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  1. S

    Update 12/30/05

    I'm sorry, but this response is totally out of line and completely uncalled for, especially from someone who is supposed to be representing CUSTOMER SERVICE. Linda's posts have certainly reflected her anger and frustration but in no way, shape or form have they been uncivil or disrespectful...
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    Update 12/30/05

    RE: I'd like to kindly clarify I think that continuing to tell people that they have the option of cancelling their orders misses the point entirely and only serves to inflame the situation. No one here is demanding delivery of a finished product next week. All people are asking for is regular...
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    Pre-Sale Comments---Like it or Not and its Long

    In the overall scheme of things, this whole flap ranks way low on the ladder of things to get riled about. I agree with others that these workouts rarely crossed my mind and as I said in one of the locked threads, I was okay with the wait because of the savings I'd be receiving and because I was...
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    Pics of new, improved workout room

    Looks great! I love seeing pix of everyone's workout spaces because it's so helpful as I try to expand mine. Lots of great ideas abound here. Thanks!
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    I need help choosing:)

    I just got SB/SJP (and HSTA) with my gift card and so far, I'm loving it. So that definitely gets my vote. But then again, I love C&W and just started working on Imax 2 which is also a lot of fun, so that gets my vote as well. And PUB/PLB is next on my must-buy list so...well, never mind...
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    Equipment needed for Cathe's DVD's

    If you go to the pages each DVD, you'll see a tab for "equipment needed."
  7. S

    Good Workout Songs

    My workout preference is for anything trance/electronica. Most of the time, I stream an internet station, I've also got a couple of iTunes mixes with stuff by Underworld, LCD Soundsystem, Fischerspooner, Gorillaz, Nine Inch Nails, Unkle, etc. I also love the Chemical Brothers Push the...
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    How do you build up stamina?

    As someone who's very new to exercise in general (less than a year) and even newer to Cathe, my lack of endurance was something that really bothered me in the beginning. I had to stop looking at the big picture and take it in small steps. It took me FOREVER to work through LowMax, for example. I...
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    Personally, I'm not especially concerned about the lack of regular updates. I know that in the end I'm going to get a quality product at a substantial discount from a trusted source and the info we've been given thus far assures me that things are progressing, albeit at a snail's pace...
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    Couscous salad - this sounds good!!

    This sounds great. Thanks for posting it. BTW, couscous is a type of semolina pasta. Quinoa is a grain that's a complete protein.
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    Help! Can't get my gift card to work!

    I had the same problem. Here's the e-mail response I got from customer service. "Our software provider is still working on the redemtion of the cards. In the meantime to use your card just choose "pay by check". In the Comments box and provide the following info: #1 Gift Card# (this is...
  12. S

    Rhythmic Step...

    For some reason, I had no problem with Rhythmic Step. On the other hand, just to keep me humble, I was ready to cry trying to learn the step portions of Body Fusion. Every time I'd try it, the cats would run for cover because they knew my feet would have a mind of their own and could fly out of...
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    Who does Weight Watchers?

    Hi Thea, I've been on WW since March of '01, coming up on my 5th anniversary and my 4th year at lifetime maintaining a 120lb loss. I truly think it's the best, most realistic and flexible program out there but the one area where I think it falls short is when it comes to APs. I think the...
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    Low Impact Step vs. Low Max?

    Low Max is one of my absolute favorites, especially now that I finally, FINALLY was able to get through it all in one shot (a big accomplishment for someone who NEVER exercised at all until a few months ago--yay me!). The music is some of the best--it just helps all the moves flow together...
  15. S

    Ok let's talk heart rate monitors

    I have a Polar F11 that I love. I had a very basic hand-me-down Polar before that served its purpose when I was just starting out, so when it came time to replace it, I stuck with the brand. The F11 has a lot of bells and whistles--probably way more than I need right now (I'm using the zone...
  16. S

    My club step just arrived!

    Enjoy! I love my Club Step (the multi-colored version) and really lucked out when I scored one at a yard sale--in mint condition--for $5. Of course, I immediately took whatever I saved and bought myself some extra risers and the High Step topper. When everything is stacked up, it's my cats'...
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    Lo Max or Cardio Hits?

    I have both LowMax and Cardio Hits (so far I've only done Step Works) and I'd have a hard time choosing one over the other. It's a tough call, especially since you get three workouts with CH, but based on your comment that you don't like tricky footwork, I'd say you'd probably be better of going...
  18. S

    Rhythmic Step - my new favorite step video!

    RS is definitely one of my faves as well and not only because it was the first Cathe workout I was able to complete (and a girl never forgets her first). It's just a lot of fun, from the moves to the music to the presentation. Took a while to get it down but it was worth it. I'm glad I'm not the...
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    How is the Music in the Low Impact Step?

    To be honest, I thought the music for the warm-up was truly awful--it sounded like honking geese at one point. I usually don't pay a tremendous amount of attention to the music when I workout because I'm too busy trying not to kill myself, but I was kind of afraid that I'd be really turned off...
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    Your First Big Rock Concert?

    Shaun Cassidy? I got blindsided into taking my sister to Madison Square Gardent to see (gack!) big brother David at the very height of his Partridge Family popularity, white velour jumpsuit and all. My mother had promised my sister that SHE would take her but she wised up at the last minute and...