Just Curious...Anyone Watching the Football Playoffs?


I know...a shot in the dark, but I happen to love football....just wanted to know if anyone else did and had a favorite team in the Playoffs...:)...Carole
My season ended when the Steelers stopped playing.....
I watch with passing interest right now. I feel like the Pats might win it although their kicker is shaky and barely making his kicks.
I love football but don't have a "favorite team." I kind of root for a bunch of different teams.

I was thrilled that that Panthers won yesterday. I will root for the Eagles & the Chiefs today. I wanted the Titans to win last night. Ever since 1980 (or was it 81?) I've hated the Patriots. They cheated & plowed a path for their kicker to kick the winning field goal but Miami had just had the same opportunity & didn't get the plow! I know silly to hold a grudge but I still hate them!

Who are your favs, Carol?
Hey Deb!
Nice seeing you here girl!!
As far as sports goes right now I am waiting for NASCAR to crank it up. The Orioles too but really cannot wait for Jeff Gordon to roll the 24 out of the garage and kick some butt.
I also like a number of teams. Although starting way back when I watched with my Dad...the Raiders have always been my favorite (NO groans!)..:)..I wanted the Titans too, although I figured the Pats would prevail, also not a fan of them. Today I am hoping for the Chiefs and Packers. Trevor, I've always liked the Steelers too. It's amazing Bettis can run the way he does and just plow everyone over. There are those teams I dislike too...Bronco's, Bucs and the 49ers. I do believe Jerry Rice is one of the best receiver's around and had a lot of fun when he went to the Raiders as many friends of mine are 49er fans including my Pastor...I sure had fun giving him a bad time...My favorite running back will always be Marcus Allen. Thanks for posting and enjoy the games today!...Carole
OH YEAH!!!! GO Pats!! Amazing team especially w/ only 2 pro bowlers. Had a bunch of friends at the game last night. VERY happy Not to be there.

SO glad the titans went DOWN.. GO PATS!!! Brady is amazing and the fact we won 13 in a row... and even with all the injuries.. especially with Brown out. YEAH PATS - we are going all the WAY AGAIN!
Sadly, my NY Giants completely stank it up this year:-( . Hopefully Tom Coughlin will do some butt whooping and get them into shape for next season.

And I am such a football junkie that I am completely into the playoffs despite my team not being in. Was very excited that Carolina won and disappointed when Tennessee lost (I still think of them as a Houston team, where my parents live). I'll be cheering for the Eagles and Colts today. After everything is over, I'm sure I'll have some withdrawls of some sort.
Hi Carole, I am a HUGE Pat's fan!!! I think they are one of the better teams out there!!! Tom Brady has proven himself to be a terrific QB and team leader! I hope to see them go all the way to the Superbowl. They certainly deserve to go as they have worked hard and proven they are a strong team. GO PATS!!! As for a favorite player(S) it would have to be Tom Brady and Troy Brown hard to choose.
:) Suzanne
Hi Sabine...even though we are rooting for different teams today I am a huge junkie too. My team died just like they did in the Superbowl last yr. I know how you feel. I really liked watching the Giants when LT played. I am just hoping for some good games today...and yes...withdrawals for me too when its over...:(...I'll have to do more Cathe workouts...:)...Carole
Hi Suzanne....you are absolutely right the Pats are a great team or they would not be in the playoffs! Thanks for your post. Even though I might not be a huge Pats fan I have always recognized a good team. I always disliked Denver but Elway was really a great QB...may the best teams win!...Carole
Sheila....congrats!....the Colts did very well. Yeah...I wanted KC, but the Colts dominated right from the start. I absolutely loved the Mon night game when the Colts came back from like 21 points and beat the Bucs!!!! That was so cool...I wish them well against the PATS...Carole
Yeah they seem to always come from behind as of late but not today.my hubby kept calling from work so I could give him the blow by blow.:7
Sheila...thats cute...I have called and given my husband updates too!...I am happy for your Colts. I like both of these teams playing now...Eagles and Packers, but hubby is a Packer fan...so I am rooting for them...:)...Carole
Hey - I'm in the Boston area and am also a long time Pats fan. We'll see what happens. We're all pretty psyched around here!!! (we needed it, too, considering the Red Sox fiasco with the Yankees). The Colts looked fantastic today, so it should be a great game next weekend!

Hope everyone is doing well!


I love the PATS! Since I live in California, I have to subscribe to Sunday Football ticket so I can watch the Pats all year long. I'm going to be stressing all week before the big game on Sunday, but I think if the Pats defense just smacks Indy in the mouth like they did the Rams in the Super Bowl, the team will do just fine!

I subscribe to Sunday Football Ticket too. I just can't get enough of watching the games...The four games this past weekend were good games and some very close. I certainly think the Pats have a good chance of going to the Superbowl. The games this weekend should be GREAT!...Carole
Most definitely! I have to say that I was very disappointed when the Packers lost last night, but I'll keep watching. Both of my teams lost (Titans and Packers). I have to like them! I'm from Nashville, and my husband is now faculty at USM (Brett Favre's alma mater). I don't know who I'll go for now, but I love football, so I'll keep watching!

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