Plank theory...


Hello all! I've been doing some thinking lately on the dreaded (for me) planks and pushups. For years now, I have tried to master these exercises to no avail and I think I have a theory as to why. I have lordosis (a "sway" back or a larger curve to the lower spine) and kyphosis (a larger curve to the upper spine). The spine of course has a natural "S" curve to it and mine is a bit more exaggerated than most.

A few months ago, I began to take note of the students in my class who seem to have difficulty with these exercises and I noticed that many of them had the same back issue as me. My sister also has this issue and also has trouble with these exercises even though like me, she is strong in all other exercises. We both have strong backs, shoulders, chest, abs, etc, so it seems odd that these exercises would elude us.

I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has trouble doing these exercises and has the same issues with their backs. You can tell you have an exaggerated curvature if you cannot have a straight back during these exercises. My uppper spine ALWAYS looks rounded when attempting these exercises.
Anyway, just a theory. Maybe this is already well known but it just occured to me.

Have a great day!
I have lordosis, and have always had trouble with planks. I thought it was because I am tall (almost 5'10"), and have a lot more length between my feet and hands to stabilize, if that makes sense. AND, come to think of it, my upper back looks curved when I'm in plank. I can't straighten it out in that position, but it looks straight when I stand up.... Very interesting theory, and maybe the back curves play a bigger role than I thought.

I have to figure that because these positions are hard for us, that we need to focus on them even more. I have been working at planks and pushups for a long time, and even though they seem harder for me than I would expect after all of this time, I haven't given up. My lower back is much stronger than it was years ago, and I have a lot less pain from the swayback than I used to.

Are you tall?

I'm about 5'7'' so I guess I'm sorta tall. Although the taller you are, the longer your limbs should be relatively speaking. Maybe it's a double whammy to be tall and have lordosis. I have noticed this in people shorter than me though.
Like you, I also appear to have a straight back when standing. It's just super obvious when I'm doing this exercise.

Thanks for responding!
I am 5'7 1/2" and I love planks. I even use a 10# plate on my back ocassionally. I don't have any problems with my back so I am able to do this, but I don't think height has anything to do with making planks harder to do. I think they are easy. JMHO

>I am 5'7 1/2" and I love planks. I even use a 10# plate on my
>back ocassionally. I don't have any problems with my back so I
>am able to do this, but I don't think height has anything to
>do with making planks harder to do. I think they are easy.

I just need to add... OF COURSE Charlotte thinks planks are easy! The woman curls 70 pounds, for goodness sakes!! :) :) :*


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