So Depressed!!


I have to vent a little, I am so depressed that some days I feel like crying. I have a toddler that on some days the best way to describe him is the toddler from hell. I love him don't get me wrong he is a wonderfull boy, He is ADHD and has it badly!! I am waiting to get him into a doctor to get some help, I have him going to a phsyciatrist for help also. But there are days I feel so over whelmed! I have NO support here. I am so depressed that I have no energy for exercising. I tend to eat junk food to console my anxiety and stress. Or I have a tendancy to starve myself to cope with all this.
How old is he?

My son has it also and has been on Concerta since he was 4 years old. It was a life saver.[/img][/img][/img]Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon

I was told my son had this problem many years ago, he was a handful. I decided not to put him on meds. Instead, I removed all the junk from our diets, found out that he had food allergies, and changed our living environment (no chemicals, removed the carpeting, etc). It made a huge difference in the quality of our lives. My son (who the teachers said would never even learn to read because he couldn't sit still in school) scored in the top 5% of the kids in the nation by the end of that year in reading. But not only did HE benefit, I felt so much better mentally after removing processed foods and sugar from my diet.

That was about 18 years ago. Now DS is a college student, working on his PhD. He refuses to eat the junk they have on campus. He even likes to do Cathe, when he comes home for a visit...haha.

Anyway, this is what worked for me and my wild son. He's still wild, but in a good way!

Take care! :)
Thank you so much for your kind words, Took a long drive this morning to help with some of the stress, of course I am still down about all that is going on, I owe my daughter a new toy since he destroyed it, Yesterday he empties two bottles of lotion and one tube of tooth paste all at once and painted the walls with it. the day before that he empties 5 pounds of suger and a 16 ounce bottle of syrup all over the carpet in his room. And his tantrums are out of this world!! I have tried time out and it doesn't work tried being firm with him and no luck there either. Hopefully I can get some new ideas and help from two Phsycologists.

Want to say you all are wonderfull people to listen to my gripes thank you :) Will find out in a few weeks about what alternatives we can Use to help him. He is also a Year and half mentally delayed, but extremely smart in other ways. I Always said they sould test all these baby safety things on him LOL he can open doors with those knob protectors at the age or 2 and open locks at the age of 3 so locking things up has been very difficult for us.
Hi Leslie I know what you are going through because my 8 year old is also ADHD and it is really bad. He will be going to a phsyciatrist next month. He has gotten into so much trouble from school this year that I sometime am afraid to even go out because the school will call for me to come and pick him up. Well anyway he did get suspended from school last week because he punch some boy in the nose. I just found out from the school phsyciatrist that these are side effects "anger" from this medicence so I had him switch a few weeks ago and so far I do notice some improvement. Have you consider of couneling for yourself or even a family counsil for ADHD for this?
It took me a few years before i decided that it was time for my son to take medicence because I saw that he was really struggling in school. Last year he did great because he was on something different but because the teacher this year kept calling me complaining that he is not doing or focussing on his work and he interupts the class that ME and the Dr decided to change his medicene but that is when it got worst so now he is back to his old medicene but a little higher dose so we will see. It is so over welming for me and my family but you just have to try different things natural or medicene to see what works for your toddler. I've heard certain diets can help with ADHD but I don't know what it would be. You probally can do a search on GOOGLE. I will pray for your family. I hope things will get better. Just try and hang in there:)
I have him going to two doctors, one for medication evaluation and another just for counceling, I do need all the help I can get, I feel like I can't do this alone anymore, it has been so hard for me. My oldest son is ADHD also so this is a bit traumatic for me, my girls are great!! I have been blaming myself for so long thinking I am a bad mother or I must have been doing something wrong to get 2 boys with this! the toddler is way worse then my older son though!
My oldest son is on Provigil and it has helped so much!! and now he has learned self control and is doing awesome! I am so proud of him and his hard work
I feel for you. It is difficult enough having kids, but when you have to deal with this kind of problems it must be so hard on you.

I don't have much to say other than you might want to read a book by Dr. Mel Levine, MD "A Mind At A Time", he talks about how a child's mind is wired, very interesting reading. Also, "The Difficult Child" by Dr. Stanley Turecki, MD. The later was given to me by a lady that took care of my daughter and help me a lot.

Best of luck to you. Keep coming back to the forum whenever you can we are here to support each other.

Oh Leslie don't think that your a bad mother. Just what your doing tells me that your one fantastic mom. My older son has ADD not ADHD. He's not as bad as my younger son is. Boy do we have alot in common. My older son isn't on anything right now but was on Concerta and it also gave him side affects just like my younger son but not as bad as my younger son. Everyone is different and reacts different to different medication. Right now my younger son is on Adderall the long lasting one. He was on that last year and it work great until this year when he went into Main Stream it just was to over welming for him and of course the teacher seems to not be able to handle him. So now he will probally be going back into maybe just a half of day Special Education. I just hope things for him will be a little bit easier for him soon. I think you will find something that works for your son once your toddler has his elvaluation with the Doctor. Please keep us updated:) I would really love to know:)

Though i cannot offer any advice, i would just like to say that i think you're doing a fantastic job coping with all this. I don't think you give yourself any credit. I wouldn't be able to cope and somehow you manage...i think you're pretty special myself. You take care and let us know what happens at the doctors.

You all are so wonderfull thank you, your kind words brought a tear to my eye, thank you, it feels so good to hear great couragment :) I get so afraid to take my son anywhere, I always get a sitter to watch him when I have to go to the store. one day he ran off and I had to chase him across the store and a clerk saw the whole thing and he said to me " no wonder you are so skinny" LOL I guess you can call chasing him around is great cardio LOL. I have alot of faith that the doctors can help me out, when I took him with me to take my older son to his Physcologist appointment the doctor got a good look at him when he was just 2 and told me to keep a close eye on him because he was showing all the early signs of ADHD.
Again thank you all for being so kind. I will be taking him in Next week for one doctors evaluation on how to structure ours and his life a little more. and more effective ways to help him.
The saddest part is where I live there is some particular neighbors that make us and our kids with ADHD feel unwelcomed here. one parent even told another girl that has ADHD not to come to her house and even play with her son anymore because she is to hyper. That broke my heart.
Oh yeah I got the greatest pick up ever yesterday, just when I was feeling my lowest and not wanting to do a thing or go anywhere, the weather perked up and was so BEAUTIFULL!!!!! couldn't come back in the house after getting a taste of that LOL. And to top all that off I sold a puppy and our van!! and hubby took me to dinner and bought me some new clothes when I was feeling so low about how I looked also! You can say I went to bed with a smile on my face :))) and Yes my toddler went to sleep on his own in his NEW bed LOL and he gave me this huge smile on his face when I tucked him in and gave him a kiss goodnight! I feel like I am ready for another week:)
Wonderful Leslie!!

Leslie you lucky gal you:) I am so happy that your feeling a little better. I notice that the weather is getting a little better here in NJ. The snow is starting to melt, yay. Maybe once the weathter really starts to get better you'll feel better too. I know that the winter blues can really get to you depending where you live. Well im glad your ok:)
Hang in there Leslie! Sounds to me like you are doing a great job of being a super Mom! Keep us posted on how things go next week after his evaluation. Give him a big hug.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Leslie - I'm sending lots of hugs and good wishes your way! My 3 year old has PDD (pervasive developmental disorder), and we struggle a bit every day. My husband's nephew and my next door neighbor's son both have ADHD also, so I understand something of what you're going through. There is support and help out there, and we're all here for you on the Cathe forums! You're doing an unbelievable job, so hang in there!


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