new to Cathe


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am about 3 months new to Cathe and love every workout by her I have done so far. I was using Firm workouts for about 5 years but was very disappointed with the latest releases. I eventually came across Cathe's videos and I am happy I did. Thank you to the helpful suggestions in this forum for recommending to Cathe beginners "How to Get in Shape for your Wedding" and "Step Heat."
I learned the basic step terminology from them and am now flying through Step Blast and Step, Pump & Jump! What fun they are once you get it! And thank you to Cathe personally for your intelligent, tough, humorous and fun approach to home workouts!
Hi Kelly. As a former Firm user myself....Welcome! The last Firm tapes I got with the body bar were so easy....I use them on my tired days...:)...It's great to see how quickly you caught on to Cathe! I imagine your Cathe collection will surely increase...:)...Carole
Hello Kelly! I accidently read your post too quickly and thought it said you were disappointed with Cathe's latest releases. I though, hmm, that's odd, so I re-read it. I love intensity, but the Body Blast (which is a bit more moderate than her usual offering) is my favorite Cathe series to date. I seem to have a slight addiction to Push Pull and Supersets.
Hi Kelly, and welcome! Don't forget to try Kick, Punch & Crunch! Love it!!! I think that the Intensity Series is more difficult, but that Body Blast is more fun, so mix it up, and enjoy! I have to say that I used to work out in order to look good, but that somewhere along the line it became just as much (if not more) about being fit and strong. I really credit Cathe for that. I have two small children and a full time job, and Cathe really motivates me to get out of bed and get moving in the AM. These workouts have made a big difference in my life. Hope that they work for you! I'm sure that they will.

Have fun!


Hi Kelly: Isn't finding Cathe like a home fitness revelation!! Once you've arrived, all else pales in comparison. I'm with Jillybean, it's all about the intensity, Cathe gives us that and makes it so very fun. You can't go wrong with any Cathe workout. My hat is off to you for flying through Step Blast and SPJ after only 3 months of Cathe. It took me many more months to get some of the more intricate patterns of her choreography but the brain work and quick reaction times keep it interesting and motivating. PowerMax and Rhythmic Step still have me in awe of her creativity and atheletic ability, it's one thing to do it, another to talk through it!!
Take Care

Hi Kelly,

I too am new to Cathe - I only discovered her about a month ago and haven't looked back! I started out with Timesaver to try and ease myself into her workouts, and now I practically have all the BB and intensity series (although I am still using Timesaver most of the time for now).

I love the fact that I finally get the step moves right in step blast and SPJ - it just makes it so much fun and the time flies by!

I'm also finding that mixing up all the workouts keeps it challenging for me.

Keep it up and have fun!

Hi Laurie, thanks for replying. It is like a home fitness revelation! I have to admit when I first tried PowerMax (my first all step video), within the first 10 minutes I thought I was going to "fall and break a hip!!!" LOL. And now, it's a lot of fun! I love the challenge. Kick, Punch & Crunch is on my list to try real soon, can't wait! :7
Hi Kelly:
You don't fool around, you just dive right in and start with the Queen of step! That's awesome!! PowerMax was my first Cathe step tape too but I learned to step with Charlene Prickett's "It Figures" shows years ago and was just about face planting on the rec room floor with pretty basic choreography.
You'll love KPC, I've mastered the first half but still feel like I'm pattin' my head and rubbin' my tummy on some of the kicking/punching drills, no problem there, just another challenge to rise to.
I'm just towelling off from CTX Step and Intervals, the fun just never stops!!
Hi Julie, thanks for welcoming me! Wow, two children and a full time job! That's great you keep motivated. I used to work out to look good too, and like you, I now do it to stay fit and strong. I can't imagine living my life NOT working out! Keep up the great work! Kelly.:7
Hi Laurie, Thanks for your encouraging words! I keep trying to talk myself into trying KPC already but I want to "Power Jig" and "Peg Leg Mambo" instead! Oh well, when I do get to KPC I'll let you know how it goes. Take care. Kelly.
Hi Josie, I absolutely agree with Laurie/Endorphin Junkie that, "finding Cathe is like a home fitness revelation. " It's amazing she's been here all along and I never knew it! Congratulations on SB and SPJ!
Isn't it fun now? I hear KPC is great too, but I haven't gotten to that one yet. Looking forward to it! Bye! Kelly:7
Power-jig? you're talking! I LOVE that power jig!!! Crazy I know - but I feel like something out of Riverdance whenever I do it - so much fun!!

Kelly, just to let you know that I received my KPC/LG dvd today - I did the KPC workout and it's absolutely fantastic! The music is really great too.

I never knew about Cathe before since I am based in the UK and we simply don't have the choice of fitness dvds over here - then I just happened to see Cathe's name on another forum when I was trying to get some info on pilates workouts - and I am so glad that I did. My friends think that I am crazy as they've never of heard of Cathe!

Take care
Hi Josie!
Good to hear from you! Yeah, Power-Jig! It is like something out of Riverdance. I get so excited when I know it's coming up, it makes me feel like a kid again! I like the music too on the Body Blast DVD's. Someone (I can't remember who) on this forum said they got a surround sound system for Christmas and the music sounds incredible.
I was soooo close to trying KPC today but my quads were sore and I didn't feel I had quite enough energy to pay 100% attention to a new workout or give all my energy. So, I did muscle endurance from the Intensity series, some additional shoulders and abs from Push/Pull and segment 1 from SPJ. Atleast I knew what I was in for. Maybe in the next few days... excuses, I know! Talk to you soon. Bye! Kelly
Hi Carole! You were my first response from my first post on Cathe's forum. Thank you so much. Your welcome was greatly appreciated. ::7 I do think my Cathe collection will be growing. I wish I would have known about her years ago! Oh well, maybe I'll invest in a Wayback Machine! LOL. Bye! Kelly

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