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  1. J


    10-10-10 is so fun! I do this one on weekday mornings when I want to get in some cardio but don't have a lot of time. I usually skip the weight workout due to time constraints, which doesn't bother me since I tend to do weight workouts on separate days. The CTX Series is great overall - a...
  2. J

    Your favorite Body Blast workout.

    Kick Punch & Crunch wins hands down for me! Julie :) :-)
  3. J

    Workout Thurs 3-18

    I did Pure Strength Strong Legs and Abs...except that I didn't have time for the abs. Still, I'm sore today after doing the rest of the PS workouts this week. It's great how mixing it up can really work those muscles differently! Happy working out everyone! Julie :-)
  4. J

    Thanks to you Cathe turrning 40 is a breeze

    Happy birthday! I turned 39 myself yesterday, and I feel great too. Thank goodness for Cathe, and for all the wonderful people here on the forum! Julie :)
  5. J

    Top 3 "Hall of fame" Cathe workouts?

    RE: Top 3 Tough one! I'd have to go with... Power Hour IMAX 2 Kick Punch & Crunch I think that we really need 5 or 6 selections, though, don't you?? Julie :-) :)
  6. J

    How does ME compare to PowerHour?

    Hi all - I think that Power Hour is tougher. I know that it's an endurance workout, but if you go a bit heavier it sure makes it challenging! It really is worth getting this one, even though you already have Muscle Endurance. Power Hour is my favorite weight workout. Good luck and have fun...
  7. J


    Hey everyone - I had to chime in since I had this procedure done last summer to get rid of varicose veins in my legs. The doctor told me not to do any of my regular lower body exercises for two weeks - nothing that would force blood into those veins we were trying to get rid of. I had a lot of...
  8. J

    So Depressed!!

    Leslie - I'm sending lots of hugs and good wishes your way! My 3 year old has PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), and we struggle a bit every day. My husband's nephew and my next door neighbor's son both have ADHD also, so I understand something of what you're going through. There is...
  9. J

    Excellent Customer Service...

    Hey momtobratz - I'm enjoying the VHS I got from you! Good luck with those DVDs! Julie in Mass.
  10. J

    Power Hour revisited

    Hi all - I just had to chime in. Power Hour is my favorite weight workout, and I agree that it's really thorough. I up the weight a bit on one or two exercises (and drop it on one or two), and really feel it the next day. For anyone who doesn't have this one, I would really recommend it! I...
  11. J

    what vitamins/supplements to take?

    Hey - I take a Women's One-A-Day and a calcium supplement. The doctor told me that women need 1000 mg of calcium a day, and the One-A-Day only has 450. Sometimes I take extra vitamin C, too. Julie :)
  12. J

    new to Cathe

    Hi Kelly, and welcome! Don't forget to try Kick, Punch & Crunch! Love it!!! I think that the Intensity Series is more difficult, but that Body Blast is more fun, so mix it up, and enjoy! I have to say that I used to work out in order to look good, but that somewhere along the line it became...
  13. J

    Slow and Heavy Series - should I buy it?

    Hey guys! I just finished Power Hour (good one!), and was wondering if I ought to invest in the Slow and Heavy Series. I've been trying to do cardio three times a week, and weight training two to three times per week, and was wondering if I could achieve greater strength gains with the Slow &...
  14. J

    Eating for Life

    Hey everyone: I saw all of your recommendations, and ran out during my lunch break to buy this book. It looks great, and eating is the big thing that I haven't worked on up until now. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Anyway, I got it for just over $23 at Barnes & Noble. It was 30%...
  15. J

    Just Curious...Anyone Watching the Football Playoffs?

    Hey - I'm in the Boston area and am also a long time Pats fan. We'll see what happens. We're all pretty psyched around here!!! (we needed it, too, considering the Red Sox fiasco with the Yankees). The Colts looked fantastic today, so it should be a great game next weekend! Hope everyone is...
  16. J

    Intensity Series

    Hey - Just wanted to add that aside from not bulking up at all, it is so fantastic to have the extra strength in the upper body area! I am not big at all, and I have been noticing how much stronger I'm getting lifting weights a few times a week. I was cleaning up my workout area yesterday, and...
  17. J

    How Long Do You Workout Each Day?

    35 -50 minutes is great! I do that same amount most weekdays, because I can't manage to get up early enough to do more (getting to bed too late). I try to do more on the weekends, and usually do about 75 minutes worth on Sat. and Sun. I've had great results, so don't feel that what you're...
  18. J

    great buns and legs

    Darn that cellulite! I've been working out for years, and yet I'm stuck with stubborn cellulite. I am pretty thin and in good shape, and basically I just figure that I'm doing the best I can. So when I put on a bathing suit over the summer, I just tell myself not to worry too much about how I...