June 30th: My last cigarette!!!

You can do it! I did about 12 years ago. I found it harder to deal with stress - you don't realize how calming going out and taking deep breaths while inhaling that smoke can calm you. Think about that, and come up with an alternative. I found getting out and taking a short walk when I got a craving, helped a lot.

I really never thought I could do it. It's tough, I won't fool you, but after about the 4th or 5th day every day will get easier. Kudos to you!
Good luck,Chris.
I've never been a smoker (always thought it stank), but I know how hard it is to quit (supposedly as addictive as heroin).

One tip a former roommate shared with me (she was studying social work): whenever you have a craving for a cigarette, eat an orange or other citrus fruit instead. Supposedly, citrus and cigarettes make an aweful combo (again, never smoked, don't know if this is true, but just passing it on as a help).
Good luck,Chris.
I've never been a smoker (always thought it stank), but I know how hard it is to quit (supposedly as addictive as heroin).

One tip a former roommate shared with me (she was studying social work): whenever you have a craving for a cigarette, eat an orange or other citrus fruit instead. Supposedly, citrus and cigarettes make an aweful combo (again, never smoked, don't know if this is true, but just passing it on as a help).

Now that you mentioned citrus (I LOVE oranges and orange juice!!!), I remember a sea water nasal spray I used a while back which was a bit scented. After I sprayed my nose and lit a cigarette I wanted to puke!!!! The taste was awful!!!:eek::eek::eek: Since I usually have dry sinuses that would be a great idea...
Good for you! You won't believe how much better you're going to feel! AND, don't forget, your taste buds suffer when you smoke, so you'll have a delectable delight coming your way once your TBs start to recover!

I know you can do it!

You can do it. I quit 15 years ago. Just remember when you have a craving you can do two things, not have a cigarette or have one. Either way the craving will go away in a few minutes so choose to not have one. What really did it for me was reframing the way I though about smoking. I concentrated on all the bad aspects of it and actually retrained my mind to believe it was 100% undesirable.
Now that you mentioned citrus (I LOVE oranges and orange juice!!!), I remember a sea water nasal spray I used a while back which was a bit scented. After I sprayed my nose and lit a cigarette I wanted to puke!!!! The taste was awful!!!:eek::eek::eek: Since I usually have dry sinuses that would be a great idea...
Sounds like a good "Clockwork Orange" aversion therapy method to avoid the ciggies, LOL!
GO Chris GO...:D we are all behind you cheering you on. When my hubby quit he woke up in the morning feeling much better and his sense of smell and taste increased as well.

Congratulations! I quit many times and finally stopped 7 years ago after smoking for 20 years. It will sometimes be hard, but oh so worth it in the long run. My best advice - when you think you can't take another second without a cigarette, take a really big breath, close your eyes and think of all the wonderful things you can now smell...

I can't see myself doing Cathe's workouts and still smoking :).
Hooray for Chris! :D

I have been lucky enough to never pick up the habit, but have and are watching many people try to kick smoking.

You can do it! (just use your supernatural vampire world powers when needed ;))

I quit cold turkey 18 years ago.
I am 56 now....I can't even believe I used to be a smoker. ick. :)
You can do it, and you will feel *so much better*!!!
Go Chris!!!! I quit a year ago, not really very long ago but I can't even imaging smoking anymore and the last few months before I quit I smoked quite a bit. I never used a nicotine patch, I was more of a stress smoker.

I quit from one minute to the other. Another poster mentioned that her Dad quit and turned into a marathon runner. I started running and smoking and running - nah uh, not so much! I just didn't have a craving anymore! Although I am a slow poke - holy cow 5 minute mile :eek:, I can only dream about that!

But then again, maybe it was more of a mental thing that I thought that I needed to stop because I wanted to live for my kids.

Good luck, and keep us posted! YOU CAN DO IT!!
I am surrounded by people who are doing it RIGHT NOW. I have one co-worker (proud to be of Greek descent, actually), who's been clean for nearly two months. I have other co-workers who've been clean for 3 or more weeks. YOU CAN DO IT!

Getting hooked on a healthier lifestyle will help with the transition. I'm rooting for you - and for anybody wanting to ditch those cancer stix. You GO!!!
On my last day, I was puffing Dunhills like there was no tomorrow...because there wasn't as far as smoking was concerned.

YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!:)

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