My club step just arrived!


I'm so excited! I can't wait to try Cathe's workouts on it. I haven't used one in years, since step class at the gym. I forgot how long they were LOL I looks a little sticky (the black part). It's a lot darker black then the ones at the club. Is that how they are supposed to be when they are new?
i hope you enjoy your new step. i don't know to much of them, i live in too small of an apartment to have such a big step. i saw them at ymca and it was almost as tall as me LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
Enjoy! I love my Club Step (the multi-colored version) and really lucked out when I scored one at a yard sale--in mint condition--for $5. Of course, I immediately took whatever I saved and bought myself some extra risers and the High Step topper. When everything is stacked up, it's my cats' favorite place to sit. They get really miffed when I have to move them because I want to work out.:)
Congrats and how exciting!!! Enjoy it! Which workout are you doing first????

Yeah, my dh watches me like a hawk every time I carry mine in from the garage - he thinks I'm going to break something (he knows how clutzy I am!)...
Good for you Debbie! I've been wanting to buy one but my old Reebok step lives on! I've had it for 12 years and it's still going! :)
Congratulations Debbie! I can't wait. I want that more than jewelry this Christmas! ;-) Have fun with it. I'm still using a shorter Reebok one. It works, but it would be nice to have the Club Step. BTW, Happy early birthday! Have fun this weekend.

Christine ~ You have to bring it in from the garage every time you work out?! What a pain!

Sparky ~ that's funny about your cat. My ds2 likes to get inside of my high step and wants me to put the top on it. :D

Debbie - Yes that is the right one and the same one that Cathe uses in all but the Low Impact Step video - that one is a little shorter. You will love the long one as it also make a great weight bench...

And as mentioned by others - also the favorite place for my kitty to nap... If looks could kill when I move him to workouts... hehe...

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