Power Hour revisited


I have decided to go back to one of the first Cathe workouts I ever got-- Power Hour! It is very, very thorough, and I think I was in better shape when I was doing it weekly than I am now on my "no particular plan" plan.

So I have decided to do Power Hour once a week for 8 weeks, maybe extending that to 12 weeks, with other workouts in between (2 to 3 cardios, an extra upper body).

I forgot how thorough it was, until yesterday when I did it! It was Power 80 minutes! I'm sure my breaks will get shorter as I get adapted to it again. That is one effective workout!

Specifically, my legs felt better all the time when I was doing it regularly. I think the lunges helped keep my hip flexors stretched and kept my right hip from cracking all the time. And the squats! And the plies!
Hi Connie,

I'm fairly new to Cathe, and Power Hour was the first workout I tried. I love it! I was kind of glad to hear that you also take longer breaks lol! I did PS Legs & Abs today, and it took me about an hour and 20 minutes (for the 64 minute workout). I get especially winded and reallllly thirsty during lunges and squats!

You mentioned that you do 2-3 cardio workouts per week. I usually aim for that also. I'd really like to do Cathe's step workouts, but I have very little room and wouldn't be able to do "over the step" moves and really big movements in general. Do you happen to know of any Cathe cardio workouts that don't require too much space?


Hi Connie,
I just did Power Hour on Monday. I too forgot what a good workout it is. I really like that tape. I was thinking that I need to do it at least once a week. I found that I can now go a little more heavy with my weights than when I first got that tape. I am buying a DVD player today for my workoutout room so I will be able to play my new Cathe DVD's when they arrive:)

Susan G:7
Kick Punch and Crunch doesn't require much space, and neither in many ways does Imax 1. Most of the killer intervals are on the floor in one little spot in front of the step. And the step work is not all over the place.
Hi all - I just had to chime in. Power Hour is my favorite weight workout, and I agree that it's really thorough. I up the weight a bit on one or two exercises (and drop it on one or two), and really feel it the next day. For anyone who doesn't have this one, I would really recommend it! I have Muscle Endurance, Supersets, the Pyramids, and all the other CTX, Body Blast and Intensity workouts. I think that this one is the best overall weight workout I've tried so far, though, but that's just my humble opinion!. I try to do Power Hour once a week. Triceps are a killer for me on this one. Have fun everyone, and have a great weekend!!

Power Hour is one of my favorites too! It's very thorough in each muscle area - by the end of the workout you really know you have worked everything!
I did this one on Tues, oh my, you forget how tough they are when you don't do them for a while, today was ME, its another oh my lol ........ Rhonda :7
What's going on? I did Power Hour today, also. I worked each part to failure and I'm sure I'll feel it all by tonight. It is truly thorough. It hits every muscle.
Now see... this is why I'm having such a hard time warming up to P/P and SS. Cathe's old workouts are just too good to trade in for new ones.:) Not that the new ones are not as good. But PH remains a mainstay in my rotations. The only time I didn't do it was when I was doing pure strength training for 8 weeks. And there's ME. There's CTX-UB split. The Pyramids... I credit PH for the crease between my anterior deltoids and my biceps. Now it's starting to chisel the area between my [still-developing] posterior delts and triceps. (Kickboxing helps, too.) I can't abandon PH -- among other favorites -- because I know it works.:)

ok seeing this thread made me give powerhour another try I really dislike this workout.I think because of the upper and lower mixed together.So I dvd recorded the upper portion of ph and did it this morning and it was good .I have to feel the workout the whole time or I feel like it is not a good workout.So switching back and forth was the problem so now I enjoyed it for the first time. I do enjoy switching upper around as in bc upper because it is constant work for the upper body.I am weird I never do a tape as intened I do them the way I want:p I have yet to do any of bb series workout as intened I only do the premixes.thanks for making me relook ph:p
I'll have to give this one another try too. This was probably the only Cathe workout I truly hated. Maybe it's because I found the leg work to be a killer and I don't like leg work to begin with, although I really need it! Hearing about the great results everyone gets when using this vid I guess I'll get tough with myself and incorporate it into my routine. But, I can sense the dread factor already!
I feel the same way (dread) but I gave myself the prescription to do it once a week for 8 weeks. Now I'm looking forward to it! I do it on Wednesdays, and take Thursdays as a rest day.

I simply lower the weights until I can do almost all the reps! I pause during the lunge section (more than once) and try to keep the pauses even on both sides. I wrote down the exact lunge sequence to demystify it. You can do it! :7 :7 :7

I have only done it once, and this coming Wednesday is my next one. I think this prescription is going to do great things for my strength, for the effectiveness of my cardio work, for my flexibility (flexibility is related to movement) and range of motion. (Joints are healthier when the surrounding structures are trained to hold them in place).

This workout just does all that for me. It did before and it will again!

:7 Connie
I don't revisit Power Hour cuz it's always visiting! This has always been a fav of mine and I use it once a week. I like that my entire bod feels totally worked. However, I jump to the abs and do those first. Too beat to do them at the end. After a PH session, I usually do a medium light cardio the next day. I just feel good all over! Alexis
Hey Leslie!! Seeeee......if you do that Timesaver rotation with me, you have the option of doing Power Hour!! And I gave us a rest day after too!! ;-)


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