How is the Music in the Low Impact Step?

I am on the fence about to tip over on the buy side on this one, but I can't find any feedback on the music. Music matters to me as much as the workout--the workout sounds terrific by the way based on the reviews so far.

So what about the tunes? I love the music in C&W--it's a favorite except for the song used in the last cardio section. I also liked most of the tunes in L&G. I love much of the bass-heavy, 90's tunes in some of Cathe's earlier step workouts--like Power Max for example. I abhor the terrible (IMO) music in the Slim Series.

Where does the music in Low Impact Step fall with C&W being a 10 and Slim Series music being a 1--actually more like a negative 50. }(

To be honest, I thought the music for the warm-up was truly awful--it sounded like honking geese at one point. I usually don't pay a tremendous amount of attention to the music when I workout because I'm too busy trying not to kill myself, but I was kind of afraid that I'd be really turned off to LIS if the warm-up was any indication of what was to come. Thankfully, it sort of settled into a groove after that. Nothing Grammy worthy mind you, but not awful. The music for the sculpting workout was much better, IMO. Nice jazzy feel. I love both workouts though, in spite of the "eh" tunes.

So far, my favorite soundtrack in my limited but growing-at-an-exponential-rate Cathe collection is Low Max. I find myself humming it at the strangest times...
I am very much in the minority here because I actually kind of like the music. It is definitely not my favorite, but I don't dislike it. The first tune that I haven't found anyone to like, except myself, sounds kind of country. The music is definitely not like the last 3 series Cathe has put out, but I actually think it is a nice change of pace.
>To be honest, I thought the music for the warm-up was truly
>awful--it sounded like honking geese at one point.

I agree completely! Is there a vomiting smilie somewhere? (Let's put it this way: when I heard the music in LIS, I kind of wish they hadn't fixed the music-to-voice volume problem that exists with HC workouts.)

I've only previewed the workout so far, but it looks fabulous! But I am definitely someone who is motivated by good music (the music that plays in the 'rock over the top" segment of IMAX2 really makes me want to move, and the music for the final chest segment in S&H helps me push hard). I'm worried about how the music will effect my workout.

Most of the rest of the music isn't as bad as the warm-up music, but there might be one other horribly aweful tune, and the rest of it is just "ho-hum." It's like somebody created the music at home on the cheapest synthesizer they could get.

Cathe said it would be similar to HSTA, but I liked that music better.

I think this is the worst music I've ever heard on a Cathe workout.
I just did this workout for the first time this morning and was pretty much just concentrating on getting the moves down. All I can remember is that it was not memorable!
Thanks for the feedback so far. It really helps to hear opinions! The workout content sounds so good for my fitness needs at this point, I'm leaning towards overlooking what sounds like non-descript at best music in favor of getting an intermediate/low advanced Cathe. Thanks again!


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