

I am full of questions lately! :) Anyway, I am having sclerotherapy done this next Tuesday. The doctor said I am free to carry on my normal activities--even intense exercise afterwards if I feel like it. He did, however, say that I may NOT feel like it--I'll have to have the compression bandange on my leg for a week.

My question is: Have any of you had this done, and how did you feel afterwards...did you feel like working out. I'm thinking I'll feel okay, but just out of curiosity I am wondering if any of you felt otherwise. The other thought is that I won't be able to remove the bandage even to shower--it might get kind of ripe after a week! :)
I had this done, though i'm assuming it is slighty different as i had it done on my face to remove the veins on my nose and under my eyes that broke. It worked nicely ... mostly gone now. Felt a little pain, nothing much, the area was very red for a few days then ... a week later ... gone!

I had this done for a few spider veins on my shoulders and legs, but what you are describing sounds more intense because I didn't need any bandages. It left bright red marks on my skin for a few days, then they disappeared.

Let us know how it goes.
Thank you both for your replies! I've been reading some articles online about it and most of them say NOT to do intense aerobics or heavy weight lifting for a few days. I'll double check with my physician--although I emphasized the word INTENSE when I asked him about exercise, I don't think most people think of Cathe-type intense! :) I may just take a week off and do some brisk walking (which was encouraged in these same articles).
It won't kill you to not do Cathe for a week. I really think you should just do normal daytime activities, work, housework, etc. Give the poor body a break! The thought of having veins stripped and then doing any form of exercise on them fills me with horror. Terrible images spring to mind. Please don't do it. Upper body and core work only.

Clare! :) :) Okay, just for you! Actually, the more I read on the Internet yesterday the more it said not INTENSE exercise or heavy weight lifting for at least a few I think I've decided to take a break, do some brisk walking, some floor work and some upper body work (oh and abs).
Hey everyone - I had to chime in since I had this procedure done last summer to get rid of varicose veins in my legs. The doctor told me not to do any of my regular lower body exercises for two weeks - nothing that would force blood into those veins we were trying to get rid of. I had a lot of bruising, but after the compression bandages came off I felt pretty good. This is a good time of year to get it done, assuming you live somewhere cool enough that you can wear pants to hide those bruises! Good luck with it! I was really glad that I had it done.


Thanks Clare. And thanks Julie, that was just the thing I was looking for. I live in California, but it's still cool enough here to wear pants...I just want it to be cleared up by September--I'll be in a wedding party then and am pretty sure they won't want me to wear my standard black tights that I use to cover up my big ole ugly vein (just have the one). :)

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