recovery workout

  1. forum_admin

    What is Restorative Exercise and Just How Important is it?

    What is Restorative Exercise and Just How Important is it? There’s no argument over the importance of exercise and the many ways that our bodies benefit from physical activity. We do sometimes, however, overlook the fact that rest and recovery are just as essential in our routines. We all...
  2. forum_admin

    Cathe Friedrich's STS 2.0 Chair Yoga Workout

    Cathe Friedrich's STS 2.0 Chair Yoga Workout This video clip is from Cathe's STS 2.0 Chair Yoga Workout. This DVD includes two recovery workouts. Chair Yoga features relaxing yoga stretches, and postures performed entirely in a seated position on a chair. Chair Yoga is a gentler routine that...
  3. forum_admin

    Cathe's STS 2.0 Mobility 1 Recovery Workout

    This video clip is from Cathe's Mobility 1 recovery workout. This Cathe STS 2.0 DVD includes two separate mobility workouts. Each of these routines features different mobility movements done in multiple positions. Mobility training is an important part of your fitness and recovery routine for...
  4. forum_admin

    Cathe's STS 2.0 Active Recovery Workout

    Active Recovery is a bit breathier and can be used on recovery days when you still want to break a little extra sweat during your stretch routine. The Active Recovery workout will help your body to stretch and will relieve the stress of more intense routines, but it will also get your heart rate...
  5. forum_admin

    Cathe's STS 2.0 Lower Body Foam Rolling Workout

    Today’s video clip is from our STS 2.0 Lower Body Foam Rolling recovery workout. The main purpose of foam rolling is to help loosen muscles and relieve muscle tension. It may feel uncomfortable as you roll over those tender spots, but foam rolling when done properly and consistently can help...
  6. forum_admin

    Cathe's STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch Recovery Workout

    Today’s video clip is from our STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch recovery workout. Recovery is a very important part of your overall workout program as it is needed for the muscles to repair, rebuild, and strengthen. The STS 2.0 program has 8 total recovery workouts. They are all a little different...
  7. forum_admin

    Video Clip Of Cathe's STS 2.0 Upper Body Foam Rolling Recovery Workout

    Today’s video clip is from our STS 2.0 Upper Body Foam Rolling recovery workout. Foam rolling assists in muscle recovery by releasing muscle knots and reducing muscle soreness. It also helps to increase your range of motion, flexibility, and mobility. We have both an upper and lower body...
  8. forum_admin

    Cathe, Jenn D, and Kristin doing the Active Recovery workout in the STS 2.0 recovery offerings

    Pictured here are Cathe, Jenn D, and Kristin doing the Active Recovery workout in the STS 2.0 recovery offerings. STS 2.0 has eight recovery workouts with a wide variety of lengths and formats to keep you moving while you recover. You might be asking yourself “what exactly is active...
  9. forum_admin

    Cathe, Jenn A, and Jenn D doing a Downward Facing Dog in the STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch recovery workout

    Pictured here are Cathe, Jenn A, and Jenn D doing a Downward Facing Dog in the STS 2.0 Total Body Stretch recovery workout. Stretching, helps your muscles relax, which, in turn, accelerates the healing process due to the increased blood flow. You’ll be able to bounce back faster after an...
  10. forum_admin

    Cathe, Jenn D, and Kristin doing a deep shoulder stretch in the STS 2.0 Mobility #2 recovery workout

    Pictured here are Cathe, Jenn D, and Kristin doing a deep shoulder stretch in the STS 2.0 Mobility #2 recovery workout. This stretch helps increase your flexibility and extend your range of motion, which done consistently and over time will help to strengthen it. Releasing tension in your...
  11. forum_admin

    Cathe and crew are foam rolling their glute and piriformis muscles in the STS 2.0 Lower Body Foam Rolling workout

    Pictured here Cathe and crew are foam rolling their glute and piriformis muscles in the STS 2.0 Lower Body Foam Rolling workout. Tight glutes are often the root cause of discomfort in other areas of your body, especially the lower back. Foam rolling your glute muscles allows you to access...
  12. forum_admin

    Cossack Squat/Lunge with a Bear Crawl Press in Cathe's STS 2.0 Mobility #2 Recovery workout

    Pictured here are Cathe and Kristin doing a Cossack Squat/Lunge with a Bear Crawl Press in the STS 2.0 Mobility #2 Recovery workout. This exercise not only promotes range of motion, flexibility, and mobility but also strengthens the lower body, core, and upper body too. Pre-Order Cathe's New...
  13. forum_admin

    Hamstring Stretch in Cathe's STS “Total Body Stretch” Recovery Workout

    Here is a picture of Cathe, Jenn A, and Brenda enjoying a hamstring stretch in the “Total Body Stretch” recovery workout. Stretching is a wonderful compliment to (and just as important as) your weight-lifting workouts. It decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion. Stretching...
  14. forum_admin

    Half Kneeling Windmill in the STS Mobility 2 Workout

    Pictured here are Cathe, Jenn D, and Kristin doing a Half Kneeling Windmill in the Mobility 2 workout. This exercise promotes shoulder, core, and hip stability while also promoting hip, shoulder, and scapular mobility. It is also excellent for promoting coordination between the upper and lower...