Rhythmic Step...


I have just attempted to do Rhythmic Step...All I can say is WOW!!! :eek:
I was falling all over the place...I had two left feet. Is this one tough!? How long did it take you to complete Rhythmic Step and not fall over your two feet?

All I can say is, THIS ONE IS TOUGH!! I am sooo upset with myself that I couldn't finish this one ...I totally lost it on the Step Challenge!

Jenn ;(
this one is a tricky one so don't feel bad. it took me over a year to do it completely. my biggest problem was getting combo 3 down. once you do the 3 combos for a bit then try the step challenge again.


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I had always thought I was pretty darn good as far as catching on with choreography. I competed in gymnastics growing up which involved a lot of "following" steps, moves, etc. I did fine...until the dreaded Rhythmic Step. It took me awhile to get that one.

Yeah, this is a tough one to get the choreography down. I had it for 1-2 years, tried it a few times and considered selling it. Recently, I dug it out and decided to give it another try before I attempted to sell it. I think over time, I've gotten better at choreo doing other (easier choreo) Cathe tapes and now I LOVE RS. I did it this morning as a matter of fact and I usually pull it out once every 1-2 weeks. Keep trying! Once you get it down, it's so much fun!
I wasn't able to do the RS Step Challenge until I had done the rest of the workout at least four to five times. Yes, the choreography is complex, but it is so much fun that it is worth learning. I do it on an 8 inch step now.
I recently got RS and have done the first segment 3x, the 2nd segment 2x and the 3rd segment 1x. I will not even ATTEMPT the challenge until I am reasonably confident with all of the segments. It helps alot to take it slow and break the work out down. Don't try to learn it all at once if it's tricky.

All I can say is this...all the Step challenges are that,,, challenges,,, I see it as being challenged not physically... but mentally,,, which is good, I am so focused and concentrated, listening to the cueing, that I forget totally I am working out... when a step is difficult and feel little lost,,, I stopped and rewind on and on until I got it.... then comes the good thing,,, you follow the workout easier, and get better and better every time.
I don't know why, but I didn't have too hard of a time with this one. I think Step Blast is much harder. I guess I was just expecting it to be really challenging so was pleasantly surprised when I could do it. It's lots of fun. There is one song that drives me a bit nuts and it seems to go on forever! But I do like this workout. Keep at it. You will be surprised that you will be able to do it soon!
I'd say it took me more than a dozen tried to get RS, and even then those triples around the step still messed me up. It usually takes me 3-4 tries to get most of Cathe's step workouts. I had to work on RS for a LONG time, but it was worth it. Don't give up... RS has very intricate choreography and takes time to learn.

It took me THREE YEARS to get all the way through to section 3. I didn't have so much of a problem w/the first two sections, but sec. 3 just frustrated the heck out of me.

Finally I decided just to work on sec. 3 until I got it down. Now it's one of my favorite workouts b/c it's so unique & so much fun.
This, along with Step Blast, is one of my favorites. It's so complex that even when you've got it down, it's fun and challenging. Keep trying, it's worth it.
Oh, heck, I STILL can't get that third combo down after - this work out is 4 years old? - so I FAKE it! This is a favorite because it never gets stale.
Just Do It! :)
OK, now I feel better. I have owned RS for about 6 months and I still struggle a little with combo 1 and 2 and forget about combo 3. By the time I am to it, I am mentally exhaused and I just do combo 1 again!

I will get it and you will too! There is hope for us all.


Keep your head in line. Your butt will follow.

You guys inspired me to do this one today. I can do segments 1 and 2 with little problem and managed to get about 3/4 of the way through segment 3, but I swear my mind goes totally blank and I end up standing there staring at the TV. LOL Great workout, though, and so fun!

For some reason, I had no problem with Rhythmic Step. On the other hand, just to keep me humble, I was ready to cry trying to learn the step portions of Body Fusion. Every time I'd try it, the cats would run for cover because they knew my feet would have a mind of their own and could fly out of control at any second. It wasn't pretty...
if i am not mistaken(and i could be LOL) i think that might be mambo off the step.

When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I LOVE RS too!! I avoided this workout for a while for some reason, but I finally tried it.

I'll tell you what helped me...before I tried it, I watched it a few times to get an idea of what to expect. I normally don't watch workouts before I do them, but I think I knew before hand (probably because of something I read on this forum)that I should probably watch this one first...doing so helped me tremendously.

Hang in there...you'll get it!!

This is one of my favorites! It takes practice but you will get it! (Just like riding a bike)

Once you get it, it's going to be your favorite.

It took me a lot of rewinding to memorize the segments. Try memorizing one segment at a time. Get the segment down perfectly, and then work on the next one.

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