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  1. D

    Question for Cathe only about new DVDs

    My guess would be that the lower body gets so much work with the cardio that a large amount of lower-body pre's would not be considered necessary. Of course, I could be wrong... Violette
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    Custom orthotics for plantar fasciitis

    My hubby has serious plantars faciitis and he has found something called a "pro-stretch" so helpful, that he keeps one in his office at work to use a few times a day. I use it for my mild case too. Anyway, here's the link: btw, I'm not...
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    Let's Chat

    Thank you for answering. I kind of torked my knee out while doing the ricochets on All Step a couple of days ago and I know that my shoes were a big part of the reason why. Speaking of shoes, Otomix trainers are great on straight weight training days that do not involve plyo anything. Since...
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    Let's Chat

    Good Afternoon Cathe, What shoes do you prefer for stepping? I've found that my Nike crosstrainers are not quite cutting it. Thanks, Violette
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    Brand New (busy!) Mom - Looking for Program that is not TOO time-consuming

    I totally concur with the CTX recomendation. The Timesaver DVD may be a good option for you as well. You may also want to seriously look at pre-ordering the new 4-day split series they just finished filming. You can break it up to do cardio in the morning and weights in the evening or...
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    Negative comments I've heard about Cathe workouts

    I know that I complained on one of the other boards a couple of years ago because of issues with one of the series and a virus issue. But Cathe in my opinion is the premiere video fitness trainer, period. Truly, after doing her dvd's, it's hard to go to a different trainer. I preordered this...
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    Pennsylvania roll call!!

    I'm in Meadville & work @ Hamot in Erie. 45 min drive. Not a native Pennsylvanian, but hubby is from Adamsville and after we retired from the military we moved here to be near his family. Mine is too whack. It's been an adjustment. Especially the snow. Driving home in that storm last night...
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    Sorry.. another Power 90X question

    I prefer pilates to straight yoga any day of the week but the best stretching tape w/o yoga I've found is Debbie Siebers Limber it Up from the Slim in 6 series. Violette
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    Sorry.. another Power 90X question

    I prefer pilates to straight yoga any day of the week but the best stretching tape w/o yoga I've found is Debbie Siebers Limber it Up from the Slim in 6 series. Violette
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    Cathe and others -- perimenopause and injuries

    Very interesting. I'm about a week away from my period right now and developed this pain in the right side of my back yesterday. Thus far, Motrin, Naproxen and transcendetal meditation have not worked. I wanted to work out and now all I can do is sit like a slug in a chair because I'm in...
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    Is this CTX 2???

    "A four day cardio/weight split routine (ie: a) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes upper body b) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes standing lower body focus c) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes remaining upper body d) 30 minute form of cardio plus 30 minutes lower body...
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    Cathe-Possible Virus on this Site Alert

    Thanks for the quick follow-up SNM! I think it was attached to a link to FWOnline but you say that nothing untoward was found. Oh well... Violette
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    Cathe-Possible Virus on this Site Alert

    Tia, we had to remove the profile from the computer. If you use Symantec, make sure that you have the latest definition files. If you do, then go to the website and download the removal tool. Tracy, the network at your job is blocking it. That's why you're having no problems. Violette
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    Cathe-Possible Virus on this Site Alert

    Cathe, I believe that there is a spybot worm virus attached to this forum somewhere. Both of my computers were fine until I signed into this forum. My husband ran some checks (his expertise is computer/network security) and this is the only place they could have come from. You may want to...
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    OT: What kind of work do you do?

    Right now, unemployed and losing my mind. Just completed a 21 year stint in the USAF as an x-ray tech. Spent the last 17 years of it bossing other x-ray techs around ;). Have an interview in Erie on Monday so pray, light candles and burn some incense for me. :+ I want to buy some Cathe...
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    how often do you put your face on?

    I'm more about maintenance so I don't have to worry about the full face make-up all the time. When I work, the full face is on. To me it's part of looking professional. On my own time, it's usually powder, mascara and lipstick at the very least. Violette
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    May I vent please, about THE FIRM?

    I'm so glad that this thread came up. I have the Firm Parts series collecting dust because the fun factor is zero! I plan on unloading on eBay pronto. I've been reading so much about the problems with their boxes, fanny-lifters etc... How can they stay in business if they have to keep...
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    Does anyone plan their housework?

    This is what I did when I was pulling 12 hour shifts in the military overseas with 2 kids and a deployed spouse. 1. Keep clorox/lysol wipes in the bathroom and wipe down the toilet and counters while you're waiting for your morining shower to heat up. The rest will keep until a day off. 2...
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    HELP! Can I use dumbbells/Body Bar instead of a barbell...

    I've always used DB's over BB's for most exercises to prevent the stronger side compensating for the weaker. And the reasons that Laura states :D The only exercises that I use the BB for is Squats and Deadlifts. Violette
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    Test....Don't bother to read

    Having hubby futzing with the internet issues... V.