How Long Do You Workout Each Day?


I got the Timesaver workouts and have enjoyed the 4 that I've done so far, very much. Do you think the general consensus is that 40 minutes of working out is not good enough to maintain or improve? About twice a week, I feel like I have time for a whole hour's worth of working out, but in general I like 35-50 minutes. Is that enough time or is "just barely better than nothing?" Do you think you should generally workout longer and only do a timesaver on special occassions?
I lost weight and got into great shape just doing the CTX series 30 minute cardio segments, 4 times a week and then a longer workout with strength training on the weekend. This worked wonders for me.

Yes, I think 35-50 minute workouts are plenty to get results.

In general, now I am using the Timesaver workouts (including the strength training) during the week and then doing a longer workout on Saturday. I love these shorter workouts...they do work! :)
If 35-50 minutes works for you, then go for it. I've learned to not do more than I have to. I used to work out 5-6 days a week for up to 2 hours at a time. Now I allow myself only an hour per session, except when I'm doing strength training because I lift as heavy as I can and need longer rests. I have more energy for my workouts and have better form when doing them.

I do an hour and half in the morning and about an hour at night. I try to mix it up with cardio and weights. For example yesterday morning I did IMAX2 with SH Biceps and Abs, and at night L&G. This morning I did SJP, and tonight I will do Bootcamp with SH Triceps.
I'm doing more than usual at this time, but you have to do what works for you. With some people concentrating more on cardio helps them reach their goals.

Susan CM
35 -50 minutes is great! I do that same amount most weekdays, because I can't manage to get up early enough to do more (getting to bed too late). I try to do more on the weekends, and usually do about 75 minutes worth on Sat. and Sun. I've had great results, so don't feel that what you're doing is barely better than nothing. Not true! Do what works for you, and enjoy!

Here are my thoughts, as long as you are doing something for more than, say 15 min a day that is raising your heart rate you are doing a great job. Like the others said, do what works for you, because as long as it is doable for you you will stick with it. If you are pushing yourself too hard you may tire out and think, "this is too hard." and then quit, and that isn't worth it. You are doing a great job, keep it up!

Everyone is so different..but I also used to do 2 I do about 60-70 minutes 4-5 times a week and it is just as good for me..I noticed weights get me leaner than cardio..if you can believe if I feel I need to drop a couple of pounds..I up my weight training instead of cardio..I have seen a HUGE difference!
I do anywhere from 20 minutes to 90 minutes depending upon my schedule, my mood, and how I feel that day!
I workout for about 60 minutes (maximum) 5 - 6 days a week depending on how I feel, but if I only have 35 - 45 minutes then I do a shorter workout. I don't see anything wrong with doing shorter workouts. Sometimes I think it is worse to overtrain than to shorten the workouts.
I am averaging about 45 minutes a day and having excellent results. I love Timesaver as a whole but presently am doing it with Slow/Heavy strength, 1-2 body parts. I vary like crazy so it may be an hour, it may be 30 minutes. More isn't always better and sometimes less works perfectly! I know my workouts will be longer sometimes but for now, the short ones are terrific!
I am building muscle and seeing definition which is within my goals.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"
I do about an hour 6 days a week. Funny I find that when I do more I didnt get any better results... SO why spend the extra hour for no results (at least for me) when time is limited ;) Maybe with shorter work outs I give it 150% effort -

The one thing that has really helped is throwing in L&G not sure what it is but somehow it gives me excellent results when I throw it in.
I do 60-90 min. six days a week, usually though, they fall around 75 min. I typically do a longer workout on Sat and Sun and then a shorter one Mon thru Thur. I agree with Robyn, when I added an extra half hour or hour here and there, I just found I was tired and hungry all the time and I didn't lose any weight. I'd rather give it my all for an hour than phone-in a 2 hour workout. I know others who workout 2 1/2 hours at a time giving every bit of the workout 110%, but we are all different.
I do 6 - 90 minutes six times a week. When I have done more I felt tired and like other areas of my life were suffering (house work, time with my daughter, work, etc. I still get good results.

I workout between 45-60(Max) min 5-6 days per week and have excellent results. Anything longer than 60 minutes, I start losing interest. So, to stay motivated and maintain my interest I stay between the 45-60 minute range.

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