Update 12/30/05

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Cathe -
For those of us who know you, we know this is not intensional. Life is filled with so many hurdles and obsticles that for someone to be angry about this does not know to what extent and detail all the work involed. There are many people involved in the production of a workout and for all those people to run smoothly is almost unheard of. I am not one to post often but when I read about all the angry people, I just had to let you know that I (and I am sure most) understand and we will always be by your side!!!!
Glass Half FULL :)

Hmmmm....I guess none of the "complainers" have any other Cathe Videos/DVD's to occupy them while waiting. I sure do, I am enjoying them while happily waiting for new ones. She's never let us down yet.

Have a great year everybody and be happy!

Joni :+
Just wanted to say that this is my first pre-order and I am very happy with everything and look forward to my new workouts!!:D

Though this a free forum Cathe does her best to answer as many questions as possible. Cathe has answered more questions online than other instructor I know of and quite often spends a tremendous amount of time on her replies. But this does not mean that Cathe will answer every question. This is especially true when we’re in the process of producing new workouts. Once we’re done filming and editing, Cathe will become more active on the forums.
I don't think SNM gets it.

No one wants their monies back, we do LOVE Cathe's workouts. What is needed and frankly, required, is communication which has not be forthcoming.

Remember, again, we did not post announcements, state filming will begin in the fall, or state more detailed information will be coming soon (almost 4 months ago) about the role of CCTV. SNM/Cathe posted this, not any customer. When you post things like this, you MUST follow-up or through in communication with your customers when you are behind, delayed or there is some internal strife going on.

And don't get hot or upset because customers ask SPECIFIC questions and are angry by the non-communicative answers that have been given. Obivously, there is much going on behind the scenes which you may not be able to write about, but at LEAST have common courtesy to inform your loyal base that there are problems and issues that must be addressed and the filming will take longer than anticipated.

Is this too MUCH to ask?

Linda D Robinson
Chicago, IL
I also do not mind waiting, and I really love having this forum for fitness questions. I would hate to see everything change.

I love Cathe's workouts. I pre-ordered the Hardcore series, but felt it was taking too long, so I simply canceled my order and SNM refunded my money. It was no big deal. I moved on.

I don't intend to cancel this order. I just wish this drama would go away. I'm still very happy with Cathe and SNM.

Just my humble opinion . . .

Linda, we do understand that most people are not looking for a refund and are just anxious to know when they will have their DVDs. But every presale we go through this hysteria that envelops the forums and I’m sure we will also go through the same hysteria once the new DVDs are released. Most of our customers know more about us than almost any other company they deal with. Despite what some may say about us, we work very hard on keeping our customers informed and happy. We do this through road trips and by having one of the oldest and best forums of its type on the internet. Cathe has probably answered more questions online and by email than any other instructor. I could be wrong, but I don’t think there is another instructor who is even a close second.

When Cathe made her online statement in early Fall that she hoped to be filming in November that was what she felt to be true at that point in time. The problem is this was only a hope and what she thought, not a date certain as many probably took it to be. A project like this has many variables and there can be many things that cause delays. Currently, the only three things stopping us from filming are Cathe’s leg, minor changes to the music we finally received last week and rehearsals that need to be flawless. One of the nice things about having our own filming studio is we are not locked into a film date and can shoot whenever we feel Cathe and the crew are 100 percent ready. By the way, about CCETV being a problem… We do have to coordinate with them since they do the shooting, but we maintain 100% control, so there is no reason to fear another Goodtimes type of relationship. Our new video set has already been erected and we’re pretty much set to go. About the only thing that can delay us further is Cathe’s leg injury and recovery time.
Happy New Year, Cathe and fellow members! I have been a loyal Cathe fan for many years now; I own most all of her workouts in both VHS and DVD format. I have pre-ordered several times and have never been disappointed. I know that quality sometimes takes a little longer than just cranking out sub-standard workouts in order to cash in. And believe me, I've tried my share of those - they are either sitting on my shelf after one try or I've given them away. All of Cathe's workouts are of the highest quality; I don't feel like I'm getting the same workout over and over again - they're all different, fresh and new! I am patiently awaiting the new workouts, and any updates in the mean time are just a plus for me.

Cathe, I hope your calf is healing nicely, and I look forward to your next great set of superb workouts!

To All, have a fantastic 2006!

Chris in IL :7
For future reference SNM, maybe you should think about any announcements until you are READY to film. This way the wait time is not too long and you are not put to the fire by announcing things and then have to recant.

And once your do announce a time frame, if there are any delays/obstacles, it would be in your best interest to announce it and let the customers know of any delays. Even when customers pre-order or back order an item from various stores, etc, a timeline is given or possibly a date. And when there are any delays, it is in their best interest to inform the customer of any delays, etc.

It is just communication. And I think that is all anyone on this board want.

Thank you.

