Couscous salad - this sounds good!!


I can't find quinoa here in my area. I just found tempeh which I am going to get soon and try. I must admit though I haven't been to a health food store. There isn't one in my little town but I'm sure there is in the surrounding bigger towns and definitely Charlotte would have one. I'll try to make a trip to one and see what all I can find there soon.
Mmmmm Jane. Yummy!

I love couscous & will have to try this. Have never tried quinoa yet though.....what's the difference?
This sounds great. Thanks for posting it.

BTW, couscous is a type of semolina pasta. Quinoa is a grain that's a complete protein.
Have never tried
>quinoa yet though.....what's the difference?

Couscous is a processed grain (actually a type of pasta), while quinoa is a whole grain that is quite nutritious, and the only grain that is a complete protein.

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