Help! Can't get my gift card to work!


OK, maybe I am missing something, but I have tried to use my gift card and it's just not working. There are two spots in check-out that I see that could be the place to enter numbers. One says coupon code. The other says gift certificate. I have tried in both places, but the gift card has too many numbers. There are a bunch of zeroes in the middle of the 16 digit number on my card that I tried omitting, but that only gives me 12 digits. The gift certificate section says it needs to be 13 digits long. I have tried typing in the numbers straight through, but it still doesn't work. I'll call customer service later when they are open, but was hoping someone had success with theirs. Am I just not seeing something? Thanks so much!
I had the same problem. Here's the e-mail response I got from customer service.

"Our software provider is still working on the redemtion of the cards. In the meantime to use your card just choose "pay by check". In the
Comments box and provide the following info:

#1 Gift Card# (this is a 16 digit number on the front of the card.
#2 If your purchase is more than your gift card please provide us with
your credit card#, credit card EXP DATE and 3 digit CV number in the
same comments box."

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