Linda D Robinson
Chicago, Il
"When Cathe made her online statement in early Fall that she hoped to be filming in November that was what she felt to be true at that point in time. The problem is this was only a hope and what she thought, not a date certain as many probably took it to be. A project like this has many variables and there can be many things that cause delays. Currently, the only three things stopping us from filming are Cathe’s leg, minor changes to the music we finally received last week and rehearsals that need to be flawless. One of the nice things about having our own filming studio is we are not locked into a film date and can shoot whenever we feel Cathe and the crew are 100 percent ready. By the way, about CCETV being a problem… We do have to coordinate with them since they do the shooting, but we maintain 100% control, so there is no reason to fear another Goodtimes type of relationship. Our new video set has already been erected and we’re pretty much set to go. About the only thing that can delay us further is Cathe’s leg injury and recovery time"

I believe that if this was communicated to customers earlier, then most of the "hysteria" wouldn't have occurred.

Thanks for the update.

>"When Cathe made her online statement in early Fall that she
>hoped to be filming in November that was what she felt to be
>true at that point in time. The problem is this was only a
>hope and what she thought, not a date certain as many probably
>took it to be. A project like this has many variables and
>there can be many things that cause delays. Currently, the
>only three things stopping us from filming are Cathe’s leg,
>minor changes to the music we finally received last week and
>rehearsals that need to be flawless. One of the nice things
>about having our own filming studio is we are not locked into
>a film date and can shoot whenever we feel Cathe and the crew
>are 100 percent ready. By the way, about CCETV being a
>problem… We do have to coordinate with them since they do the
>shooting, but we maintain 100% control, so there is no reason
>to fear another Goodtimes type of relationship. Our new video
>set has already been erected and we’re pretty much set to go.
>About the only thing that can delay us further is Cathe’s leg
>injury and recovery time"
>I believe that if this was communicated to customers earlier,
>then most of the "hysteria" wouldn't have occurred.
>Thanks for the update.

now THAT's the kind of update that will stop most of the hysteria! THANK YOU for the update!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I'm another who's been hangin' with Cathe for years.

The only disappointment I have experienced is not being able to complete a great, kickbutt workout by Cathe from time to time. She slays me, I love it!

I knew full well when I pre-ordered I would be waiting for a great return on my investment.

I have always pre-ordered, and Lord willing, always will.

I have developed a great respect and trust in Cathe and crew over the years. They have earned it.

Nuff said :)
I too, have great respect and trust in Cathe, but quite frankly NOT HER CUSTOMER SERVICE. Whomever is posting on behalf of SNM, needs to place themselves on the other side of the fence and actually READ WHAT WAS POSTED. If I answered to customers in this manner, I "truly" may not have a job when the day ends. JMHO

Linda, as long as you treat us with civility and respect we will always do the same to you. Your post have been quite rude and over the top lately. Though we will always take a certain amount of emotional outburst, we do have our limits.
I do no think that asking questions and "hopefully" getting answers is rude or over the top. And I have addressed this board with civility. But you are in a position to do the SAME. Especially since we are you customers, and very loyal ones at that. If you put yourself in "our" shoes, maybe you can understand how we feel, but at this point, it is pointless.

It is unbelievable that Cathe would allow a representative to respond to her customers, (the ones who have allowed her to REMAIN IN THIS BUSINESS) in such a shabby, matter of fact way. Why? Because specific questions (questions that MANY want answers to) were asked and you did not like the way they were posed? Are only :) posts the only ones that are required and not the posts with straight forward questions? And lastly, we (the customers) did not start this, it was started with the announcement and lack of follow-up from your side, but you want to tar and feather the customer, again because you do not like the question?

I will not post here again.
I'm sorry, but this response is totally out of line and completely uncalled for, especially from someone who is supposed to be representing CUSTOMER SERVICE. Linda's posts have certainly reflected her anger and frustration but in no way, shape or form have they been uncivil or disrespectful. I've been following this saga--and adding my two cents in a couple of places--with a growing sense of dismay over the way it's being handled by SNM. Personally, to date, I've been completely satisfied by my dealings with the company, but I now shudder to think what might happen if a problem DOES arise. Nothing in your responses to this issue leads me to believe that I'd encounter anything other than defensive finger-pointing and blame-shifting. When I cancelled my preorder--for several reasons, not just the current issue at hand--I stated that I'd happily continue to give SNM my business. I'm really rethinking that statement right about now.

You owe Linda an apology.
Let's see: I started working out with Cathe with MegaStep Blast. Her workouts, even back then, were far superior to all others, for me.
Back then I got her workouts from Collage Video, as this forum had not been set up yet. Every time I got the Collage catalog and saw she had a new workout, I was thrilled and ordered it, and I was very satisfied with her workouts. It was great to see this website set up, and to be able to communicate with Cathe and other home fitness exercisers.

I loved it when we started to be able to preorder her workouts from this website, and was even happier when I found out her club was in New Jersey, and within traveling distance for me to meet her and work out with her, which I have done two times on my own and two times with the road trip.

I look forward to her new ones, and when I see that it's time to preorder, I think I always preorder the first day.

I know that whenever I get them, I will love them all, (except for Imax 3, sorry).

Looking forward to the new workouts when they arrive.

Thanks, Cathe and SNM.
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