June 30th: My last cigarette!!!

You can SO do this!!!!!

If I quit anybody can! I was a heavy smoker for 20+ years and I quit cold turkey. I'm not saying it was easy, but once you get past the first 2 weeks, it's all downhill from there. And you won't believe how much better you'll feel, even if you don't feel bad now. I just remember feeling like I had a lot more energy. My best to you!!! Keep us posted!
YES!!! You can do it!

I did it 10 years ago.:) It's a little rough in the beginning, but just remind yourself that you are stronger than the addiction!;) I refused to allow cigarettes to be in control of my body.:mad:
What helped me was to find something to do in place of lighting up. Some people chew on celery- I drank a glass of water when I had the urge to light up. It gave me something to do and I believe it was helping my body flush all the toxins out:D

Good Luck!

I wanted to add...you will be surprised how much the smell repulses you after you are nicotine free. Now, I can't tolerate the odor. Just wait until you find out how bad you really smell-YIKES!!!

I could have written Cynthia'a post, except that I quit cold turkey 18 years ago. Like her I drank a glass of water when I felt the urge to light up. And she right on about the smell, you will be blown away the first time you smell it.

Good Luck Chris! You can definitely do this!
I quit cold turkey April 2nd. I smoked for years. Alan Carr book is the best...it de-brain washes you. Since I've quit I now have developed type 2 diabetes. I also had to start anti-depression medicine. Even tho my life has gone down the tubes since quitting I still won't smoke and figure I can only go up. Sometimes life is just a lot of lemonade but don't let that stop you from quitting and staying a non smoker. FYI...for cleaning..ammonia works great on the walls to remove the smell. I threw a lot of furniture out and rented the carpet machine. I used a ton of vinegar but it worked. I googled fire restoration cleaning and you can find more cleaning tips. Google quit smoking forums too...they are great...Peggy
Go, Chris!!! I'm behind you!!

I've never been a smoker, but my husband smoked for about 10 years before we got married. He used the patch and Zyban and nicotine gum (all at different times, haha!) and finally just found it easier to go cold turkey. His best friend quit using Zyban and loved it (it instantly made the taste of cigarette smoke intolerable)... he hasn't had a cigarette in two years!

I'm really happy for you! I know this cannot be easy for you, but you'll really be doing yourself and your body a HUGE favor!!


My first cigarette-free 14 hours!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Woohoo!!! Haven't even thought of lighting up... what up with that? Could it be that I was not meant to be a smoker and was just smoking out of habit and not real need?

I really didn't miss it this morning when I had my coffee, or when I walked Merrick to the park... not even here at work while drinking my frozen cappuccino...

One other thing I noticed... I really don't feel like eating because I think what's the use if I don't get to smoke afterwards?... So, there... no weight gain! :D

Last night I was watching TV before going to bet and although I smoked my last cigarette ever... I missed it... no farewell tribute... I just put it out, went to bed and that was it.

My first cigarette-free 14 hours!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Woohoo!!! Haven't even thought of lighting up... what up with that? Could it be that I was not meant to be a smoker and was just smoking out of habit and not real need?

I really didn't miss it this morning when I had my coffee, or when I walked Merrick to the park... not even here at work while drinking my frozen cappuccino...

One other thing I noticed... I really don't feel like eating because I think what's the use if I don't get to smoke afterwards?... So, there... no weight gain! :D

Last night I was watching TV before going to bet and although I smoked my last cigarette ever... I missed it... no farewell tribute... I just put it out, went to bed and that was it.



Now, visualize yourself as a non-smoker. I am a total believer in visualization...if you keep seeing yourself doing something over and over (or - in this case - not doing something) then you believe it of yourself. I used the technique when I first started working out, when I started training for a 1/2 marathon (I'd been working out for 20 years, but I was so not a runner!!!) and when I quit smoking nearly 20 years ago!

Barbara P
Woohoo!!! Day 2 and I don't even remember what smoking feels like!!! :D:D:D

Don't miss it, don't need it...

What I need is my daily fix of your comments - even if I don't post, I read them everyday... Thank you guys for your support!

Moving on to Day 3... and Cardio Fusion... let's see how I handle that after 2 smoke-free days...

Isn't it interesting? One day your a smoker and the next day your not. Onward and upward. Don't look back...it does no good. Peggy
Way to go!!! Love this thread - I'm just trying to figure out how to give it 5 stars :eek: Ok, think I just figured it out :p
You are a ROCK!!

Keep it going Chris......

The first few days are the toughest. Cardio Fusion smoke free!!!!!!:eek:
I quit cold turkey in 1987. I had my 1st cig in 5th grade:eek:. One day I just decided tomarrow I was quitting and I did.

I was talking to a coworker about smoking a few weeks ago reminising how good a cigarette was with a cup of coffee, or after a beer or eating and that night I had a dream I was smoking and I woke up looking around to see if I dropped my cigarette in bed. I told my DH about this dream and he said if I start again he will divorce me. :eek:
I quit cold turkey in 1987. I had my 1st cig in 5th grade:eek:. One day I just decided tomarrow I was quitting and I did.

I was talking to a coworker about smoking a few weeks ago reminising how good a cigarette was with a cup of coffee, or after a beer or eating and that night I had a dream I was smoking and I woke up looking around to see if I dropped my cigarette in bed. I told my DH about this dream and he said if I start again he will divorce me. :eek:

LOL Tami I think my DH would divorce me too! while I remember how good a cigarette was with a cup of coffee, I have absolutely NO desire for one! (the coffee, however is another story!) in fact, the smell of smoke makes me nauseous, and I am very glad that it does, since it is like extra insurance that I won't start again (although I really have no fear that I will).

How are you doing today Chris?
barbara P
You're awesome! Keep up the good work... My hubby quit cold turkey 5 yrs ago and had smoked 30 yrs+. I honestly didn't think he'd do it, but he did, and if he quit, anyone can! He used orange Tic Tacs as his support. He had a little container of them in every vehicle, every room, every coat pocket... but they helped take the edge off whenever he wanted a cigarette.

Funny story: A few months after he quit, he was sniffing around one morning as if he smelled something foul... I asked him what he was doing and he goes, "Hey, my slippers smell! I never knew that my slippers smelled... I must have gotten my sense of smell back since I'm not smoking any more!!":D

Anyways, take care! You're doing something so great for yourself and I applaud your efforts.
Hi everyone!!!

On my 6th day of clean-air-breathing!!!

I don't know if it was the cigarette quitting or just my imagination, but I hardly panted during Cardio Fusion; what with all the heat and humidity in Athens these days...

And onto Meso 3... woohoo!!! Actually, just Day 1... :p

Haven't thought about smoking at all... well except maybe yesterday, when I had some friends over (all smokers)... We had white wine, they smoked, then lunch, they smoked, then coffee, they smoked, and dessert, and they smoked, and all the while I was amazed at myself just looking at 4 people smoking around me and not once did I even ask for a drag let alone light up!... :eek::eek::eek: Don't want to jinx it, but up to now it's been quite easy...

Peggy, my mom says that I take after my dad on this (he had a mild stroke, went to the doctor who said he had to quit smoking, so he took out his pack and handed it to my mom saying "There, I'm done with these." Very matter-of-fact-ly/let's get it over with.

Jennifer - this thread is priceless to me. It's the barrier between me and smoking!

Now I have to make my mom quit... smoking and drinking gallons of Diet Coke (she's got Crohn's disease and since she can't eat lots of food she really likes, fiber and all, she stuffs herself with Coke); actually she's been drinking Coke, regular or diet for centuries!!!

Anyways.. I'm off to do a bit of work...

C U Guys!!!!!


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