Low Impact Step vs. Low Max?


Great news! I'm getting bored with Low Impact Step!

Not that it's a boring workout, but my fitness level is improving. I love the choreography, but I'm bored with the breakdowns. Also, I don't like this music.

I've seen this called a "mini Low Max." My question is, if I've mastered LIS choreo, could I handle Low Max's?

BTW, does anyone agree that LIS has terrible music? (Instrumental doesn't usually bother me, but this bugs me.) Is the Low Max music better?

I realize Low Max will be a tougher aerobic w/o, but I'm up for that challenge. I just wonder, since I'm good at LIS, how long it might take me to learn Low Max's footwork.

If this has already been answered, please re-direct me. Thanks!
I don't know much about LIS but Low Max has awesome club music some instrumental and some not. The choreography is tricky but not to hard to learn except the one interval with the step sweep. I forget which one that was but the is the only one that i have a problem with. The premixes also include intervals 1-4 or 4-7 so you can break it down if you find trouble getting the whole thing or do just step only premix. and its really a surprise how i work up a sweat with a low imapct workout like this.


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I practiced Low Max over and over again, and I eventually got the step sweep. I wish Cathe would make a Low Max 2. Anybody else?
>BTW, does anyone agree that LIS has terrible music?
>(Instrumental doesn't usually bother me, but this bugs me.)
>Is the Low Max music better?

I agree! I've gotten used to most of it, but don't really like ANY of it. I actually put off doing the workout for a quite a while because the first tune is just so aweful to me that it DEmotivated me. Music on Low Max is MUCH better!

I think you can do Low Max. There are a couple of places where Cathe's cuing isn't that great, IMO, so it's harder to pick up first time around, but if you preview (and figure out that "knee smash repeater" is actually a "kickbox repeater" and not three knee smashes, and take note of the other less-than-smooth cues) then it will be easier.
I also believe you can do Low Max. I actually have no problem with Cathe's cueing at all on this workout and find that I don't even need to watch the t.v. I just listen and go. ;-) The music is great and the blasts are much better. I just recently bumped up my cardio and actually couldn't even make it through the entire workout at first. I can now make it through the workout, but I still have to stop on the blast with the Slam Its and the last blast with the lunges and side kicks. They get me winded every time, but I do more each workout.
Low Max is one of my absolute favorites, especially now that I finally, FINALLY was able to get through it all in one shot (a big accomplishment for someone who NEVER exercised at all until a few months ago--yay me!). The music is some of the best--it just helps all the moves flow together beautifully. Personally, I didn't have much trouble getting the choreography down, although it seems that the really simple moves trip me up much more than the super complex ones do. I think I got all the footwork after a couple of tries and a few replays and I never noticed any major cueing problems. Intensity wise, this was a killer for me and I was never happier with myself than when I finally got through it all. As tough as it is, though, the dread factor is at zero. It's that good. Have fun!

And no, you're definitely not the only one who hates the music in LIS. One part of it at the beginning just reminds me of honking geese. The only bit that doesn't grate on my nerves is the cool-down/stretch, which is actually quite nice. Oh well, they can't all be winners.

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