RE: I'd like to kindly clarify
I am glad you "clarified", but clarified WHAT?
Still the announcement was in September that the videos would be shot in the fall...Fall has come and GONE...
Still no firm date on anything.....
You made an announcement on Dec 8th that it would be a few weeks, and that things are being tweeked or firmed up...but a few weeks is WHAT??? A week, 2, 3, 6, 8, 10? What?
And finally, no date for shooting?
I don't know about anyone else, and I am sure tomatoes will be thrown at me, but this is the LONGEST pre-order of "NOTHING" I can remember. Nothing, as in NO PHOTOS (at least?)???
Yes, Cathe Happy New Year to you and yours, but as a consumer of your product, I will not be pre-ordering again.
You have never been this vague with us before and to be honest, we deserve better.
And pls, folks, don't come with she is on vacation, family, etc.
I work and have a family, this is her BUSINESS, and we are her customers. We have been in the trenches with her and deserve a REAL ANSWER TO QUESTIONS, and not this vague BS.....and this is REAL....
Since this is her livlihood, she/SNM owes it to her committed customers to be upright and truthful. And remember we STILL have not heard NOTHING about the relationship with CCTV....maybe this would explain EVERYTHING...
And lastly, thanks to least some UPDATES WERE POSTED.....
not hatin'...but need REAL information....;