don't meant to take control at all and want feedback. I just think three months is a long time to wait.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Robin!

I am not sure when we are discussing the Kite Runner either. I am up for sooner rather than later. I am the same as you guys. If I wait and I am reading it now I will have stories put together somehow.

I'm assuming it would be! Welcome to Cathe's FIRST official Book Club! I think we need a name?? Hmmm, let's suggest some. "Relaxing After Cathe" Bookclub. Okay, I know I'm getting silly but it WOULD be fun to have a name! :7
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Robin!

Then, do you want to make the Faulkner series the next selection? Or, better yet, take a vote to be fair?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Robin!

Maybe we should vote. That would be fair. The Faulkner series or the Kite Runner. Is that where we are?
I just ordered the Kite Runner from Amazon after reading the reviews. It sounds like a powerful novel.

I am an English professor, and I think it's great that Oprah is recommending As I lay Dying, The Sound and the Fury, and Light in August. BUT, these are not easy novels by Faulkner. The Benjy section of The Sound and the Fury is from the p.o.v. of a sweet character who has the mind of a three-year-old. Stream-of-consciousness narratives are difficult and this is what you have with As I lay Dying and The Sound and the Fury. Of the three novels, the easiest is Light in August, and there is definitely some comedy here with Lena Grove. Joe Christmas, however, is a dark character. My favorite Faulkner novels are Absalom, Absalom!, Go Down, Moses, and Light in August.
RE: Robin!

Lori came first in offering selections from which we could choose. Who is next on the list for offering up their selections for our perusal? We should stick with the list we had on the original thread about starting up a book club, in the order in which people responded. That's what we agreed on, right? That way, we all know where we are, who's had their turn, and who's up next.

So, one of us should keep a list from that original thread of what order we all responded in to know who's turn it is next.

Also, the Faulkner collection Oprah is currently marketing is actually three different novels. One would be enough! Faulkner is not easy and not a happy read!


Sorry, I missed that about the order of responding. I am pretty sure we all voted & the Kite Runner was the winner, right??? Oh boy!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Clare!

Yes we did decide on the Kite Runner. I think there are several of us that are not sure if we are discussing the book in September or sooner.
I am next on the list to pick if we go by Clare's suggestion. }( Lori got to go first because she was the first one to respond to Kathy's thread about starting a book club. I did a poll and everyone voted on when they wanted to discuss the first book chosen. Waiting until September had the most votes.

As to the Faulkner idea....

Hello ladies! I am thrilled to be onboard with "The Kite Runner"! It sounds amazing and I have it reserved at the library. We have until September right? I figured I could wait for it to come in and save some money.

About the Faulkner idea.....I am just a nut who loves to read. I saw the Oprah where she introduced the set of books, and having never read them I was intrigued by the challenge that you could not consider yourself a serious reader unless you read Falkner. What?! Me not a serious reader? I'll show you.....;-)

Anyway, I thought that I would tackle this set over the summer and still be able to join in with the chosen book of "The Kite Runner". Call me a glutton for punishment, but I thought if anyone else was thinking along the same line, perhaps saw the Oprah episode and wanted to read these as well, we could do it together over the summer.

No worries either way, but I will be going for it and willing to discuss it if anyone else cares to as well. I will say that I have never been a part of a book club and the whole notion thrills me. Happy reading!
Hey Clare!

Re: "Faulkner is not easy and not a happy read!" Do you mean as far as understanding, it's not easy? Or just that it is sad?? I am contemplating picking them up to read before The Kite Runner if the KR is not going to be discussed til September.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Hey Clare!

I'd like a clarification to this as well. I assume it is not happy (not much that Oprah recommends ever is), and only difficult to read if you are not a "reader". I did read all about them on her website and for some reason I am ready to go for it!
RE: As to the Faulkner idea....

Yes, like Dani said, the Kite Runner is the winner, and like Jes said, we are discussing it in September. A couple of us were just kicking around the idea to read another book in the interim, since we wouldn't be discussing The Kite Runner until September.

I am willing to read Faulkner, just for fun, he has always been on my list of must reads. I don't know if I will totally grasp all of it, but it's worth a shot. I do have a few chapters left of a book I am reading now.

Another idea for people that want to read The Kite Runner now is to take a few notes. I know it sounds boring, but I think it will be helpful. I might do this, if I can't wait to read it unti August.

RE: As to the Faulkner idea....

Are you joining our discussion of The Kite Runner? With you being an English professor, I think you could really add to our discussion, and help us out a bit, our me anyway. :) :)

Was there a place to sign up for the bookclub? I do you jump in when you see the posts? I am reading the kite runner now (just started last night) and had already planned to do the Oprah Faulkner thing since she was having professors discuss the books on her website.
Yes, this is what I meant by Faulkner not being an easy read. But, please do not let me put anyone off Faulkner!!

I think in today's day and age we are more accustomed to reading stream of cosciousness, we can all handle it!

I just wasn't sure that Faulkner is what we wanted for a Summer read that's all!

OK. The Kite Runner. Discussion in Sept. I agree we need a name, if only to keep straight where we are in the forum. Any ideas? I guess this will call for another vote!
I am excited. I will be shopping on Amazon this morning for the book.

WOW! We have muscles and brains here...what a great group of ladies/gents we are!!!


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