Ok let's talk heart rate monitors


It's your fault! Now I want one to start out the new year. I used to have a Polar probably like 8-10 years ago and I used it until the watch strap broke. It only gave my heart rate and beeped if I went out of the target heart rate zone. Now hrms give a lot of helpful data like calories burned and all that. For all of you that own hrms, which brand do you own and why? Do any of you own the mio hrm that doesn't need a heart strap? I'm curious about that one although I also like the Polar hrms. Thanks in advance.
I have a Polar F11 that I love. I had a very basic hand-me-down Polar before that served its purpose when I was just starting out, so when it came time to replace it, I stuck with the brand. The F11 has a lot of bells and whistles--probably way more than I need right now (I'm using the zone alarm, avg. & min/max HR, calories burned and a couple of other functions)--but I know that as I improve and increase my fitness program, I won't have to upgrade to another model. My only real complaint about it--and I guess it goes for all Polar models--is that the user manual is the absolute pits so anything I learn about the various functions is purely through trial and error. I'm also not crazy about the plastic strap, which I find a bit too rigid--my preference if for an elastic band but I couldn't find an HRM I liked that had one.

Never heard of the MIO until recently but I have to say that the chest strap has never been an issue for me.
You really should have one...:)...I have 3 Polars and tried the calorie burning thing, but ended up not really caring about that. The one I use most is for running with a stopwatch and tracks your HR in 3 zones. The model I have is out of date. (still works though!) I recently purchased a Timex HR + GPS monitor. I really like that one for running as it tells the distance when I am on trails and have no clue. I have never tried one without a chest strap, but they do keep coming up with new models. if I were you I'd wait for more replies and maybe look thru Polar for what kind you think would fit your needs...www.polarusa.com ...:)...Carole
I can't imagine working out without a heart rate monitor. It's just that simple. DH and I love our Polar HRMs. Mine does lots of fancy stuff, but all I really care about is that it tells me my heart rate so that I know I'm getting a good cardio workout, and using my time as efficiently as possible. All the bells and whistles are nice, but not necessary.

BTW, Polar will replace anything that breaks. DH and I have had a lot of Polar HRMs over the years, and we've had straps replaced, and the service has always been excellent. Also, if you can get your doctor to prescribe it, your health insurance may reimburse you for your HRM. I believe my DH was reimbursed for his.

We are also firm believers that gadgets make working out more fun. The handlebars on my DH's bike are so full of gadgets, there is hardly room for his actual hands. :+

Hi..I bought a Mio Strapless Petite HR monitor watch about a month ago and I love it. Mine tracks HR and calories burned. When measuring HR, you put your index and middle finger on two metal modes on the top of the watch face. It has been very accurate.

The only thing is that when you are doing circuit work and your HR fluctuates, you need to manually put two fingers on the watch, when you feel your HR going up or down, so that it accurately captures your HR. That can be kind of inconvenient, but I do love it and the watch bands come in an array of cool colors.
I have the Polar F11. I like it because it tells me what percentage of my calories burned were from fat. Aside from that, everything else (like own zone and the file folders) is just extra icing on the cake. I do love how it tells me how many total calories I burned during the week without me prompting or asking it.

Hi Pinky!

That sounds great. I'll have to get that monitor!! I'm sure you know that last thing I feel like doing in the middle of a Cathe circuit is worrying about taking my HR again and again and again as it goes up and down and up...haha.
I am putting the S210 on my Christmas list. It has an interval timer, a calorie counter, and all the other basics. It took about an hour to figure out what I wanted!!! Have fun!
I have the Polar S210. It counts calories and will track workouts for up to 2 users. It doesn't tell you how many calories were "fat" calories though. I wonder how that works. Anyway, I'm another person who hates to workout without it now. It's just become a part of my workouts. But
now I feel like I need to run out and get the F11 like Pinky has. That sounds so cool!!
BTW if someone else hasn't mentioned it,they sell them on Ebay from time to time. I'm always on the lookout on ebay for cool fitness equipment.
Good luck!!

I like the Polar S810i. Four favorite things about it:

1) downloading workouts to the PC - by graphing several of the same workouts you can see exactly where you're pushing too hard or not hard enough during specific workouts, and you can compare different workouts.

2) the chest strap - it records HR every 5 seconds to produce a smooth graph of your workout. I can't imagine remembering to press two buttons frequently during a workout to record data sporatically.

3) the Polar Fit Test gives a decent measure of how well fitness is improving over time.

4) calories burned display - customized for my age, weight and height. Recording food consumed is only 1/2 the info you need if you want to lose weight!

Good luck!

Be seeing you,
The Duck

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