Lo Max or Cardio Hits?


What should my next purchase be? I have BS & BF & LIS. I have only done LIS a few times and feel good about the footwork. I don't like real tricky footwork. Should I try doing LIS on an 8 in step b4 buying Low Max? I've been doing LIS on a 6 in step as shown in the workout.

I am leaning towards Lo Max b/c of the low impact and b/c I like LIS and hear that Lo Max is similiar but I though I might get more bang for my buck getting 3 workouts for $40 (Cardio Hits) vs. just one for $27 (Low Max)

Thank for your help :)
I have both LowMax and Cardio Hits (so far I've only done Step Works) and I'd have a hard time choosing one over the other. It's a tough call, especially since you get three workouts with CH, but based on your comment that you don't like tricky footwork, I'd say you'd probably be better of going with LowMax over CH. The step routines in LM are less complex and much shorter than those on CH. The low impact is also a plus, although it's definitely possible to modify just about any high impact move on CH. I would consider myself an intermediate exerciser and I find both DVDs to be equal in terms of intensity. (However, while I've completed Step Works several times I have yet to get through Low Max all at once, even on a 6" step--that seventh interval kills me every time.)

One thing is sure though. Regardless of which one you choose, you can't go wrong.
Actually, the choreography on the cardio workouts of CH are more simple and more athletic than the recent cardio routines, including Low Max. Low Max is tough, don't underestimate it. Definitely put it on your wish list for next purchase, but for now I reccommend going for the 3 in 1 DVD of CH which includes three excellent step workouts that graduate in terms of intensity, so you have a learning curve there. Powermax is an all time goodie, never stales.

Power Max and Step Fit were my first Cathe purchases. So I have fond memories of them. Power Max is one of my all time favorites. I love the music.

Step Fit is good. Cathe, does a move called the flying angel, which took me forever to feel comfortable with.

I don't own the other one, but I bet it is alot of fun.

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