Excellent Customer Service...


Hi Cathe,

I just wanted to tell you that I am new to your workouts and forums. I purchased a few of your videos and got so hooked that I recently purchased the 40 Dvd pack. I just wanted to say that there was a problem with the order and the issue was resolved so quickly my head spun. I literally recieved a phone call within minutes after I addressed my issue. I wanted to personally thank you and SNM Videos for having such great customer service!! I really appreciate it!!

A. Wolfe
Hi A. Wolfe! Welcome to the site. Nice to have you with us. Thank you for your kind words and I'm so happy that all is resolved. Wow, the 40 pack? You sure do have some work ahead of you;-) Take Care!
Hi Aila! This is Sara from ebay! I guess that you really liked your Cathe videos!!!! I am so happy for you! You are going to have so much fun with all of your new workouts! Just wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome!!!
Hi Sara,

It's nice to see you here!! I see you are expecting a little one. I have two, but they aren't so little anymore. They are 8 and 3 now. I just thought I would say hello. Take care of yourself and that little one!!


P.S. Did you get the Mindy tape??
Hi again! No, I haven't received it yet. When I do, I will email you. :) Enjoy all of your new Cathe workouts!! Which ones have you tried first??? I don't think that I could even decide - you have so many awesome ones to choose from! :)

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